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Everything posted by Jam

  1. Shoot!!!!!
  2. I'm going to push a few questions to the episode after today's one. Already have about 15 questions for this week's episode. Thanks for the questions!
  3. Heh, ignorance is bliss.
  4. My advice would be to wait for the standalone coming the 28th of January 2012. You could grab yourself a copy of Unreal Tournament 3, but there aren't a lot of people playing the UT3 version of Renegade X right now, so you might end up having games with 2 or 3 people. On the 28th of January, the single-player portion of (standalone) Renegade X will be released, and will act as a preliminary demonstration and a first-hand experience of the new face of Renegade X on the Unreal Development Kit. You are, however, free to buy Unreal Tournament 3 and check out the Unreal Tournament 3 release. :-)
  5. Well let's just hope we've got hundreds of mirrors and torrents available.
  6. Awesome!
  7. [video=youtube;r_-mmi9KrSQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_-mmi9KrSQ
  8. The redirects have been occuring for about a month already, and I already reported it to some people. The developers are well aware of it, but I think the site manager isn't.
  9. You can post questions here, no problem. :-) Your questions shall be featured in next week's episode ;-)
  10. Hey what's up guys! This week's episode contains three questions. I'm going over custom maps for Renegade X, are we able to make those? Co-op missions/maps, can we expect those in the future and technician's/engineer's secondary fire, will they get a damage dealing secondary? Check out episode #10 right now: [video=youtube;sY37uu8SWeU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY37uu8SWeU PS: Don't forget to ask questions for next week's episode!
  11. Heh, yeah. For those who don't know what he means; Anyway, I'm looking forward to it aswell. Have spent quite some time with the first one. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Command-Conquer-Generals-2/290003587707906
  12. For those who haven't seen the debut trailer yet, I was kind enough to upload it (just like a couple of hundred other people). [video=youtube;L55g88v4cMY]
  13. Ugh, I was actually watching the VGA's to release the latest updates on Generals 2 immediately when I got some. Sadly I fell asleep :-P
  14. My advice would be to wait for the standalone, as it's almost here.
  15. Kenz and me are making a video analysis of the Beyond Black Dawn trailer and I can only say that there's a shitload going on. We've got about 5 minutes on the first 30 seconds already, stay tuned. ;-)
  16. Yeah, but that's just a placeholder ;-) *cough* check the tags *cough*
  17. Hehe, it was already talked about in episode 2. Check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=POWgeGu23hg#t=184s
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=8hXUqjGv56I#t=251s
  19. [video=youtube;1fK3ljmmC9E]
  20. Keep on discussing, I'm loving it!
  21. What's happening in each picture? 1: I think there's an ion cannon about to hit the ground. 2: Havoc looks at something which he really really likes. Sydney?? 3: A nod artillery about to be bombed by that plane in the background. 4: Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It's Havoc flying?! 5: I see a new UI, which I really like! I think they're discussing the mission at this point. Btw who's that bearded guy? Anyway, the screenshots look absolutely jaw-dropping.
  22. Episode number 8 of the Renegade X Community Q&A series brought to you by TheJamnub. In this week's video I answer 8 questions asked by the community. [video=youtube;0VoHBz-dev4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VoHBz-dev4 0:15 - Cirex: A10 Airstrike 1:23 - Demigan: New weapons 1:48 - Sdajno: Renegade X on Steam or Origin 2:06 - Jointn00b: Multiplayer assault mode 2:34 - Jenskai1: TF2 Promotional Weapon 2:47 - GuiAlphaProductions: In-game voice-chat 3:03 - Robbierew: Naval routes and naval yards 3:19 - Zebliks & Tacohiman: Renegade X release date Missed out on an earlier Community Q&A episode? Check out the Renegade X Community Q&A playlist right here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL50614B1617C97DFD&feature=viewall If you wish to stay updated on Renegade X, like Renegade X on Facebook at http://facebook.com/RenXGame or on Twitter at http://twitter.com/RenXGame. SUBSCRIBE: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TheJamnub Don't forget to ask questions for next week's video by commenting on this video, and let the developers know your opinion on naval yards aswell!
  23. Jam


    No, instant action is offline gameplay. In order to play online you will have to use the Renegade X server client, which also came with your installation. What you have to do is (double-)click the Renegade X icon on your desktop, this will open up the server client. Now choose a server from the server list, last time I checked there were 3 servers online. Pick one of those servers, hit the connect button and get ready to play. It is currently very rare to encounter other players, this is due to the fact that the current release of Renegade X has been out for almost 2 years. Most people are waiting for Black Dawn - which will no longer require Unreal Tournament 3, making it a standalone indie game. There are people online from time to time and all I could suggest is checking the server client every now and then, or checking the top part of the forum which shows how many players are playing Renegade X. I mentioned this in episode #7 of the Renegade X Community Q&A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=8hXUqjGv56I#t=277s
  24. Jam


    If you downloaded Renegade X the maps should be included in the installation. Try going into instant action and selecting one of the classic maps from the list.
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