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Everything posted by Goku

  1. The disarm command per person doesnt work. Disarms all the mines on that team. Noobs are fine, but if they ignore warnings they are team hampering my admin/mod team will take action. Its usually PM, PM, Public/Team Message warning said person. Then an Official Warning via the !warn command & then we will kick the player. That said we do prefer education over punishment, i think its the same over TmX as well.
  2. We use this bot at EKT. (With a few tweaks but 99% of it is Xpert's). Its a very good bot and is noob friendly compared to the other bots out there. Any problems we have had Xpert has sorted it post haste. This latest version has solved most issues and my mod team/admins are very happy with it. Anyways what im trying to say is i'd recommend it to anyone if they asked. If you wish to see it in action http://chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23RenX&server=irc.elitekamikazeteam.com. Regards Goks
  3. The first time you join a server with the new fixes from the devs. It can take up2 3mins to download the files etc and connect. (for me took 30secs but one of my guys said it was 3mins). So give it say 5mins if it doesnt work can we have your launch.log to look at?
  4. My bad i should have googled it. I shall not fail you again my lord RypeL
  5. Looks like its a connection issue your end. You could see if you can ping the server as the one you are trying to connect to is mine lol - could try winmtr to see if there is packet loss anywhere. http://sourceforge.net/projects/winmtr/ (put in the server ip or dns gameserver.elitekamikazeteam.com) Also can you join other servers? Maybe try one of the ones that just says Renegade X servers as they will be unlikely to be running the new mods to fix cheating etc etc (might be that ) Failing that i cant see anything that shouts out to me on the log, Hopefully RypeL will spot this again and give some words of wisdom! All the best! Goks
  6. Thats the IP/port for EKT Hope you get this sorted dude. (Could also try turning off your firewall to test?)
  7. Well if you try joining the EKT server id leave it for 2-5mins n see if it connects. Or is it giving you a timeout error?
  8. maybe add a rock to dash to that you have to time perfectly to get to. You know when you play peekaboo with the AGT it goes AH HA n fires the missile hits a rock and you make a mad dash for another bit of cover then have to repeat to get to the WF. Would give GDI plenty of time to go eh? why is the AGT shooting over there?
  9. Can you hit the launch game button on the launcher to load the game main menu & hit multiplayer. Do you see the server list? If not would point towards a firewall issue. Other than that will have to wait for someone who is more familiar with the log output as to me i cant really see anythinig that screams "THIS IS WRONG". Regards Goks
  10. Goku

    Player Limit

    With the amount of players we have atm 40 seems about fine. If we get a bigger player base then i would fully support larger servers.
  11. I think the pistols should have inf ammo only, but if weapon drops get fixed would be cool if you could collect ammo off the fallen enemies?
  12. Goku


    lol? Did i not say that? if i dont hear anything by monday will run the standard fix for it.
  13. Goku


    if that was on my server, havent been able to apply the fix as it causes people not to be able to join at all.... waiting on RypeL's reply if i dont hear anything by monday will run the standard fix for it.
  14. I'm quite happy with the stanks how they are atm. They are ment to be opportunistic vechs similar to the SBH. Also Stanks are great if you have a tech say on walls n sneak behind the ref/pp and disarm mines to get the building. Defo a seat of your pants moment thou. Wonder what other people think?
  15. sweet. Will add this next time the server empties out.
  16. We love the devs wouldnt have this game otherwise.
  17. Erm im the same with Walls. Few of my more sneaky guys have stopped playing because its pointless killing the Air/WF, i kinda agree but do like the Bar/Hon Changes..... As for me yeh I dont play a huge amount since the changes, they annoy the hell outta me but it still gets up to 80-90 people in total at peak times so I dont think everyone has suddenly got bored or what not. I think the beta2 crashes scared most of the american players away. As for the server player cap with the current playerbase we have atm i dont think it will get increased anytime soon. Wonder if EA will give us the steam if they did im sure things would get busy at least for a while anyways.
  18. You say that but as a servers owner section is missing aka report users. Granted i swear i was the only one to post in there but if you want me to get my admin team to post there by all means let me know. Most of the time we just share major cheaters between EKT n TmX. Most users dont know about the record demo function and even with that mutator you gave out doesnt really help much. We need the demos to show us exactly what the player can see and how they move otherwise its pointless for us. (We have a particualar player that we have our eye on but have no proof at all because of this. Are you saying if we send you the demos you as a dev can see from their point of view??) As for the public players if you want to recorded demo that isnt an issue. Either submit a request on our forums (slowish) or pop on our irc (Web IRC link on the top of the EKT site) and one of my admins (Star next to their name on webirc) will help you out by either giving you the demo or sending it to one of the devs. Regards Goks Ps with the web IRC in the list you will see MrSunshine and Skeeze there also they are admins at TmX
  19. Goku

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    Any ideas when the rec system will be fixed? Doesn't save properly after map over and often reverts back to the previous score. Edit: could probably fix it by making it update the database when a rec gets given instead of on map over.
  20. All my admins can access our Demos (Access has been offered to the devs before also), if you want a particular one to check out or want us to view one that you have taken feel free to pop on IRC (probably the quickest way to get talking to one of our staff) WebIRC link: http://client00.chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23RenX&server=irc.elitekamikazeteam.com (Admins are the users with the Star against their names)
  21. Modify the code slightly, to instead kill the tower and everyone in the game? That way, they all have to start off fresh from their own spawn points, and that gives a relatively fair shot to either team depending on things like credits beforehand. Mines can easily be placed before SBH, APCs can rush both ways and emp nades and at mines can be employed. Nod can deploy armor faster, GDI will have more often a win if they can get 5 minutes into a tank war though because without base defenses the tanks will be unstoppable. That sounds much better. Or a map in it's own right, but I would settle for a bonus event occuring at the end of every base defense map on marathon. Thats a pretty good idea.
  22. We used to run a mod that killed base defences after say an hour. But people bitched..... Stomped their feet etc so we removed it. I like under myself.
  23. security guard could be asleep?
  24. We get alerted on irc when a vech gets stolen.... could try !modrequest if you think there is team hampering going on.
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