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Everything posted by Jam

  1. Spreading the word about Renegade X is the best thing you can do!
  2. Jam

    Whats the latest?

    Don't worry, Renegade X is still being developed. Keep an eye on these forums, as more information will be released in the near future.
  3. Resolved.
  4. These will likely return with Renegade X (third-party implementations). We have recruited a beta tester for this specifically, however, everyone will be able to make their own server bot.
  5. What do you mean with what will happen to the old Command and Conquer soundtrack? I guess that was not clear enough, sorry. I mean this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSgztTl1mJ4 There are no plans to use it so far.
  6. Hey NZF, Please check this topic to change your mouse sensivity: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=6839 Jam
  7. Jam

    Beta Preview

    Hey Dedf3ar, The multiplayer version is in development and will be released this year. Stay up to date by checking the forums every now and then!
  8. What do you mean with what will happen to the old Command and Conquer soundtrack? You got it. Range will not affect damage done, if an enemy is in range on the other side of the map, it will deal the same damage as if that enemy was right in front of you. Much like C&C Renegade.
  9. Last update: May 9th, 2013 If you have an honest question about Renegade X, then please, ask it on this thread. We'll do our best to answer them for you, and those questions which we think are worthy of an FAQ page, will be immortalized, and officially listed right here. Q: When will the multiplayer standalone be released? A: The Renegade X multiplayer beta will be released on February 26th 2014. Other versions will follow. Q: Will this team remake the original Renegade maps for this mod? A: Many classic maps from C&C Renegade have been remade for Renegade X, including Field, Mesa, Islands, Walls_Flying, and Hourglass. We will also be making our own level designs. Q: Will we (the fans) be able to make our own maps? A: Unfortunately we will not be releasing an editor for Renegade X Q: What enhancements will we see in C&C mode? A: Airstrikes, items, tech buildings, sidearms, the UE3 graphics and physics, ADS, nightvision, new secondary fire modes, showing proximity mine counts and building status on the HUD, mounted chainguns on Transport Helicopters for passengers, vehicle purchase queues, and much more. Q: Will we be able to customize skins/sounds/boink/models with Renegade-X the way we could in C&C Renegade? A: No. This is for multiple reasons. The main reason is just the way data is handled in UT3 with materials, code, and packages. In order to change a skin you would essentially have to change the version of the mod, which means you wouldn't be able to play on servers, and even then the server would download the original "correct" files and use those anyways. A secondary reason is to prevent "advantage skin" exploits/cheats. Q: Will the multiplayer feature any new game-modes? A: There are plans to introduce new game modes sometime after the February 26th release. Q: What additions in terms of units and buildings will we see? A: You can expect to see tech buildings in some of Renegade X's maps. Q: Will Renegade X re-introduce third person view? A: Yes. Q: Will there be first person views inside vehicle cockpits? A: Yes. Q: Will Tiberium Fields look the same as they were in Renegade? A: The Tiberium Fields will stick to the C&C canon. We'll be using a mixture of the C&C3, Renegade, and Tiberian Dawn design of Tiberium crystals/pods and the ground underneath them. Q: C&C Renegade had a vehicle limit of 7 online. How will limits work in this mod? A: Vehicle limits will be totally up to the host of the server. It'll be a variable, so hosts can choose how many vehicles they want per team. Q: Some people found some of the bugs in C&C Renegade useful, such as using Purchase Terminals through walls on the Barracks or Weapons Factory. Will you keep some of the bugs intentionally? A: Sorry folks, you're not supposed to be able to use PTs through walls and you won't be able to in Renegade X. Some other bugs that we won't carry over are pistols not being preloaded, Stealth Black Hand reveal glitches, and disproportionate points awarded for sniping a tank. You're not getting points for that charlie, quit being a coward and face the tank like a man! Q: Will you have a game mode to allow for tunnel nukes? Some found this a valid tactic. A: No. Splash damage in the multiplayerl does pay attention to walls unlike in C&C Renegade. We would have to intentionally make the Nuke (and any other weapon) ignore splash collision. Although it does damage in a volume because it is a superweapon, we'll have to carefully adjust how it does damage. We might just make a volume in tunnels where beacons are just disabled from planting. Q: Will stealth soldiers and stanks periodically shimmer so they can be detected as in the old game? A: No, only when shot or you get really close to them. Q: Will MRLS missles seek the same way? A: They'll home in on a target if you hold your cursor over the target for a few moments to lock on. Q: Some sort of expanded communications would be nice. While full voice is available common now, listening to children is often not a good time. It would be nice to have the full commands from the old game supported like "defend the power plant". Add "I've mined the power plant" etc. A: The multiplayer will introduce a "spotting" mechanic that will allow you to communicate with your team, spot enemy targets, call for an attack on specific buildings, call for an defense of your buildings, call for repairs, and more. Q: Will buildings collapse when destroyed? A: The short answer is no. We believe it would cause more gameplay problems than it is worth. However, unlike in Renegade where a destroyed building only had a texture change, a few smoke emitters, and red lighting, we'll punch a few holes in the walls, knock over a few support objects, and make debris, but nothing as extreme as total structural collapse. Q: With the enhancements to Renegade you're making, will you allow passengers to fire out of vehicles? A: