I'm always Nod but have no problem with this area. One could argue it makes it easier because you know the likelihood of the ion being exactly that spot. These complaints only exist because people haven't practiced getting into that spot, or veterans haven't shared it with others.
As a frequent player as sbh (Drunkensoldier), I fully support this thread. SBH are always lurking. Ive waited for GDI to repair a vehicle up to 99% before stealing. This is not easy....the urge to steal is always great. Ive also stuck C4 on vehicles knowing GDI would get out to repair.....then I stole the vehicle. The feeling of satisfaction when Grand Theft Auto is successful as SBH probably increases testosterone levels.
This has given me an idea for an additional type of VP. Not sure how it would work but additional points for being the first in a rush '10+VP (Balls of Steel rating).
Yes, they should make a new addition to the MVP, Best defense etc. Most killed Player Award (MKP). Many times Ive jumped in knowing death was inevitable. I just make sure to take them with me and leave a nice C4 surprise when I'm gone, in the hopes that GDI will lose another.
One day during game I got a private message from GDI saying they thought I was crazy. I didn't know what they were talking about so I asked. They said they were in the REF and when I came in as a lower class character I jumped in with everything...fearless tossing C4 and prancing around as if death itself didn't exist haha.
It's even more fun running people over with a Stank, never gets old. Also concerning the Buggy, sometimes when you hit an AT mine at speed, the Buggy goes flying so high, that I'm sure some people thought it was some kind of hack.
Thanks so much Ryz! I did a search before posting this and couldn't find those anywhere! I will download the whole thing. Much appreciation for the link!
Ive tried to download this map through the launcher, and in game but none work. The launcher seems to download, then I get a message saying ''not all maps have been downloaded''. Every time I leave a game and go back, it starts a new download.
Is there somewhere I can download all of the flying maps without having to use the launcher or in game?
I'm not too concerned but the player numbers for this game always seem to be so low, and if people are getting banned for no apparent reason, I can't see this helping much.
I was playing under a server called ''Athanato's Renegade X server''. There were only 6 people online and about 15 a side in total when made up with Bots. After I got a Hover craft from a crate, I started shooting at a Mammy tank and then suddenly I was kicked from the server. Then a message came up saying ''You have been banned from this server for: unspecified reason''.
It was the Field map.
My name in game is always ''Drunkensoldier''
Does anyone have any idea what caused this? It's the first time Ive seen / played on that server.
Earlier on in Renegade X, I remember playing some games where there were only a few on, and when I tried to Nuke, a message said ''No Nukes allowed until xx number of people join''. Maybe Nukes should be disallowed server side until a certain amount of players are on.
I just tried to donate and after I put the donation amount in I get a blank screen on Firefox and a '' The website cannot display the page '' on Internet Explorer. Does this use Paypal to donate?
Thank you for alerting us to the error, yes it uses paypal. While im fixing this you can donate directly to paypal@multiplayerforums.com Post a forum post if you would to let us know,a nd put your nickname in the donation
I made a donation through the link you provided and left a note with this forum nick and the one I use in game. I wasn't sure if the problem was with my browser or on your side.
I just tried to donate and after I put the donation amount in I get a blank screen on Firefox and a '' The website cannot display the page '' on Internet Explorer. Does this use Paypal to donate?
It also makes sense to place mines very very close to each other, so that the disarming person has trouble aiming at mines one by one, taking them down to ~5% each and then disarming them at once. That's an useful trick when infiltrating a building and placing the mines extremely close to each other can deny this tactic.
I always use that tactic with sbh and a rep gun (disarm down to 5%) but was denied it a few days back from that exact way of mining. I wondered if it was a tactic or a coincidence.