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Posts posted by djlaptop

  1. Is there any way to add a folder of music files to the ingame music player? I would love to shuffle in some other tracks on my PC. I know I could just mute the RenX music and play them in another player, but I'd like the music to autostart at the beginning of a match and stop to play the endgame music as normal.

  2. 21 minutes ago, AlienXAXS said:

    Wait, you didnt say this i dont think?

    Okay what you're seeing it perfectly normal from that type of connection.
    Until you go wired again, you wont get a stable enough ping time without jitter due to CRC checking on the router plus as you say interference.


    This also explains your extremely slow upload speeds compared to your download as i pointed out earlier.



    Oh I certainly don't think my connection is BROKEN, I just think it's BAD. I was even considering going LTE, except I can't get a signal. My house is at the bottom of the photo, I'm at the bottom of a canyon between two tall hills so that prevents any wireless connection without line-of-sight. 

    It sucks that we have regional monopolies in the US which prevent any other company from coming in and offering wired internet in my area. What I have is my only option other than satellite.

    My question was mainly whether or not there were any UDK settings that could help in high-latency situations. For example, doors opening to buildings - Does that truly need a full round trip to the server and back or can it be handled client side? Maybe there's a setting that can smooth out my movements locally so they're not so jittery and I don't end up in the tiberium when I had been walking in the tunnel.

    Just wondering what's possible at all. But thank you very much for the help. :)


  3. 38 minutes ago, Cronus said:

    You have some bad cable lines, call your ISP, ask them to check your signals, im betting your upstream signals are all sorts of crazy.

    I don't have lines anymore, they discontinued physical service to my neighborhood when the company switched over. I have a microwave dish to my ISP, so it's subject to interference from weather, atmospheric conditions or birds flying by. Seems to be fine for the web but RenX has suffered. I don't play any other games so I don't have anything else to compare to.

  4. Hi all,

    Before I get into this, it's not a bug. I know the problems are local on my end.

    I recently got a new internet connection (new internet company bought my old internet company and discontinued my old connection, now i'm forced to use their new connection, which is terrible and it's the only option where I live, I can't even get LTE here). Since I got the new connection I've been getting stupid lag in RenX.

    When I call it "stupid lag," it's because the RenX client and loader both report acceptable ping times for my location. I'm in the Los Angeles area, so a ping around 200 to the EU servers is to be expected.

    Take a look at my gameplay video from today below. You'll see that my ping is reported as 189 on the TAB screen, but many things happen with a lot more latency than that. In the very beginning, I shoot an Arty, and it takes nearly two seconds for the damage to show up. Later, I throw a c4 on the HON MCT, and the lag makes it miss wildly. A few seconds later, I deal the HON its death-blow, but again, it takes a full second to "register" the destruction. 

    This leads to incredible frustration with things like being killed before the enemy is visible, or before you hear them fire at you. Warping into weird directions that you never intended to go (tiberium!). Saying something in teamchat or allchat and it never shows up. Doors to buildings not opening for you.

    My "ping" is 189 but within my video editor, I counted the frames between action and reaction and it seems to be closer to 1700. Curious as to how this could be.

    Anyway, this is what my gameplay is like these days and it's ruining the experience. Does anyone know of any config options that can help alleviate this? I realize it's a fundamental limitation of worldwide communications but just hoping there's some high-latency config options that are disabled by default that I can turn on.



  5. I totally agree with you guys on playercount, but that should be a server-owner setting. I would like RenX to officially support 60 players, but would also hope that server owners wouldn't push it that far. Personally, anything beyond 36 or so and I leave the game and come back at a less crowded time. I'd rather have two servers of 30 than one server of 60.

    I guess my point is that we're complaining to the wrong folks.

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  6. You can generate your own cool feature idea by choosing a classical element and then adding a natural disaster to it.

    Ice Flood!

    Earth Avalanche!

    Metal Impact!


    • Haha 2
  7. If RenX suddenly required Steam, I would leave the game. Half the time I can't even run it due to running the game on a Mac (technically I could install the Mac version but this will not be detected by the game in Wine), but on my Windows computer I don't have or want Steam. It's the iTunes of games and I won't install it on principle.

    I realize that the loss of one player is not that big a deal, but for each one lost that's vocal there are undoubtedly many more that aren't. And for a game that's struggling with playercount as it is (as well as a steep learning curve for newbies), the more obstacles there are to playing, the worse for the game it is overall.

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  8. Welcome! This is truly one of my favorite games of all time. Unfortunately at this time of night (you posted about 15 minutes ago), you won't find many players on as they're all sleeping EU players. Tomorrow morning the servers usually fill up around 10-11AM PST. I prefer medium sized games, so my window to play is usually between 7-10am.

    Both factions are great and have their strengths and weaknesses. There IS a pretty decent learning curve in this game so be ready to figure a few things out as you go along. Probably worth mentioning in all-chat that you're new so the other players don't yell at you.

    Biggest tip I could give you as a newbie is to leave mining to the more experienced players. There aren't many ways to unintentionally team-hamper, but that's one. Another is to not get out of your tank unless you have the cover of base defenses or you'll get it stolen by the enemy.

    Looking forward to seeing you in-game!

    • Thanks 2
  9. On 12/12/2017 at 2:46 PM, Sarah! said:

    The NEC nukeclan.com just recently opened, hosted in New York for what I hear. Pretty good ping for me.

    Just tried it, my ping is still over 100. Lower than the EU servers for sure but NYC is still 3000 miles away from me. :$

    Down to join some US games for sure though.

  10. I'm actually an honest to goodness DJ, both in nightclubs and on terrestrial radio (which still has more listeners than you might think). On top of that I am a software developer, graphic designer, video editor, voiceover talent, photographer, social media manager, copywriter and do motion-graphics/animation. I have also won the Miss Universe pageant three times.









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  11. Great stuff! Big map. I enjoyed that I kept finding new places to explore. I feel like this map leans slightly GDI due to the GT's just being so persistent (although they can't seem to hit you when you're right in front of them as they can on other maps like lakeside, whiteout).

    Only technical issue I found is an invisible blocking volume here: KxXdg47.jpg


    Well done! Can't wait to play it for real. I hope you give it a high mine limit.

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