Only out of the Transport Helicopters. Q: How will character switching work? A: Exactly the same as in C&C Renegade. Walk up to a Purchase Terminal, hit the action/use key and navigate through the interface to switch characters if you have enough credits. Q: C&C Renegade has announcements like "Hand of Nod under attack" or "GDI Power Plant destroyed", will these be in Renegade X? A: Yes all the important informational announcements will be in Renegade X. Q: Is the kill boink sound going to make a return? A: You bet your ass it is! Q: Will Renegade X have AI bots? A: Yes! Bots will be able to play C&C mode, both offline and online. Those who have played C&C Renegade know that its bots were as dumb as a rock, in fact a server admin will be able to set up a system where bots fill empty spots on both teams until real people join, then they'll take one of the bots' places. This way servers can stay full or have small matches at their discretion. Q: Okay with that said, will the AI cheat like many AI's are known to do? A: Well if you're referring to the AI seeing invisible units, then no they won't if we can help it (aside from base defenses, which will still detect invisibility at all ranges due to gameplay reasons). The AI modified from Unreal's AI will follow rules (such as character/vehicle purchasing, credits use) better than the C&C Renegade AI ever could. Q: Since Unreal has better physics than C&C Renegade, will you alter some vehicles, such as the projectile physics for the Artillery actually being a parabolic arc? A: Artillery projectiles, grenade launchers, and C4s will all have an arc when fired. Most weapons are point-and-shoot. Q: Will you incorporate Free Aim? A: Yes. By default Unreal's cameras are locked to vehicle turrets, but if our coders can come up with a free aim system for locking the camera to the chassis (and unlocking free aim for infantry) then we'll have it. Q: Will Renegade X have the same scale as in C&C Renegade? A: Yes the scale of units/vehicles/structures/maps/movement speeds will be very close to those of C&C Renegade. The exception is that Renegade X has a "sprint" function. Q: There are also a lot of new features implemented by server side mods on C&C Renegade nowadays such as veterancy levels, many crate pickups, vehicle shells which can be restored, ammo packs/backpacks, health, or armor that players drop when they are killed etc... Are you guys considering of implementing any of it? A: Yes we'll be making a lot of those enhancements in Renegade X (But not all of them). Most of them will be options that server admins can turn on or off, and by default they will be off. Q: Will you have different sets of camouflage for buildings and vehicles depending on the map environment? (E.g. snow, desert, forest, urban) A: Unfortunately not. Q: Will you tell new players to this gametype how it works? A: Yes we will make some tutorial videos about the basics of C&C Mode, tips, tricks, etc. in a manner similar to the Unreal gametype tutorials. Q: Will you stop Base-to-Base missile fire exploits? A: This is a map problem, and yes, we will be making alterations to maps to prevent it. (Such as a natural rock bridge blocking MRLS-to-HoN missiles from next to the GDI Barracks on Islands.) Q: Will helicopters have a realistic Rotor volume, so it hits and does damage to things if it comes into contact with certain things? A: No, they won't do damage to other things (like cutting up infantry), and your helicopter won't take damage. However, if you're flying really fast and smash into a wall at high velocity, then yes your aircraft will take damage. In fact, all vehicles will take a little damage if you crash into stuff at high speeds. Q: Will there be weather like snow/fog/rain/dust storms? A: Yes. It might be on a timer, or it might always be on. This will be on a map-by-map basis. Q: Will this weather make it easier to spot stealthed units? (Like water rolling off of an invisible object.) A: No, because it would break the balance if you could see invisible people on many of the maps. Little movement puff of dust/water/snow that were in Renegade already will probably stay though. Q: Will harvesters work like original CCR? A: Yes. Harvesters will function the same way as in Renegade. AI Harvester goes to and from the field/Refinery which gives you credits. They'll follow a predetermined path and will not take evasive action. Q: Will you address how weird it looks when you disarm a Nuke beacon 2 seconds before the nuke detonates only to have the missile vanish/do nothing? A: Yes. The idea we're considering is just delaying the actual attack animation until after your 30 seconds are up. So the Nuke/Ion animation wouldn't start playing until after the 30-seconds-to-disarm period is over and there is no way to stop the attack. Q: Can we lock vehicles to prevent team theft? A: Yes, vehicles will be automatically bound to you when you buy them. You can then control who has access to them or just lock them. You can unlock them to give them to someone else by pressing L. Enemies will always be able to steal your vehicle if you leave it empty. You can only have one vehicle bound/locked to you. Instead of needing to type a command you'll probably be able to push a button for all bind/lock/kick functions. Q: Might you add Blue Tiberium to certain maps? A: Yes - Mesa. Q: Are you going to bring over some of the more specific animations from Renegade like specific death animations, or those fun animations like saluting? A: Maybe. Q: When you die, will your body disappear immediately like in Renegade? A: Bodies (or body parts) linger for a few moments depending on how you were killed (rocket launcher vs bullet vs Tiberium, etc.). Q: Will the explosions throw players around? A: Only upon death. Q: Does that mean we'll be able to wall-jump with some explosions? A: No. Q: Will we be able to spectate at any time? A: No, but we will be including RypelCam with Renegade X, which allows players to record their games, watch them from any angle, slow them down, speed them up, and make cool videos out of them. Q: Will names of enemies only be displayed if you target them or hit them? A: We're doing names the same way that they were done in Renegade.
  10. Jam

