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Everything posted by Jam

  1. I am unable to join because my PC decided to have an aneurysm, I'll tune in to the live stream though.
  2. It is 3 PM EST. 159456 was having a normal game.
  3. You've got 12 hours
  4. I doubt he's going to spectate, the speed is limited and I'm not sure if the server allows spectators. (If he wants to spectate we can allow spectators and increase the speed of course)
  5. That's good news. I've always wanted to become famous
  6. I totally forgot about Stomp!
  7. My favorite track must be Valiant, followed by Move It. What's yours? Download Music pack: http://www.renegade-x.com/Renegade-X_OST.rar Mirror: http://jamnub.nl/renx/music/renx-music-pack.rar
  8. You were always able to record ingame with the demorec command, RypelCam isn't needed to do that. RypelCam allows you to move around freely and set up camera paths.
  9. Download this file: http://jamnub.nl/renx/Updates.exe. Point it to your Renegade folder and overwrite existing files. I hope this helps.
  10. I'll try to be there. 3 PM EST is 9 PM GMT +1
  11. So I wanted to buy this game, but downloaded the demo first in order to check if it would run. It seems my PC is too old lol, I have about 10 FPS ingame.
  12. Just going to double post here because I am unable to edit my post; For those that experience problems with the auto-updater: You can also download the updates manually. Download the files from the following locations: - http://www.renegade-x.com/sc/updates/0_5_5_1_critical/ - http://www.renegade-x.com/sc/updates/0_5_5_1/ Keep the folder structure as it is (e.g. Put RenXGame.u and RenX_Weapons.u in Published\Script). The Updater.exe should overwrite the old Updater.exe, because there were problems with the older updater, same counts for Renegade-X.exe.
  13. Is there a complete changelog available? http://www.renegade-x.com/sc/changelogs/0.55-1.txt doesn't contain the changes made in this new patch. I'm wondering because Buzzer told me that our dearest APC got nerfed and don't want to believe him.
  14. Jam

    C&C Renegade

    He's referring to these guys http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?2758-we-sets-up-a-new-clan-forum-about-renegade-welcome! I suggest you apply on their site. :-)
  15. Jam

    Happy new year

    Since I won't be online tonight I wanted to wish you all a happy new year!
  16. http://twitter.com/#!/CNCTube/status/20646542620762112 I see you guys have a nice affiliate list on the site.
  17. Jam

    So about this

    As other people already mentioned, we've got an event coming the 2nd of January. If the event turns out to be a success it offers a unique chance to show you the awesome gameplay Renegade X has to offer (even Westwood itself reported about the event http://twitter.com/#!/westwoodstudios/status/20501636417855489). Stay updated and follow http://twitter.com/RenXGame
  18. Haven't played it, but I became curious after watching this video. Might get a copy in the new year.
  19. [video=youtube;loSzpvq73FY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loSzpvq73FY
  20. Good find. Maybe the current is only a temporary model?
  21. Works like a charm here, and the server list is located at
  22. It's online.
  23. There were translators a while ago, as far as I can remember. I think the playerbase is low because Renegade X currently requires Unreal Tournament 3. Some people don't want to install one game in order to play another. I think the playerbase will grow when the UDK version gets released.
  24. Nice, well done. Now send them to Twitter.
  25. Jam


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