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Everything posted by Pr0eX

  1. Yes predownload starts 26th' *joking* its called release...
  2. Here is a setup guide for RenX ded. servers by zunnie: http://forums.mp-gaming.com/thread-11681.html
  3. Lets face it, the game is entirely done in our freetime, and that is the limiting factor, for sure we can make a decent AI or optimize it to run on lower hardware. BUT as we have very limited amount of the human resources (time) available, we need to focus on the more important game elements, like the main features. So we need to make a tradeoff, and AI for MP is as low on the list as it gets. And if we have to decide whether or not we are going to develop forever and finally drop our freetime-project unfinished or just do it to the point where the game is enjoyable in a feasible time and then keep on adding new elements and improving the game. I think it is clear what we'll choose.
  4. http://www.chip.de/downloads/Command-and-Conquer-Renegade-X-Black-Dawn_54218235.html ( EU - German )
  5. That made my day! Btw. look at mjfabian, that is what I call constructive criticism!
  6. I accept every kind of criticism if its objective and fair, what that kid wrote there isnt.
  7. You should rethink your attitude, the game is a free product, no one forced you to play it. Btw. the game is amazing! Ps. seems to me, not only the enemies are stupid. *looks in front of UnShame's pc*
  8. Please use a torrent (see info here www.renxgame.com). If you have no torrent client, I recomment µTorrent (click). It is very fast at the moment.
  9. start the installer again? It should not restart your PC unless .Net Framework was installed fresh.
  10. Really sync 100Mbit connection!? I hate Köln for that All I can get here (and I can afford) is a 100Mbit Down / 2.5Mbit up....
  11. Fuck, I love this!
  12. Someone need to update the Link there, its pointing to 0.5 Version, need to point to 0.55. Thx.
  13. He used the RenX stank for his pad? Cool and also a cool competition.. maybe I send in a new version of my "RenOne"-Program.
  14. Ps. why is it in the bug-section anyway?
  15. The Unreal Engine 3 is far more advanced and has more features handling such things then the W3D could ever be/have (you really would need to rewrite mostly everything). Also you can optimize a lot using UE3 to reduce lag and prevent the most cheats (I'm actually not sure how we will deal with stealth units at this moment to really stop any cheats there, as we have only access to UnrealScript but not the nativ stuff) and with that getting a very nice gameing experience. As we are not a company with millions of budget we can't affort the time (and money) needed to do it all top-notch, so you have to live with what we will achieve. Time will tell...
  16. This for, you have to blame the server owners! In times of where you can get a 100 MBit/s connection for 50€/month and 500GB hard drive for 32€, I dont think its a problem to download "stuff"... even if you scale that things down. Also to be honest, there are no much alternatives to UDK atm., wich would even come close to the advantages UDK has.
  17. You can create a mutator wich allows a huge customization, so you won't get that "server dictates what todo". It is also not really the whole truth, you can use your own models/packages/whatever as long as you know how to replace them without making "trouble" (in terms of server thinks its the right thing), the point is it will be just for your client and not affecting other players (and server) at all.
  18. Try to use the ingame settings. Also there are commands you can bind keys with (search for UT3 console commands for help)
  19. You need UT3 dedicated server (can be downloaded, use google..). Then the latest UT3 patch and then you need our installer (0.55).
  20. Yay! I can remember the night before 30th.... I had no sleep and like 3Ltrs. of coffee
  21. Pr0eX

    What happened?

    but also far from beeing 100% finished
  22. Also calling it Bettlezone3 is a little bit risky, many mods where shut down by the owners of - in your case it would be Battlezone 1-2 - the brand. So you need to check back with em to be sure you can use this name and also you really need to have some kind of written permission to make it. Especially its not a mod its a game you are making on the UDK, wich is standalone then.
  23. interesting... I'm a little inactive at the moment at RenX but how could he let you commit suicide? is it a bot feature he abused? or UT3 directly?
  24. I would purchase em but.. Mammoth should cost 1500 and Flamer 800, they mixed the prices anyhow? :mellow: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  25. Well done maty! Congrats
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