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Everything posted by An4x1mandr0s

  1. QUOTE (Mr. Weedy @ Sep 27 2009, 08:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If they make them RED Nod would be a little screwed then My misspeling Sensors have reached critical levels ! you wrote NOD , it's Nod ! Nod is not an acronym ! you are not a true CnC fan until you stop making such a simple mistake! :lol: (jk... but im getting tired of seeing that...) Just change it for BON ;p
  2. Nights would be AWESOME if you add a tropical storm h34r: *hint hint*
  3. HAH! Thanks Bob >=) Well cant wait to get Orcas ad pwn some Nod in the skies :lol: Take your time
  4. GOD THE NEW HUD IS BURNING MY EYES! other then that , nice I would like to retract my vote for Driveable Harvs , if you put a Nuke/Ion Under them it's game over !
  5. Bret should try making Valhara Space :lol:
  6. Just for the RESCUE CHOPPERS not the Apache or Orca , the transport AND only for the passangers oh didn't take the SBH into the equation ... :\ (forgot sensor arrays are from TS )
  7. and i would like the transport helicopters to be actually useful other than taxing n00bjets ! but you can't always get what you want
  8. Sep 30 is a PUBLIC beta , yes go get the game
  9. QUOTE (thrash300 @ Sep 25 2009, 04:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> FYI yes i played Snow... WITH 100 PLAYERS and i have played sand too with 10 , they are bad anyway (IMHO) and you should try to be more civil perhaps? i did not insult anyone here nor you for that matter
  10. ohh pretty , yes you should
  11. Nod need the MLRS btw but yes APC is needed ... nah dont remove anything just add more slots for Nod (or are you too lazy to do that ? jk ) And Recon was/is a 1 man vehicle (oh plz use a better engine sound please! the Renegade one was terrible Nod probably designed the engine to deaf GDI troops so they could not hear the Flamers coming or something :lol: )
  12. You will be destroyed for suggesting those abominations! (they were cut for a reason or not official for another one too...) I say let them make their own maps that will UTTERLY destroy those maps in fun and GFX
  13. Manualy Installs for ut3 are not that hard anyways .... h34r:
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEKywn7fhVo :angry: jk , yeah they would come in handy and make the chinook wannabes useful for once ! (at least add em to the trans choppa PLZ PLZ PLZ? ) :)
  15. Not enough cool Bret need MOAR !1 (...and maybe a new map ? heheh jk)
  16. IF they add the bike , they should go for the beta model on this one , looks MUCH better ! (and doesn't have a 5 inch cockpit *cough* )
  17. Nuke should be instant win guys but take like twice the time to hit to be more *realistic and balanced* but they are keeping the R Gameplay so that's a no go hmmm are you guys gonna make the Orca & Apache have different locomotors? (the way they move for those who don't know what i mean) Since one i a VTOL and the other a Helicopter ... but that's your call not mine
  18. An4x1mand Ran out of space on the register <_<
  19. Just for the lulz add a random defence building crate used only on April first
  20. You mean C&C Tiberian Forever? =d
  21. Why even bother with that? it's not that good :\
  22. Yes and i played with those 5 mins ago not THAT great but they are fun ... Now if you will excuse me , i need to steal a Skaarj ship to be stuck on the orbit of Na Pali for the 50th time :lol: And no those engines don't have better bots ... they don't have them at all UE3 is nice for GFX but until every one gets bot mesh nav they will always suck (just but a piece of paper with collision on their path nodes and the AI breaks ) The day AI will be good will be the day you don't have to tell them where to go by placing a gazillion markers on the map ' And sorry if you were offended by my opinions... you in charge of AI programming?
  23. ... or release a leak or something *hint hint* h34r:
  24. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Sep 19 2009, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thus what i meant I would prefer if people tried things and examined them carefully before speaking... bots are dumber then a brick... even on godlike :\ And FYI I played Unreal 1 , that was different ( a bit ) , know why? it was SINGLE PLAYER game as such if they AI sucked Epic would have had a lot more Epic flame boards :lol: If you were talking about Unreal TOURNAMENT ( NOT the same thing ) then no it was not THAT good ... but was fun I hardly consider a dude going around lonewolfing good AI <_< and when you give them orders they just do stuff around the map unorganized BUT trying to do the order you gave em , this comes from a long time Warfare player All they have is super aim which you can find in other games And you know what ? maybe you are right and i should leave the forums , C&C died some time ago for me with Westwood so why try to like a mod of a game i loved as a kid?
  25. ... thus perfect for a retribution or godsend man i love those And yes UT3 AI is horrible , the only way to improve it would be mesh nav ... and that would require giving Epic some 700 or so grand :\ so improving the AI will be a pain for the devs :unsure: PS: why is it that no one ever reads the FAQ before asking questions? i must be special for doing that
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