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  1. Tried it, graphics weren't that good and it's all P2W. LMAO! Well if you're interested, l00mpa has an account on our website http://www.ttp-gaming.net You can find him there. I can also hit up Kronic. Hell you might even see some old names from Ren too.
  2. Xphaze doesn't play Ren-X. I still have contact with MorDos and l00mpa. KronicNXC did play Ren-X for awhile but I don't think he still does. A majority of everyone else moved on to this thing called life.
  3. Isn't it obvious. This game collapsed lol.
  4. I never had this problem. Those file names are the APB models that they included with the game for people to mess with
  5. I kinda wish it was a dark map. Maybe release 2 versions, day and night?
  6. I agree. If people in Ren saw 1 apache or an orca in a clanwar, they were pretty much dominant. In Ren-X, I don't fear them as much. They feel weak to begin with.
  7. This change is all because you people are butt hurt over 1 server (EKT). That's not a good reason to change something just because a server is gaining players. If people want their server configured a different way, then that's the server owner's choice. If people are playing there, then they're obviously doing something right. I'm so sick of this so called "community's" mentality where they act like they're doing it for the "good of the people" when changes are really being made based off what 1 server is doing. If you don't like that server's minelimit, then don't play there. It's that simple. But don't go on changing things that effects everybody.
  8. Can you also change back the static mine limit / vehicle limit? I don't see a reason why it was changed back to static. I liked being able to set the limit whenever.
  9. Dunno what was the purpose of changing this back? I liked being able to set the mine limit and vehicle limit whenever I desire.
  10. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=75649
  11. Probably because you have the code for the Tick Tank wrong. Maybe it isn't reading the right preset. Because none of the Tick Tank settings apply either.
  12. I think the rock should be removed.
  13. What he said. I've reported this bug since Beta 2 and it has still yet to be fixed. I bet it's a simple boolean expression that needs to be changed because even when you have the exact credits for a character, you can't buy it.
  14. You mean mutata. Same guy we were keeping an eye on before. [CHAT] "mutata": i talk to him on skype and we have been friends for over a decade [CHAT] "mutata": last time i was in his irc channel he was making his bots use a TS3 method or something I don't know how true his story is but the guy he's referring to is a ddoser that goes as far back as Tiberian Sun named lucafer66. He also attacked XWIS for awhile 2 years ago in Renegade trying to bring Jelly servers down. He came on IRC during that time trying to force people to pay him money so he would stop attacking the servers. Eventually the attacks stopped and we just moved on. <@RX> "mutata": a guy from tiberian sun is doing it <@RX> Hi-Guy: really? <@RX> "mutata": lucafer66 <@RX> "mutata": hes the same one who brought xwis down a few years ago for a few weeks <@RX> "mutata": he showed me his bnet, it has 25k bots lol <@RX> Host: (Handepsilon@IRC): you sure it's him, mutata? you got proof he did it to us? <@RX> "mutata": yeah, but i have no part in it <@RX> "mutata": we just used to be in same clan <@RX> "mutata": on tibsun <@RX> "mutata": he likes the old renegade he said
  15. I do. It's still being tested. It checks for chat, radio commands, and score to determine if the person is AFK or not. I think the server side detection is based on movement. Not sure.
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