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Everything posted by epicelite

  1. Big announcement from Valve today, maybe Half-Life 3 will come out before beta 4? TUNE IN NEXT TIME TO FIND OUT!
  2. I don't mind waiting if it means less bugs!
  3. ...\Renegade X\UDKGame\Config\UDKSystemSettings.ini Hey that let it work, thanks!
  4. I want anti-aliasing but I don't want other post-processing effects, what do?
  5. Right after Half-Life 3 comes out.
  6. Ramjet needs damage falloff for noscoped shots, yes.
  7. Tone down the volume of the Orca's engines?
  8. Why not? Whats new to show? We've seen the maps and everything.
  9. You forgot to put me on your list, I forgive the mistake just make sure you fix it.
  10. What if the teams total points had a multiplier of .5X for every enemy structure destroyed? So that you cant take out half the other teams base and still lose by points unless they had a serious points advantage.
  11. Did you fix Stank missiles being unreliable as fuck? Sometimes they fly low and hit a rock, other times they fly to the side and hit a wall, hell maybe they will just fly right over your target!
  12. SBH rarely do building infiltration, 90% of the time its plating nukes so all they would do is toss EMP, run away and cloak. Wait till shit settle down and run into base to do their nuking.
  13. -The carbine Nerf is nowhere near enough. Its $125 and you can just spray-n-pray and get kills easily with it because it does so much damage. SBH is too powerful with a silent and lethal weapon like that especially. If you're a SBH and you really wanna take someone out quiet, thats what the silenced pistol is for. The point of the laser rifle is the noise it makes is unique and loud so you KNOW its a SBH when he starts shooting. Some characters should be blocked outright from being able to purchase the carbine unless you're going to completely retool the weapon. -EMP disabling mines is a no for so many reasons. In fact, just remove the EMP grenade it was bad from the concept stage. You get your whole team together for a good wholesome rush and one dude can stop the whole thing in its tracks for $300!? -Smoke grenade sounds OP. -Give Nod a Laser Pistol in place of Heavy Pistol.
  14. Why does a beam of light have recoil??
  15. I have a better idea! Don't lose your building in the first place!
  16. Well it better be some pretty damn big changes because as I see it the map is just beyond repair bad. I hated it even in the original game, its so boring I'd rather play marathon under.
  17. Under no circumstance is it a fun map to be on, I am forced to quit and play something else when idiots vote for it.
  18. Is it just me, or does it do WAY more damage then in original Renegade? It can take out vehicles faster then anything else, like in seconds. I think the only thing that out DPS's the VAR is a sniper headshot. I'm personally using the thing and thinking to myself "Man this is totally ridiculous!" as I take out a flame tank like its nothing. The only reason I pick any other weapon is range.
  19. I think there needs to be a visual cue for beacons. Just a little box that lights up if a enemy beacon is active, doesn't tell you where. Agreed, in renegade there was that red circular damage direction indicator that helped you know you were being shot and from what direction. Often times I find out I'm at half health from some sniper and didn't hear or see a damn thing. Maybe an orca was flying by(seriously turn down the volume on those) and I missed the hit sound. Tab!
  20. Yea give us just one big open map and if it doesn't work out then you can just remove it. Just half-ass the map don't spend time making it pretty. Call it a test and people will understand.
  21. Its there so people with no real skill can feel good about being able to kill free characters in 1 hit from the other side of the map.
  22. There is one, its called the Personal Ion Cannon and Rail Gun.
  23. I'd like to see a self destruct, so you can get out of your tank to disarm a beacon and not worry about a SBH jumping into it. While in the drivers seat hold down [KEY] for 3 seconds, vehicle blows up. That would be cool.
  24. What map you gonna do next?
  25. Ok I got it! Damage falloff for ramjet VS vehicles.
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