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Everything posted by An4x1mandr0s

  1. They will be near release... and EA will buy em and force em to **** the mod (now a full game) and they will then fire them
  2. Yesterday was my birthday......and i didn't get anything from RenX (but i did get like some 500 bucks....) so don't get your hopes up
  3. What is the name of the file in Always dat?
  4. Oops , you can delete this then sorry :unsure:
  5. After playing Renegade online i have started to notice how...retarded the beacon animations are...i mean really i managed to disarm an ion Cannon beacon at 0 <_< and while i felt pretty badass and all , it looked quite stupid since the beam was on the building or with Nod i got a Nuke disarmed at 1 second !! THE NUKE WAS RIGHT THERE AND IT VANISHED in my eyes FFS ! Thus i suggest that the countdowns are for when the animation starts and said animation takes only about 5 seconds at most so that they supers look serious , like this for example : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxWRc2fV2cE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPNilxuZ5os...0C&index=10 Also , it would be awesome if you make EVA say Nuclear warhead approaching when the Nuke animation starts ! (if you add the delays)
  6. :blink: you call that freaky? haha but it does sound weird... like two things that DO NOT work together , if you want to use a cloak sound use Tiberian Dawn/Renegades PLEASE.
  7. I voted yes , but it's not for Renegade X... It's For Renegade X , Angels Fall First Planetstorm, and because i wanted to check out the Unreal Tournament series. *Secretly hopes for an Unreal 1 Total conversion*
  8. You are on luck then , Renegade is one of the exceptions And while i know it wont TOTALLY prevent the issues , i think it might reduce them a little since there is no way to account for the stats , thus making the whole thing pointless (except for those n00bs that dont have a life and only want to win <_< ) And no , you play games to have fun not win all the time
  9. Then how is someone supposed to join the forums? :unsure:
  10. Maybe just use it for the Stealth Tanks?
  11. AWESOME! *Does the Kane dance* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDSKZC22Qs4...feature=related
  12. No Ranking system whatsoever should be implemented IMHO , there will always be someone that will hack the game/cheat/use exploits/Stats Pad./ etc. just to be on the top of the ladder , and it's a mod too so there should not be a problem , i mean it's a mod to make UT3 into Renegade , not to make it a full game (it's a mod after all ). No one has the right to ***** about they wanting a ladder to say stuff like "OMG i am t3h l33tz !11 , y0u 4ll 5uck5 c0mp4r3d to me11. It will ruin lots of people's fun , so please don't go adding useless crap like this that developers waste time on Full games , the Mod itself is what we care about ! *Waits for a Kane model* Edit: Added Stat Padding to the list.
  13. Yep sounds perfect
  14. Maybe a Silo would replace The refinery and it would give like 1 credit per second ? Oh and those lists were made on the spot , they are not perfect so yeah adding basic vehicles to tech 1 or removing one tech level completely can work And feel free to make up your own if you like!
  15. I don't think anyone has asked before (did search) but maybe adding tech levels ? this could be nice way to add more 'replay' value to the maps by blicking some high tire units (like mammoths and Ezekiel's wheels ) for example , 5 tech levels , 5 has all , 4 removes mammoth and Stanks (and some other vehicles) , 3 removes the infantry herose (Havok , Prototype Assault Suit , and Mobius/Moebius) and their Nod Counterparts , 2 removes vehicles (and AGT/Obelisk/Turret/Guard Tower{if it's in}) and 1 leaves only the cheap inf and basic ones. I think that could add some replay value don't you? [if you disagree PLEASE post a detailed explanation {as in at least one paragraph plz}] And no it doesn't have to be for first release
  16. Viewing all the changes and ripoffs from current games they are adding to CnC4 i think we should call it "Tiberian Crap" or Un-Tiberium , honest , and what's up with riping off Petroglyph's work? Crawlers fall from the sky...........*cough* UaW *cough* *Sigh* They could not be original even if their life depended on it... Ill never understand the new Nod look , change a few names and you could say they are aliens... <_< I also think that the Dawn , Sun , Twilight , Dusk , etc was westwood's way of 'saying' 1,2,3,4,etc sounds a lot cooler than numbers if you ask me.
  17. They should 'transplant' Reborn to a newer engine imo , gives it a better chance of standing out in the crowd ( GFX n00bz >_>)
  18. Do you plan to do the extra Character models? i mean i would love running around owning GDI as Kane! ;P
  19. Don't know if it has been asked before but , could you let us the drive the Harvester? since it occupies a vehicle slot and (almost all the time you are under siege) has the bad habit to push your vehicles out of formation towards the gazillions of enemy artys , it could help to put a smart pilot there to organize 'Harvester runs' as i call it to go harvest when it's clear and prevent the Harv from pushing you around and ruining the defence.
  20. Hi all , been following the mod for sometime (2007!) and decided to join the forums ! been playing Ren since it came out , best FPS i have ever played TBH , And C&C is the most awesome gametype i have EVER seen online well...uhhh...not good at introductions so ill just leave it at that...
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