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Everything posted by DoctorB0NG

  1. You have about 12% packet loss to the server and most intermediate hops. I would contact your ISP and let them know. Your average latency is also terrible on most hops and the last hop which is the most important.
  2. Your pings are all over the board and jump 5 had some loss. Download this tool and run it as an admin. Enter tyrant.gg for the address. https://sourceforge.net/projects/winmtr/ Let it run for about 30 minutes if you can.
  3. It's gotta be your Internet. My host is an internap reseller and the above one is hosted on OVH I believe. Try running a trace route to help diagnose the problem. Open cmd and type 'tracert tyrant.gg'
  4. Try this link http://tyrant.gg/renx/RenegadeX_516.zip
  5. If non-flying lakeside plays well, I likely won't keep the flying version.
  6. As soon as the new launcher is out, I plan to remove flying vehicles from lakeside.
  7. I'll get it set up for this weekend. Testing will begin one hour before the PUG (12:00 PM Central standard time)
  8. Rum + coke
  9. Believe it or not the kicker is actually disabled but has a value of 300 sec set for the time variable. For some reason even if it's disabled yet has a time set, it will continue to kick people.
  10. Please don't do this. I already get enough PMs during the PUG and it's gonna force me to police teamspeak even more if people are haphazardly moving.
  11. They were awful. The flechette was way too powerful and every class could buy it.
  12. PUGs are gonna need some sort of rework if they're gonna continue. I'm starting to get pretty burnt out from them.
  13. It promotes camping and camping is scrubby.
  14. I tried this guide one night and failed to get it to work on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  15. The arty already has the highest splash damage of any unit in the entire game.
  16. Snipers have near infinite range and Sydney doesn't. Don't stand so close to a Sydney if you're a sniper. Problem solved.
  17. When I see people doing this on CT, they get one warning then a 24 hour ban.
  18. There is no need to make them resistant to all types of damage. Just give them more armor ! That's almost the exact same thing
  19. I vote for field then I quit the game.
  20. Here's a mirror: LauncherBeta_0.57.zip Here's a download link for the original launcher in case you forgot to backup your current one. Launcher_v0.54.zip
  21. Dat condescension Nothing wrong with people throwing ideas around (even if they aren't realistic at the time)
  22. You need to wait for it to finish. The reason it's so slow is because your local machine has to compile the missing shaders. This task is CPU bound. What model processor do you have?
  23. The servers have the GUID mutator on them now.
  24. The GUID mutator (needed for the new launcher to compare local maps to the server's rotation) will be added to the CT servers tonight.
  25. I'm here
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