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Everything posted by DoctorB0NG

  1. Hey mappers, Please use the new repository we have setup! It's in the making! EDIT: Everything is 100% set up and working. I'll be PMing each mapper with their password and username. If you don't get a PM from me and you want an account, let me know. http://maps.constructivetyranny.com/
  2. Who said we would do three at a time? I was thinking of doing 1 and making it a quality test with normal starting creds etc
  3. Trust me, you don't want to play Ren X with 2 gb of RAM.
  4. ^ Also Training Yard could honestly just get rid of all boundaries and kill you if you're dumb enough to walk off of the map. I like dis.
  5. I'd prefer them to be before the PUGs. These (hopefully) won't be a super long thing because as we know, the PUGs can take plenty of time too. If we agree on a time/maps to play, I'll make sure I have a server and download links set up prior to the testing sessions.
  6. FYI: TrainingYard is back on CT once 5.12 hits.
  7. I like dis.
  8. I just checked the ban database and your nicks/IP are not in there. You are not banned from CT. Please stop spreading false information. Also, it would be much easier and much more mature to hop on IRC or PM myself or the other CT mods instead of just posting a false rant.
  9. Next week will be 2 12v12 servers.
  10. Honestly having a hidden bot where people can dish out bans game-wide is kind of weird and doesn't seem like a good idea to me. I can see using it for IP collection but not to moderate. @tokiyo you need to realize Yosh lives in Japan and how it's 6:30 AM there right now and he's probably not ignoring you but he's probably hungover/sleeping. He'll be around today to talk to but Yosh is a very logical person and I'm sure this isn't just because you whine ad nauseam about snipers.
  11. I have yet to play a single pub on this patch yet The 64 player mutator will be running on the server and I've made some adjustments to make it run even more smoothly on the server.
  12. 52 at peak
  13. Yeah there was a point where I had like 4 VPSs and 2 dedicated servers between OVH, Voxility, NFO and another one I can't remember. I was trying to see which had the most flexible and robust protection and had sufficient hardware to run Ren-X without vehicle lag.
  14. "there's apples and camels and shit. I have no idea what's going on in the sdk." -Yosh56
  15. I'll be there.
  16. When I was switching server providers at the peak of the DDOS madness, I was easily going through $300-$400 per month. Now that I've settled on a server provider, I pay just south of $200 per month.
  17. Actually, the repair tool, is different from the repair gun. Repair guns = infinite Repair tools = finite. This isn't 100% true. The repair tool is technically infinite but has a cooldown period and has even less range than the engineer's repair gun. [Thus, edited original post for clarity.]
  18. "-Removed sidearm/explosive [purchase tiles] from Purchase menu"
  19. Trust me, the new infantry changes make the game feel way different even on the current maps. I would assume your new TrainingYard is in there but if it's not, I'll pester Yosh to get it in there. Snow needs a play test as does Crash Site before they will make it into the patch. Crash Site also still needs the custom assets to be added to the base game I believe. We don't want to add a borked map that plays bad/runs bad because we failed to test it.
  20. There's still the occasional attack using old, already patched methods.
  21. I heard, but it's only rumours, Lakeside and Crashsite will be in! Snow likely won't be in. Crash Site *might* be in depending on if the assets get implemented into the core game. Ruud and Yosh need to work that one out. Otherwise, Lakeside needs a tiny fix to prevent glitching/griefing, the new armor system needs to apply fall damage, mendoza needs a nerf, some vehicles need to apply damage to MCTs, proxies need some slight changes, and vehicles need a slight modification to prevent griefing with the soft level boundaries. On paper, mendoza has the same dps etc as mobius but in actually game play, mendoza is insane. Not sure if it's the reduced fire rate causing less spread or what but he definitely needs a nerf. As you can see above, no major show stoppers, but still bugs that need fixing.
  22. 5.005 is looking very good. Soft level boundaries on flying levels are amazing and lakeside has no more crazy invisible walls! The infantry changes are amazing and really add a new flavor to the game. There are only a few bugs/issues left to fix. This is the patch I've been most excited about in a while!
  23. I don't know if I'd say severe. There were a few minor issues that we ran into while testing last night. 1) Some of the soft boundaries need looking at on Walls (EDIT: pretty sure that was actually just a replication bug (already fixed)) 2) Mendoza is now a god among men 3) Stank missiles are knowingly broken and do crazy shit when locked on 4) Apache/Orca machine guns do no damage to MCTs
  24. http://constructivetyranny.com/showthread.php?tid=254
  25. Today's Tom sawyer, he gets high on you and the space he invades he gets by on you? *geddy Lee synth solo
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