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Everything posted by Jam

  1. The leaderboard will offer much more functionality in the future. For now use the following link to output all statistics. http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard?zixxermadness=jazeker
  2. More tutorials will become available in the next few days.
  3. Hey Dav3, Please see this topic: viewtopic.php?f=119&t=71916
  4. Stealth black hand's are special. It's not right and we're aware of this.
  5. Hey Stephen, With the release of the open beta, the NDA is no longer in effect. You are free to share anything with regards to the Renegade X Open Beta with the public. You have our blessing.
  6. This is a great idea. We are already working on setting up a better forum structure.
  7. This is on the to-do list.
  8. Jam

    Old Forum Account

    You may contact me at jam@renegade-x.com or send me a personal message on these forums.
  9. The boink sound will never be removed. Topic closed.
  10. Thank you for reporting this bug. For now we recommend using the launcher / starter.
  11. Thank you for reporting this. You should now be able to see this tutorial. viewtopic.php?f=117&t=71917
  12. Please verify the integrity of your downloaded file. Check if the filehash equals the one listed on the download page. File hash: c20b6c4ed687554ec6fb3178d4529a8c42d8f0ef Hash checker: http://renegade-x.com/jam/dl/JamHashCalculator.exe
  13. 26th in Australia right now Also the download page is broken but a workaround is to actually go onto the hosts site and find it on there. Could you explain what is broken so we can fix it?
  14. The narrator is TheGunrun, whom you may know from C&C Retarded or from Twitch.tv.
  15. We will go into detail later regarding the leaderboard page you will find on the homepage.
  16. Affirmative.
  17. The main reason Renegade X will not be available on Steam or any other distribution platform (besides Desura) is because Renegade X will be released as an unfinished game. There are definitely plans, but getting the game ready has higher priority.
  18. We occasionally remove inactive testers from the beta usergroups and do not restore their beta tester rank if they decide to come back.
  19. Hello, You are probably referring to the Unreal Tournament 3 beta which is no longer supported. We are currently in closed beta with our standalone Multiplayer which will be released on the 26th of February. Beta sign ups are closed, sadly.
  20. Renegade X Multiplayer with TheGunrun & Devs! We occasionally have play tests with the Renegade X beta testers and developers. Here's the livestream from yesterday. Enjoy! LJJW_R7tqMc
  21. These will have to be implemented by server hosts. We are looking into this, but don't expect player accounts with the initial open beta release.
  22. Initially as a standalone game. There are however plans to bring Renegade X to Steam and/or Origin in the future.
  23. :-)
  24. Your Steam question was answered in this episode. We would love to have Renegade X available on a distribution platform such as Steam or Origin, and we will definitely take a look at the options after the 26th of February release. Actually we will keep track of player statistics, we will release more information regarding this in the future.
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