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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by Nielsen

  1. I suggest you hold a stopwatch to this because the beacons go off at around ~60/50 seconds after placement giving you ~50/40 to find and disarm. The last 10 seconds are bonus prize money coolness where you need to get the hell out of dodge otherwise you get killed.
  2. Nielsen


    As soon as we have renewed contact with EA we can discuss these issues. Our priority right now is to squash some gamebreaking issues however. In short: we'll keep you in the loop if and when we get on Steam / Origin.
  3. I hate the boink too. I've brought it up multiple times but it is currently not a priority. First thing we need to do is check all our gamebreaking bugs, map issues, server issues and the likes then we'll see about the boink
  4. Yes it's fair for the artillery to have an arc. It's cool, it's another thing to master, it's pretty helpful too. Sorry for those who wanted straight firing arty, this is how it stays. Feedback on the reticule is noted, we'll have to see whether it's a big issue or not.
  5. You can all contribute as Renegade Vets by answering questions in the ingame chat, help educate your team a bit while playing. We'll most likely be releasing more tutorials on how to play the game in a more advanced way later on. That said new people have to figure out how the game works and as time goes by everyone will get accustomed to it, we were all there at some point.
  6. Airstrikes are a priority for us, we'll increase visibility at the very least. There's also the issue that they do more radius based damage at this time and not visibility based; It's impossible to hide from the bombs by sitting behind rocks or other objects at the moment.
  7. I think someone posted a picture which was pretty much spot on. It's on the vehicle route, above on the ramp, buried into the mountain. The infantry section will get a new route leading up to it as well.
  8. Working my ass off on Under for you folks, I'd say at least at 50% now. Fixed a major issue that's been plaguing landscapes for me and good to go again. New Under will feature a silo too. -flameshield on-
  9. Personally I find they do a lot of damage and the time to deploy vs that seems a bit too short, might want to decrease the range a bit too, I dunno we'll have to see.
  10. We had plans for what you call "mini C&C mode" with mini bases or rather indeed a barracks and a silo which we refer to as "infantry-only" maps. There's ~3 of them in early stages when a bunch of level designers were doing a 1-hour mapping challenge for fun, turned into 6 hours to an all nighter but those could be finished and implemented later perhaps, no promises though. As for the rest, that's up to modders I think. We don't have any intention of making a zombie mode but if anyone's interested and if we get patching and toolset to work properly then they can.
  11. There are currently no plans to add any of the aforementioned vehicles and laser / railgun upgrades. As been stated before this game is played out earlier in the C&C timeline, and while there's some prototype weapons here and there on both teams we're not going full out with later C&C weaponry. I think this is a good thing and adds to the overall flavour of the game, you get to see the state of the world and factions before Tiberian Sun and TW. We've added some TS references here and there because we're fans but I think if there are any other new weapons / vehicles they'll show up as map decorations and/or fluff.
  12. Battlefield 4 mostly, Starbound in between. I replay Half life 2 from time to time because personally I think it's the best SP FPS and I try to observe as much as possible each time I play. Mass Effect was the biggest thing ever for me when it came out, 2 was really nice, 3 was a disappointment overall (no, not just the ending ... I can talk for hours about ME 3 and what's bad and disappointing) I find myself frustrated and angry at most AAA titles for being stupid, safe and having tripe storylines and samey designs. Ironically looking forward to Titanfall... (soft spot for Mechs) interesting to see how infantry + mechs holds up instead of a pure mech game, there's more sense of scale in Titanfall vs a Mechwarrior game for instance.
  13. If it's up to me that'll not be in either but there's still some discussion surrounding that.
  14. I'll put this thread out of its misery, it's highly unlikely that free aim will make it in. DISCUSS! (or rather, don't!)
  15. From what I've seen so far, any toxicity is brought about by the past and from other ren communities. I haven't been in one of those but I've heard some of the stories. The team leads at Ren-X have done everything in their power to involve said communities and afaik we're not spewing vitriol in their or any direction. We wish every other C&C related project all the best. Christopher brings up an interesting point and asks the hard questions. For the core team who are big fans of C&C (ren) there's no doubt about it that this is something they wanted to do. There's more projects to build your resume with and maybe better ones out there involving possible payments from which we're completely excluded so I'd say for a big part of the team it was done for a love for the C&C universe. Whether this game will be played a lot or die out quickly like Tribes, time will tell... but at least we're committed to bring back the renegade experience and supporting it as long as we can.
  16. Mesa does not have altered paths, there is some discussion on this for other maps; the new Hourglass has a changed layout to facilitate easier access to the hilltop so it's a safe bet that other remakes in so far as the original map had any flaws will be looked at and improved.
  17. Guess it's your lucky day.
  18. I felt keeping the name would do it more justice since the size and all major elements are exactly the same. Giving it a different name would make it seem as if I'd be hiding the fact I took the original layout. I could've put "inspired by Mesa" everywhere but it's not inspired by Mesa, it's almost the exact layout. It would feel disrespectful to the original designer I feel. (it's like "Mesa" but my take on it) The walls are something I really wanted for all maps because bases don't feel like bases in the original ren, there's some extra props here and there too but yeah, layout is almost 1:1. There was a map with actual mesas in production at some point, got canned though. Glad you like this version at least
  19. Because the original map was called Mesa. I didn't want to remake it in the original style because I felt that'd be too boring. Graphics became so much better in the intervening years that it's not an achievement to simply redo a map in the same style, it'll always look better regardless of your efforts, so I did a re-imagining inspired by what some Counter Strike: Source levels did, completely change the theme and feel of the map. Could've called it something else but eh, fuck it.
  20. In case you missed this video, check out this Mesa showcase! rjNSbULMU4c
  21. This game will be completely free. There's no campaign mode, there's only the standalone download "Renegade:X Black Dawn" (for singleplayer) This is like the old Renegade but with extra features and gameplay.
  22. An engagement in BF 3/4 will last a lot shorter than it would in ren depending on the weapon ofc but still, that's bobbins. There is crouch but no prone because it wouldn't match the style of the game. The maps and gameplay aren't suited for lying down and sniping somewhere, everything's a tad too cramped for it and gameplay wise you'd probably be at a disadvantage by going prone.
  23. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, there's also a version here; http://www.kicktraq.com/projects/1967332840/renegade-0/ What a fucking prick. Well, I've reported the project on Kickstarter, they can contact us for further information on how legit that project really is.
  24. Yeah SupCom is amazing, one of my favourites. Watched the game with you in it, pretty nice. Bit of a mediocre player myself, are you going to try Planetary Annihilation as well? It's a shame it's nowhere near as polished as SC 1 and I doubt it'll ever be but it's fun at least. You play often?
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