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Everything posted by epicelite

  1. Yes, hi. How much GDI scum did you kill?
  2. You still didn't update sidearms to have infinite ammo.
  3. Why would you waste your time DDoS-ing a fucking game with so few players? I don't understand? What is there to gain from this? Way better ways to get your rocks if if you are in it just for that. Whos mad at who here and why?
  4. I agree, too many people just go for aircraft because its fast and gets them to the action fast while in reality its probably not helping your team. So you end up with 8 useless idiots flying around in an Orca/Apache looking for that easy prey and running for the slightest danger.
  5. A building kill should add a modifier to your TEAM TOTAL points. For example: Your teams total points are 10,000. Someone on your team kills the enemy power plant, your teams total are multiplied by half so its now 15,000 etc... Future points are also added in and then multiplied too. 1X Building killed = X0.5 2X Building killed = X1.0 3X Building killed = X1.5 4X Building killed = X2.0 You get the idea. This will help to stop times when you kill half the enemy's base but they win on points because of some early whoring/camping. Less "well were losing but have more points lets just camp for the next 30 minutes." and more "Shit guys were gonna lose if we don't go do something!"
  6. Its good for stalemate games where you need something random like this to get shit moving.
  7. Uhhh, what else can I say title has it all.
  8. I'd just like to interject for a moment. OpenRA and Renegade-X are completely different things from the rest. OpenRA being from the ground up a new engine (for more then one game, Tib Sun soon™) that uses graphical and sound assets from the old RTS games. Renegade-X being on a different engine and almost everything other then that is made from the ground up. The rest of the games are (to my knowledge) mods for Tiberian Sun or Renegade and, in the least, are reusing the engine. So my question is: Can these games really be pitted against each other fairly? Isn't it a bit biased putting this on the RenX forum or is this being posted elsewhere?
  9. Add a couple of those player controlled defenses from Whiteout?
  10. So maybe now that you nerfed the flichette rifle you can fix sidearms not having infinite ammo?
  11. Try openRA! It has Red Alert, Command and Conquer, and Dune 2000! Soon it will even have Tiberian Sun! http://www.openra.net/
  12. How bout on Canyon where you can walk off the map but it yells at you and then kills you? Do that in more places?
  13. Covering the cliffs in Tiberium to stop people standing up there is better then a invisible wall all day long.
  14. Oh yeah, what about Nods subterranean units and the fucking FIRESTORM GODDAMN WALL!? I was told they try to make some excuse that there's too many rocks underground for the sub units? What a shitload of fuck. Ok, why in the hell would you stop using a impenetrable fucking wall that stops your enemies super-weapon/aircraft/artillery? Whatever reason they came up with is stupid I'm 100% sure of it. Why are mutants almost non-existent in this tiberium infested world? You would think they would be a force to be reckoned with by then! Where are the red weeds that eat everything? WHERE ARE THE ION STORMS? How come the Ion Cannon and Nuke became pretty much the same damn thing too!? Ion cannon is a precision weapon not a goddamn WMD.
  15. I believe they made is so you take damage when standing on aircraft, at least I remember a patch note about that somewhere?
  16. 1: Crate that teleports you to a random location. (or just to a different random crate spawn) 2: God mode crate. - 10 second invulnerability 3: THE CRATE WAS A MIMIC! - The crate attacks you. Maybe it turns into a visceroid or something? 4: Harvester dump crate. - Gives everyone on your team $300 Bad crate ideas: 1: Team switch crate.
  17. There's a reason they were that way in Renegade original, in renegade-x nobody bothers with Chinook because "Hey guy on Orca give me a lift to Nod wall plz thx!" Especially bad when Nod does it just to drop a SBH off in your base.
  18. In original Renny you could do this, so you could toss some remotes onto a transport of choice, switch chars and pull out timed C4, then drive to your destination and blow the transport quickly. In renegade-x, can't do this.
  19. If you have to ask, its not okay.
  20. For the future-tech vehicles and maybe a few other goodies can be thrown in if you want.
  21. Infinite ammo for rocket soldier, flares for aircraft.
  22. I have no problems with infinite ammo, the only exception is snipers should still have finite ammo. In fact, just remove snipers from the game.
  23. Sounds just like the voice menu in many Valve games.
  24. I think airdrops would be fine if you limit it to light vehicles such as Humvee/APC.
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