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Everything posted by djlaptop

  1. Oh the bots will get in the vehicle, but only when you get out. Then they steal it! > The "get in the vehicle" and other radio messages are just for multiplayer. They're completely ignored by the AI.
  2. I'm not sure how it's done, but it's being exploited. Beacon was not disarmable. You'll notice it's not on the ground either.
  3. Not sure how he got up there (aircraft maybe?), but I'm pretty sure this was not intended. http://i.imgur.com/N1KlIcb.jpg
  4. Hated Hourglass! Worse than C&C_Under IMHO (which I also disliked).
  5. Hear, hear.
  6. Awesome news! My tanks keep dying in that one spot where the water cuts into the road. Haha, years of hugging the wall in stanks on that map have trained me to keep driving there. Thanks for all that you guys do!
  7. On WhiteOut it's not just SBH's! I drive stanks right square-center into the GDI base past infantry and vehicles and they have no idea.
  8. Perhaps our hypotheses about PT usage and vehicle entry/exit are wrong, and there's just internally some bug that has no external trigger. It just occasionally manifests itself regardless of what your character does.
  9. Happened to me again, without entering/exiting a vehicle. All I did was buy an ion canon beacon. Video:
  10. The biggest issue with lots of small patches is that the server owners will also have to install these patches. And judging by the number of people who were still running B1 servers after B2 came out, they don't seem to stay as on-top of things as we'd hope.
  11. While I agree with you, when you study software engineering they teach you that all features should be in before you reach Beta phase. If 1.0 features are still forthcoming then it should be labeled an Alpha.
  12. This is tough to describe so I made a video: Basically, if the HON is mined at the side windows (to prevent infantry from jumping in from the stairs), those mines will blow if a character runs on the bottom level of the HON as well. IMHO, the mines should not detect an enemy through the floor. I've been bit by this in-game, wondering where the mines were that I couldn't see.
  13. Caught this bug on video. I had just joined the game.
  14. One bug (although it's not REALLY a bug... just might be nice to protect the user from their own stupidity)! If you get excited and quadruple-click a server, it will launch two instances of RenX. Should probably check to make sure there's no RenX process running already, and one hasn't been launched within the last few seconds. Just a suggestion, great work on this!!!
  15. After a few bouts, I can confidently say that Stanks are terrible against infantry. Those rockets just don't hit their target, even when they're "locked."
  16. Great work! Only thing that I can think is missing is a button to launch the game without connecting to a server.
  17. Btw, this seems to be map specific, as it's happened to me on both Walls and GoldRush. But on Whiteout this morning it worked normally.
  18. In this case it's with a mine, but I've seen it happen with timed c4 before too. Something preventing c4 from being defused. Occasionally it's HP will decrease, but I can't find a pattern. It also seems to be hovering just above the ground when viewed at certain angles.
  19. It seems every time I'm in a game where two beacons are placed at the same time by the same team, when the first one destroys a building, it causes the game to crash.
  20. Thanks for the info, AlienXAXS.
  21. Ah, very cool, thanks for that info. Is there someplace this can be modified? Or is this compiled into the mod? After 5 minutes, the crates do seem to work per the behavior I specified, except I do still occasionally get a death crate, even though it's set to 0. Strange.
  22. On some of the old renegade servers, a crate could make you a Visceroid or a Mutant Templar. They were both really ugly. Visceroid had low health and shot a chemsprayer, Templar had the tiberium fleschette rifle, IIRC.
  23. I figured that would be the case... But 0.0 + 0.15 + 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.1 +0.15 = 1
  24. I've altered the values in UDKRenegadeX.ini to the following: CrateProbabilities[0]=0.000000 CrateProbabilities[1]=0.150000 CrateProbabilities[2]=0.300000 CrateProbabilities[3]=0.300000 CrateProbabilities[4]=0.100000 CrateProbabilities[5]=0.150000 MoneyCrateProbabilityWhenPPorRefDestroyed=0.300000 RandomCharCrateProbabilityWhenRacksDestoyed=0.400000 RandomVehicleCrateProbabiliyWhenWFDestroyed=0.400000 SpyCrateProbabilityGainPerSec=0.0000 MaxSpyCrateProbability=0.200000 But now all I get are money crates. What's wrong with my values? And while we're on this subject, how can I increase the random range of the money crate? I'd like for it to range between $100-$1000. In case you can't tell, I'm a big fan of crates. I think they can really turn a game for those players that take advantage of them.
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