    New forums!

    I will add options for both Xfire and Steam. Update: I have added them as profile fields, I might implement them to work the same way as the other IM buttons later.
  11. We will ask for translators in the future, but not right now.
  12. Hey Elliot, You are indeed correct, it should be resolved now.
  13. Jam

    New forums!

    Thanks, we'll look into it. We're working on it.
  14. Jam

    New forums!

    You should now be able to see the Phase II forums.
  15. Jam

    New forums!

    Yes, I went ahead and changed it for you already, and yes this change will only affect new posts.
  16. Jam

    New forums!

    You can change this in your preferences. Go to this page: ucp.php?i=prefs&mode=post and enable the Attach my signature by default option.
  17. Jam

    New forums!

    Old links should work again now. Fixed.
  18. There is a teamspeak server during beta sessions, please refer to the Phase II Beta Forums for more information.
  19. Jam

    New forums!

    Thank you for reporting this, I will look into it. We'll keep it in mind for the next transfer.
  20. Jam

    New forums!

    Welcome everyone to the new Renegade X forums! As you have probably seen, these forums are a bit like the game we're working on, it works... but it's not done. Over the next few decades we will be finishing up both these forums, and of course the game itself. The change of forum systems was due to having technical difficulties over and over again with the vBulletin system, therefore we have chosen phpBB3, not because we think it's better, not because we think it's worse, but because we're more experienced with it. It's easier to manage for us. You will probably bump into some bugs while you're reading posts on the forums, or when you're sending private messages to your best friends on the internet! Some pages may look like you're back in 1995, but we're working on it! The forums are everything but done, and just like Renegade X (the game), the development of these forums takes place after work, and since I work 24/7 I do not get a lot of time to work on these forums. Please bear with us while we try to make a working forum! If you would like to leave a message, or if you are a person with a lot of time off and also with some basic webskills, feel free to send me a private message, oh wait, rather not, feel free to send me an e-mail at jam@renegade-x.com. You might be required to reset your password. Use this page to reset your password.
  21. No. 10char
  22. Jam

    Beta Testing

    You can no longer apply. FroshByte, you have already applied for a beta tester position. You can keep track of your application right here: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?63149-Beta-Application Same counts for Bulldog9701, keep track of your beta application here: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?63041-Bulldog9701-Beta-Application-Stefan.
  23. The application deadline has indeed expired. You can no longer apply for a beta tester position. Those that have applied will be able to see their own thread.
  24. Hey, There was a big discussion regarding this a while ago which can be read here: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?20916-Why-Renegade-X-should-go-on-Steam
  25. Jam

    Beta Preview

    No, only a select few of the original C&C Renegade maps will be included in the first release. I cannot say which yet.
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