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Everything posted by DoctorB0NG

  1. I got your IP from our database and I'll take a look and see if any of the firewalls were causing the issue. I'll be updating the firewall rules tonight (US time) likely.
  2. Photoshop courtesy of SMayhew
  3. CT servers are back up
  4. Server is going through the final testing. Release ETA: soon
  5. Yeah now's not really the time for this. Maybe once the game has more players but at this point we don't need to split the already small player base.
  6. I'm working on it. No ETA
  7. I'll be flying back from aruba but I think yosh and sunshine are around.
  8. @yagi The ob would be much more balanced if the animations weren't goofed up. When I get from vacation I'll get a video of it happening but the gist is that sometimes it looks like it's charged when it's not and vice versa. Also sometimes it looks like it has hit you when in reality it has hit a teammate.
  9. In the pre-release build of B4, the walls from the ref entrance were removed as well as the barracks/airstrip walls. For some unknown reason the walls were added back to the refs but still removed from the bar/airstrip. I think the walls should be removed from the ref tunnel entrances again. Thoughts?
  10. I'm pretty sure the default is to exclude the last 3 maps and I haven't changed the default.
  11. I sadly don't know why that problem happens. A few of our CT core group have the issue as well and we have yet to fix it. Schmitzenbergh has a new version of the launcher coming soon but I'm not sure if it's a launcher issue or some issue with the game using the steam API. Please do PM me your connection info though if you don't want it shared. I would much appreciate it.
  12. That information would help me to pinpoint the issue with the servers. The Ren-X community doesn't have lots of money to throw around for servers so sometimes folks will have issues with some of them. We try our best to resolve the issues but we need help from the users.
  13. Who is your ISP? Where do you live? Try running a trace route to the download servers and post the results here.
  14. I'm going on vacation with my family to Aruba. I'll be drinking a nice strong drink and sitting by the beach thinking about you all.
  15. Please provide some constructive criticism. How can he improve the map if he doesn't know specifically what you don't like?
  16. If you're still having issues getting the launcher to run and update your game, here's a pre-updated build for you. All you need to do is extract it and run UDK.exe and you're ready to rock. http://constructivetyranny.com/renx/Renegade_X_5.14.zip
  17. Chinooks can be way deadlier. Their guns are infantry disintegraters and when 4-5 gunners/chems/LCGs come pouring out of a chinook, you're gonna change your mind very quickly. Each vehicle is situational which seems like they are properly designed to me.
  18. LauncherTwo.exe is the correct name for the current launcher.
  19. No. Please no. The silo already has enough of a snowball effect on most maps.
  20. I downloaded Utorrent but it says that this torrent contains files that may harm your computer. So I dont know what that is about uTorrent says that about every file that is a .exe or .zip
  21. After discussing with some of the devs and other CT staff, we have decided that it will be disallowed from here on out. If you see anyone doing this on our server, please do a !modrequest and we will take care of the issue. Once again, sorry for any inconveniences this has caused.
  22. An official dev response on the issue would be nice. I'm not 100% sure what was intended with the soft world boundaries and it seems many members have differing views (understandably so). Sorry for any issues this has caused but I need an official word on if this is going to be changed or is intended by a developer/mapper.
  23. I've talked to Yosh56 and I think a 5 second timer for ground vehicles and a 10 second timer for air vehicles would fix these out of boundary issues.
  24. I talked with our moderation/admin crew before this patch hit and we deemed this as acceptable. Both teams can do it and only a buggy/humvee can do it. Just because it wasn't in old Ren, doesn't mean it shouldn't be in Ren-X. If that were the case, many other strategies would be considered exploits as well. In the future, if you have questions/issues with our server rules, please post on our community forums. http://constructivetyranny.com
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