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Everything posted by Jam

  1. Jam

    ReneGame 2011!

    Visit http://jamnub.nl/renx/serverlist.php to check the IPs.
  2. Jam

    ReneGame 2011!

    I'll definitely be recording. :-)
  3. We can't really read that.
  4. After downloading almost a gigabyte of maps and other stuff I was finally able to run the frontend. It looks cool and I appreciate the effort put into it, but there's a lot of space that can be used to make the frontend smaller. It's too huge right now in my opinion. Also the radio buttons don't work when trying to host a server
  5. Jam

    ReneGame 2011!

    The new frontend told me Scorpion Hunter is the new map.
  6. What are you waiting for?
  7. I would definitely recommend coming to the ReneGame this Saturday. We planned to increase the player cap to 40. :-)
  8. Jam

    ReneGame 2011!

    TheGunrun told me on Twitter that he can't make it on Saturday. But woandre should still join.
  9. Jam

    ReneGame 2011!

    I hope I can make it.
  10. In my server client I just put in Busy when it's waiting for a reply, Timeout when there was no response and the time when it was successful. http://jamnub.nl/renx/Jam%20Server%20Client%20v0.1.2.exe
  11. Jam

    Picture game

    I fed your dog massive amounts of jam which killed him.
  12. The server client puts 9999 in the ping column when it doesn't get a response from the server within x seconds. So this might also be the server that doesn't respond to the ping. Don't worry about the ping too much, it should work fine. :-)
  13. The teaser looks absolutely amazing. I hope it'll attract a lot of new faces to the community. Most importantly, congratulations with Renegade X' 4th anniversary. Keep up the awesome work! The sniper rifle? I think it's the new model, because the current is only a temporary model if I recall correctly. But I could also be completely wrong! Also there's something like a silencer on the weapon.
  14. Everything on the Unreal Engine is coded in UnrealScript, which looks similar to Java. You can use Visual Studio together with nFringe to code in UnrealScript. Check out http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/DevelopmentKitProgramming.html for more information.
  15. Jam

    A lost jewel

    This video was made a while ago for a contest. I think new people have not seen it yet, but they should! [video=vimeo;8186760] Made by zurr/rawrr543
  16. Sandwich
  17. (via Machinima.com) Command & Conquer was one of the earliest entries into the Real-Time Strategy genre, and has defined it for 15 years afterwards. In this first episode of our retrospective, watch and see how a Las Vegas developer named Westwood Studios invented the modern RTS with Dune II, before perfecting their formula with Command & Conquer. [video=youtube;mDjdkpV3Cyw] [video=youtube;63RlFXpPG_4]
  18. (via http://forums.cncnz.com/index.php?showtopic=14727) Our friends at the French C&C fan site, C&C Saga, managed to acquire a trailer for the now cancelled Command & Conquer Arena. Apparently some of the visuals in this trailer were reused in Command & Conquer 4. [video=youtube;TVkc7uhAu_s] Points of interest from this trailer. The Battlecast Primetime logo can be seen and the Scrin were to be part of this game. Other than that, there really is no point in analysing this trailer to deeply because Command & Conquer Arena can be added to the list of other cancelled Command & Conquer games we have learnt about in recent times.
  19. Jam


    Someone remade the Obelisk of Light in Minecraft: .
  20. It's on YouTube aswell:
  21. That's because it's still being processed. It takes quite a bit to process 3 hours of video. 240p is the only available quality atm, but that'll change soon.
  22. Welcome to the forum, I indeed remember you from the chat. :-)
  23. I've uploaded the video on YouTube aswell (Currently being processed).
  24. The live stream was fantastic, around 200 people were watching from beginning to end. I think a lot of people got interested.
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