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Former Developers
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Everything posted by Jam

  1. Those are webcrawlers.
  2. Thank you.
  3. Please stay ontopic.
  4. Jam

    Happy 2014

    Happy new year!
  5. Please send me a private message.
  6. Jam

    Jam`s profile

    You've found my secret.
  7. Hey what's up everyone, check out the first episode of the Renegade X Q&A! Mpvu58qZw14 If you have any questions for the developers, post below and it will be answered in the next episode! (Please ask one question per person!)
  8. Black Dawn will (probably) not be updated. The multiplayer beta will be released as a seperate download.
  9. Server owners are allowed to ask for donations in order to keep their servers up and running. I'll get to this in the Q&A video.
  10. Correct, Renegade X will be released as a standalone game on February the 26th, 2014.
  11. Thanks everyone. Keep 'em coming!
  12. Hey what's up everyone! Please watch the following video: Uvho3O-yUaA If you have any questions for the developers, post in this thread, or as a YouTube comment. See you soon!
  13. Surely there must be some donation links to keep this project going? Maybe some annoying advertisements while in game? And we're trying our best, Jam you can count on us! Renegade X will never annoy you with advertisements.
  14. Yes, please report any fake Kickstarter projects you come across. Renegade X will be available for free with no strings attached.
  15. The developers are allowed to invest their own money (and they're doing that!), but not to make any money from Renegade X.
  16. Both.
  17. Jam

    Renx subreddit

    Great! I am http://reddit.com/u/TheJamnub
  18. Jam

    A real website

    There will be a brand new website available when we're nearing release.
  19. They will be the same. In fact, the multiplayer will probably run even better.
  20. Definitely.
  21. Beta testers are not allowed to share anything with the public, but this rule will be lifted in the coming weeks. More on that later. We are not looking for new beta testers.
  22. Jam

    Multi Player

    The Renegade X multiplayer is currently in closed beta, which means that it is not yet available to the public. You will be able to play the multiplayer at the end of this year, so keep an eye on the forums for updates.
  23. As Nielsen mentions, testing is required to narrow down to a percentage which will not ruin the gameplay.
  24. Sadly none of the game models will be shared.
  25. You will not be able to use custom textures when playing online. While it was cool to use your own skins in C&C Renegade, it also came with a security risk (e.g. big head). With Renegade X you will only be able to join servers if your files match that server's files to take care of cheaters.
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