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Everything posted by Goku

  1. If you want the whole log let me know its around 80mb
  2. Yup i've restarted our server player counts don't update either. changed port and server name they both show up but player count isn't updated.
  3. glad you posted that. Ive got around 20 people in my server atm but shows its empty? Is this something we can fix our end or?
  4. IRC is a very handy tool for moderation. Only problems I've seen is the bot some times thinks there is no players? !rehash seems to fix that. As for the atm issue with rcon having a hissy fit on map over, maybe could add some sorta 60-90 sec timer if the atm'd user hasn't returned then remove the +v or auto give it when they rejoin?
  5. Yeh i modded the old cloudy run run with my own dlls etc lol Only problem i have when testing it is how do you add mods to the list? when i do it goes access denied.
  6. Nice, keep up the good work. Missed the old CloudyServ from back in the day. Will defo give it a go.
  7. Its probably due to the fix they did when you kept the tib guns from the previous map. Defo needs to be looked into.
  8. First time i've seen that and its quite funny. I also agree partly with this chap, we really need some sort of better administration system for admins / mods etc.
  9. I dont have a problem with map votes i just think there should be a option to say x minutes of the map should pass before you can vote map change (Note:the first 3mins should allow this vote incase you choose the wrong map or something). Hopefully beta 3 will reduce vote spam with the cool down.
  10. Goku

    Fixed map rotation

    I agree or at least say you cant have two maps the same in a row.
  11. what happens if i make a vote to ask consensus about something that the players want but i have no interest in? but then again it would hardly matter in the long run.
  12. Case 1: I agree with Skeeze dude. I cant force people to team change. Also jollycake isn't a moderator (!showmods in game will show you who is moderating at the time) as he doesn't want 2. If you require help use !modrequest reason. Case 2: b2b isnt allowed If i see someone doing it is 2 warnings then a ban. Most mods would change team and check then take screenshots. But as a normal player I wouldn't expect you to have to 2 do this. Like tmx we have been advertising for people to join our moderator team for like 2 months? Only one person has applied. Myself and the few admins i have cant be in game 24/7 (not to mention most of my mods are bored with fighting glitch beacons etc all the time so they haven't been in game much either), if you want to help out with problems like this then i suggest you either apply for mod status or recommend people who fit the bill. I admit i have been neglecting my server as i got bored with the glitch abuse (which is hard to prove a lot of the time) and the crashes, so i've been waiting for beta3. Also moderating on Renx is hard work compared to the old ren. We cant temp ban, nor is there any form of client id that we can ban with so if someone doesn't like us enough they can just vpn and rejoin and cause hassle. Ive added dns to fight against this but still makes it hard, not to mention we have no way to force team changes, refund credits for team hampering or disarming glitched beacons, hell we cant even ask the server for the game score via rcon. The eva messages we can send in game vanish straight away sometimes so we cant even be sure people get our warnings to stop doing X. I get that its a beta but really stuff like this should be high on the devs list. Bad experiences will turn people off the game for good and they will be unlikely to return. Regards Goks
  13. If those are warning alarms, I'm a roast chicken. No significant sound, no direction, no alert to anyone else. False, myself and other old skool players check the mine count like hawks, (shout out to old skoolers having nubs asking why you keep saying !c4 in teamchat in the old days lol). One mine vanishes i tend not to worry but 2-3 then im off looking for where the door is empty then spam the shit out of defend this building or field if the mines start to go down you know someone is trying to beacon the ref/bar/air and you go and murder them before they can plant. Also on the SBH nurf in my view they just need sprint taken away & to shimmer under damage and another 2-3 seconds afterwards.
  14. Your ping is quite high. Mine is normally 10-20, n yours seems to be around the 180 mark.
  15. Normally you would go to the servers website. If its mine or Skeeze's then the web address is in the server name for example.
  16. forcing steam wont work we can barely get enough players to fill 2 servers. Plus from what i can see we have around about 20-30% steam use with the game. Would be ideal if they can get it to a stage that it can be released on steam. At least the cheaters will have to create a new steam account then.
  17. Well dont blame me if we ban hammer this person next time they join my server then.
  18. My server auto kicks after 3 beacons in under 2mins. But fake beacons are a valid tactic, the amount of times on field that works if you fake ion half the front defenders rush to the back of the base before realising its a fake. Also fake beacons help the spys out if say on field there has been 2 fakes, obi hasn't fired? or charged up? and you hear another beacon well half the time i think sod it its a fake and we end up almost loosing the air due to a spy is unreal.
  19. All SBH need is sprint removed. Shimmer when under fire/taking damage (including for say 1-2 seconds after damage has finished) That's it. Removing the timed c4 will stop them being useful against GDI tanks / MRLS (unless there are derp's that get out oc) I know its asking a lot but would be great if the devs had what ever nerf options they had in mind for the SBH as toggle options in the server config file then server owners can find their own balance. From what I hear of the changes to the SBH (which i heard from one of the devs that play in my server) its going to ruin the SBH. Don't get me wrong I appreciate what the devs are doing and that they are not paid under staffed and don't get enough caffeine but surely they could make a poll for us players to vote on what nerfs we think are fair? Goks
  20. My bad will be having words with him about that.
  21. On my server I dont have a major problem with the surfing in general but when they repair from the top of the Orca to make it invincible I take issue with that. Edit: Typo
  22. Don't fear RypeL most of the people I've asked prefer your launcher!
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