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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by Nielsen

  1. I think a sung jingle would be kinda scary, I suggest you pick a clip of a very memorable C&C song and play the most recognizable notes. Something like that thing in "shine on you crazy diamond" by pink floyd, even if you don't know the song almost everyone knows : 0:46-47 and onwards. Get something like that but C&C related.
  2. All I ask is that you get Havoc on the show I'd like to hear a bit more in-depth questions from the fans, possibly technical as well?
  3. Very pleased to see this trailer being picked up by so many media. I must say that this came as a surprise to me. Everyone around me is saying that it looks very professional though so in that regard well deserved ofcourse!
  4. Nielsen

    Community Q&A

    Got a hint of aussie in there mate.
  5. You don't want to see it released?
  6. Nice update guys! Sounded like you were going to cry because of all the sheer epicness on screen near the end Fobby. Onwards to release!
  7. The lighting on your tank isn't very flattering atm, looks like it's set to unlit. Try some harsher contrasts (or the standard yellow/orange-blue with rimlight of choice) Specular doesn't come through this way either, which it needs because it's a tank made of metal.
  8. Bloody hell, I'm in Amsterdam on sunday... looks like I'll have to let another night of ren-x slip.
  9. Awesome ! you voiced the jeep I made for the Forgotten. small world
  10. If the community funds my Dx11 card I'll be sure to build Dx11 features into Renegade-X
  11. Don't forget Fobbeh, we could also use some particle / FX artists. Preferably those who do explosions in Afterburn / FumeFX or similar programs.
  12. I seem to have missed something here... what are you guys on about?
  13. In Soviet Russia positions are better than you. Uhm hey guys w/e this is about, it seems a little private. Think we've got enough drama on the forums already mmkay?
  14. I love this thread. Let's just say that these discussions are not limited to you guys only. And remember: "there are no stupid ideas" well... not really, we're not going to make the game pink or put a scotsman in or anything.
  15. Uh, you may not know this but we're not rebuilding the campaign from the original Renegade. What we're doing is Black Dawn; a standalone mini campaign which reminiscent of some of the missions of the original renegade but not the same.
  16. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it, better luck next time.
  17. My condolences, this is terrible news.
  18. Guys, that was awesome. We should definitely do that more often, props to thegunrun for having us too!
  19. Nielsen

    Happy new year

    Happy new year guys! May it bring good stuff to all of us.
  20. I don't know if this is any consolation TiberFCSL but there are plans in the works for dynamically growing Tiberium and blossom trees spreading Tiberium. Also, leveldesigners have a great deal of freedom in how to approach the Tiberium aesthetic so you might eventually see some podded Tiberium albeit not in all maps. Needles to say, Tiberium at this very moment is not a priority.
  21. Nielsen

    New C&C...

    I've read bits and pieces.. you can still find it on the Petroglyph forums I believe. Cabal was going to have his own faction, the Scrin would come to Earth as well and the Forgotten were the key to beating them since they could negate some of their powers using their knowledge of Tiberium. As for Kane, Joe Kucan recently admitted that they made it up (the story) as the series progressed so I doubt we'll ever know the truth about him and the C&C universe.
  22. Nielsen

    New C&C...

    True, but there were games of increasingly good quality coming out in the same genre even before SC2, Company of Heroes / Dawn of War for example were already considerably more polished and consistent than the latest C&C games. Saddening to think that they also dare not do something really interesting with the story. It'd be nice if it had the quirky characters and good mix of humour / action that for example Half life or Valve's games in general had. Hard to pull off maybe for an RTS, but I've never seen a decent try. Somehow the "majority" of the people demand dumb, rehashed hollywood stories.
  23. Nielsen

    New C&C...

    There's nothing that'll compare to Starcraft 2 in the coming years. No studio / publisher is willing to commit so much time, money and passion to a C&C game. How can you even get a competent / passionate team together if the community's as fragmented as is... (meaning that there are people who actually like the past few C&C games) Also, it's not as if the games themselves stuck to their own canon, they were also very inconsistent allround. It's very unfortunate, for me personally I wished they would continue past the Tiberian Sun Firestorm story and do something decent with it (and to be honest not what Westwood had intended, that felt sort of cluster****-ish) Alas it is not to be. That's the gap we as modders fill I suppose.
  24. Two maps with forest settings are in the works yes. Biggest problem thusfar is the speed / quality of the trees and overall optimisation.
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