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Everything posted by An4x1mandr0s

  1. QUOTE (JCHTRanger @ Aug 26 2009, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm afraid it will NOT be that simple , the engine doesn't like making things the easy way Tho making a custom map that has rules like a rebuild structures with Kismet might be possible as for extras i think they said they wont bother with em at least until the final release (Kismet is the 'visual' scripting program the engine has)
  2. Titan pack = not needed JUST the latest patch (2.1) is ALL you need (unless you want to dl like 2 GB of patches for nothing )
  3. i found out the awesomeness of Frank Herbert's books thanks to C&C h34r:
  4. NO no char customization , this is due to the way the Mod and game work , besides if you have a custom model/skin (ANY kind) there is a chance for a dimensional rip that will allow that man to come to the Tiberian Universe to conquer Earth with an army of clones ! This is the man in question :
  5. NO company/studio will EVER buy a Mod that is one of their games and sell it for money ! because it's THEIR licence ;( It takes barley any thinking to come to that conclusion when it comes to a company like an EA
  6. Uhh why You necroing thredz ? :unsure: I got the answers i have been looking for sometime ago thx for the answer tho
  7. ...Or make the player using it be the only one that hears the sound therefore no 'true' gameplay disruptions
  8. ill enjoy as much as i can of the beta before the inevitable change *cough* Renegade
  9. Every time this day comes, the wound that EA left in my heart re-opens... But happy anniversary first computer game i ever played
  10. Too true , if i ever assist in making an shooter online if i join the industry , it will have Renegade style gameplay ... should be called : DAMN! MENACE CONQUERED DRAGON (C&C Renegade anagram h34r: ) http://www.deanjackson.dj/nameanagram/inde...onquer+renegade
  11. ...When you draw an army of X-66s steamrolling a Brotherhood base
  12. Right here http://forums.epicgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=335
  13. UT3 AI = worse team ever programmed by mankind :\ , hope this mod does not suffer from that
  14. The suspense IS already killing me! D:
  15. could you post some pics of the inside of the buildings? i wanna know how good of a job you did
  16. from petroglyph forums : CODE re;overflow:auto'>(Tropid - PG) Man, you guys want to stretch my memory Adam might remember better, but if I recall the names were for the entire life cycle of the Tiberium color, such that the blossom tree and green crystals would be classified as the same type of Tiberium since they are related. There was going to be red Tiberium and we were going to hint at it in Firestorm and Renegade, but we never got around to it. I believe the manual included with Firestorm has the correct names. I wrote it, but I don't remember without digging it out of a box in my storage closet Also , no i didn't get the TS beta (Tho i would LOVE to get my hands on it) but word about this things got around due to fans asking questions to the Developers that worked at Westwood and finding clues on the files
  17. from petroglyph forums : CODE re;overflow:auto'>(Tropid - PG) Man, you guys want to stretch my memory Adam might remember better, but if I recall the names were for the entire life cycle of the Tiberium color, such that the blossom tree and green crystals would be classified as the same type of Tiberium since they are related. There was going to be red Tiberium and we were going to hint at it in Firestorm and Renegade, but we never got around to it. I believe the manual included with Firestorm has the correct names. I wrote it, but I don't remember without digging it out of a box in my storage closet Also , no i didn't get the TS beta (Tho i would LOVE to get my hands on it) but word about this things got around due to fans asking questions to the Developers that worked at Westwood and finding clues on the files
  18. In the Tiberian Sun BETA they had Veins , but it was just too much micro for the players to 'clean' their base so they switched them with tiberium , and the veins also grew QUITE faster on the beta... Form the Rules.ini : CODE re;overflow:auto'>; veinhole monster parameters; VeinholeMonsterStrength=1000 ; no longer used. To modify veinhole monster strength, edit the (VEINTREE) entry VeinholeGrowthRate=300 ; was 3000 VeinholeShrinkRate=100 ; was 500 MaxVeinholeGrowth=2000 VeinDamage=5 VeinholeTypeClass=VEINTREE Beta also had Red Tiberium (Cruentus [bloody])
  19. I agree with the no skins thing! (thx Epic for makng UE3 the way it is ) I just hope you guys don't change your mind later down the road and desaturate the whole game
  20. When you own 5 GDI minigunners using a Nod Minigunner all alone (;P did this and i swear it took me like half an hour to stop laughing) when you try to go GTA 'style' on a hummer or buggy on your enemy's troops When you make a thread on a Renegade forum called "You know you're a CnC Renegade player....."
  21. While it's a bummer for good modders , i dont think it should be allowed... it makes others unable to use advantage skins so we ll have to deal with it , besides Ren X stuff looks to cool to need reskins :lol:
  22. It's the FIRST beta , chill man
  23. maybe you should consider doing that for all the non hero chars? i mean since when it's cool for everyone to run around using the same unique soldier? makes your job easier too Heros = 1000 chars
  24. One month is better than not knowing a date AT ALL , so bear with us
  25. My best guess would be that they are visceroids that managed to reach a certain age ... or maybe the Scrin threw em there! (originally on TS , the meteorites carried veins , not tiberium) I vote for Scrin throwing em there :lol: since they created tiberium and stuff...... *cough*
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