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Everything posted by DoctorB0NG

  1. I, as well as the other Johns, play Renegade-X on Windows 8.1 Update 1 (64 bit) with absolutely no issues. There's something else at play other than the OS.
  2. I'm glad servers are still capped at 40. 64 is way too many players in my opinion. With that many all strategy goes out the door and it turns into a massive beatdown in the vehicle paths.
  3. Oh man, what program are you using?
  4. You could rip the CD to an iso and have the iso automount on startup.
  5. Thanks for your time and effort Kenz. Your videos are very informative and the levels looks fantastic.
  6. Haha I'd gladly pay $1000 for a McFartland. I can stomp most $1000 credit characters with a McFartland, especially in the tunnels.
  7. In old Renegade each beacon has its own audio countdown regardless of how many beacons were placed. I really really like JBV3737's idea of a nuke timer countdown.
  8. After hearing that accessing purchase terminals within the last 30 seconds of a game increases the chance of crashing, I decided to collect some data regarding the matter. Here are my findings: There are four categories: 1) Crash after accessing terminal 2) Crash without terminal 3) No Crash after accessing terminal 4) No Crash without terminal I collected 233 data points (played 233 games, yes I know that's a lot) Categories: 1) 58 => 24.89% 2) 50 => 21.46% 3) 7 => 3.00% 4) 118 => 50.64% Summary: If you access a purchases terminal within the last 30 seconds of a game, there's roughly a 3% chance that you won't crash. If you don't access a purchase terminal before the games ends, 1 out of 4 times you will crash.
  9. I've heard the rumor that not going to a purchase terminal within the last 30 seconds of the game end decreases the chance of a crash and have decided to collect some data. So far after around 60 games, I've only had it not crash once after entering a terminal in the last 30 seconds. I'll be posting the data in a readable form once I get more.
  10. It's totally an American server, based out of somewhere near California. I ran a trace route on it. Also, boohoo, cry a little because a couple of Americans don't want to play with 250ms ping every day.
  11. It's unfortunate that the game crashes at the start so frequently because I think that's what's causing a majority of the problem. People aren't fully in the game until ~1 minute in which is devastating.
  12. Dear community, Why do we suck so badly at stopping APC/tranny rushes early in the game? Not to name a certain individual (rhymes with MatrinaHunt ) but it's pretty darn easy to stop APC rushes early in the game. I've had many individuals claim that early rushes are ruining the game. This simply isn't true. A team that can't defend against an early rush effectively probably wouldn't have won anyways... TL;DR: Call out rushes as you see them coming and don't get mad at certain individuals who APC/tranny rush when realistically it's your team that sucks...
  13. As long as they make the voice announcements for beacons far louder, I dont care what the voice sounds like.
  14. Hopefully the crashes are fixed. Glad that SBHs are going to be easier to see and but sad that Chem troopers and McFartlands aren't getting a slight nerf.
  15. SBHs definitely need a nerf. They need to be more visible when in range and they also (as well as stanks) need to light up more when they're hit. In old Renegade a single soldier bullet would fully illuminate a stank. Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
  16. Looking forward to seeing the final version, thanks for the videos! Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
  17. They're not supposed to be fully invisible when you're close by, that's the point! Try playing OG Renegade where SBHs were even easier to see they actually lit up when they were hit. Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
  18. As long as people are playing, Renegade-x is not dead. Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
  19. What kind of hardware are you running this puppy on? Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
  20. I'd like to know this as well. I've seen it happen twice with mendozas. It's messed me up good a few times Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
  21. Looking good! I can't wait for more maps to come out. I was already sick of walls and field before Ren X even came out... PS: please don't ever make under. The world is a better place without under marathons. Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
  22. Adding a queue would be a magnificent feature. Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
  23. They did in OG Renegade too. Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
  24. Haha the I hope they keep the crazy ragdoll effect. It's almost as good as the boink Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
  25. Try deleting the movies in UDKGame as well as all of the files in the Cache folder in UDKGame. Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
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