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Everything posted by djlaptop

  1. I was playing on a server, then it started a new map. I was auto-kicked, and this message displayed. I was subsequently unable to re-join said server. Any way to still connect without Steam?
  2. APC as well, which can be quite a bit more game-changing.
  3. Made private. PM me for access. Apparently Nod can do this to get into the GDI base as well, although I haven't tried it myself. Can you imagine a bunch of stanks?
  4. Illustrated here: https://youtu.be/gyTjR8eXuug Without naming any names, this was being done by a whole caravan of veteran players, and when I complained that it was exploitive of map geometry, the majority insisted that it was not against the rules as it can be done by both teams, one even said something along the lines of "if you don't like it, blame Yosh." Personally I think this should be considered a glitch and hopefully patched to make it technically impossible, and in the meantime it would be nice if the community could come to a consensus as to whether or not it's a kickable offense. If the community collectively decides it's allowed then I guess I'll live with it, but I can't imagine that this is the intent of the map maker as it completely defeats the point of having "walls." You can make the point that aircraft can overcome the walls, but I'd counter that by saying 1) Aircraft are loud, and 2) Aircraft cost a lot more than 300/350 credits for the privilege. Thoughts?
  5. Updated to v1.0.3 with support for no movies. Remove the patch then install again with the new version to update.
  6. Are the PUG's always in this same time window? I work every Saturday from 10am-6pm PST (1800-0200 GMT) and have never been able to participate.
  7. All these changes sound great except the nerf of the repair tool. Sounds like it won't have enough juice to take over a silo without a recharge. One request I've been wanting to make was to change the speed-boost crate. In the last patch it was nerfed to add 5% speed by default, when I actually think it could have been buffed to add 15%. Sure, you'll get the occasional player that cratewhores to get super-speed, but that can be counteracted by reducing the speed-crate likelihood, and you can also make the argument that if you're able to cratewhore without dying, you deserve your spoils.
  8. The one at the top of this very page is a transparent png.
  9. Awesome!! Glad to hear.
  10. If you've used my fix, after you update to the new build of RenX, you'll need to run my fix and remove it, then apply it again in order for it to work.
  11. Updated to version 1.0.2, fixes a bug if you tried installing without running as administrator.
  12. I made a quick-and-dirty fix for the bug of quotation marks showing up around your name when you play from the Launcher without Steam. This works on my system, but it's totally experimental. Please let me know your experiences with it. http://www.beaconpedestal.com/renxquotes/ Btw, I mention this in the video, but some antivirus programs seem to hate it and flag it with a false-positive.
  13. Just wanted to share my Christmas photo with you guys. Yes, this is actually me IRL. https://twitter.com/ChristianWheel/stat ... 1198069760
  14. C4 refill bug fixed by any chance?
  15. Could bots be programmed to ignore spies like base defenses?
  16. I wish the c4 could be defused by your teammates.
  17. We had an apache fly into the gdi base (pp was down) and place a beacon on the meshed platform atop the agt. Nobody could defuse it because we couldn't reach. Would be nice if they couldn't land on the agt.
  18. djlaptop


    Watch the health of the refinery. I planted a beacon, but other than that there is nothing physically attacking the building other than the cheater.
  19. I'm not sure how this is achieved, I tried for like 20 minutes to replicate it in Skirmish but wasn't able to.
  20. Wasn't an SBH, but this happened earlier tonight.
  21. I only got two nuke crates the whole time, so I can't say for sure. But I was able to escape the blast radius after about 7 or 8 speed-upgrades. However, the crate was the one over the waterfall, so I also jumped off the ledge which increases the z-distance significantly. Not sure if that matters to the nuke crate!
  22. djlaptop


    I also saw that damage hack. It was one flame tank on Whiteout. On a later map a MRLs took down the refinery in just a few seconds (this part I got on video). Of course the cheater denied when accused. Is there no way in the engine to query the amount of damage being dealt by a weapon or vehicle? Anything over the default values could be set to be an auto-kick.
  23. I can confirm this bug and actually came to post it before finding this report. The MRLS locks on to the base of the anti-air and none of the rockets do any damage.
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