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Everything posted by An4x1mandr0s

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaLxFIVX1s My memories of that name will now be stained ..........forever.............
  2. ...when you make a total conversion for a newer game to turn it into Renegade :lol:
  3. An4x1mandr0s


    Thank god Ren X wont have the scripts thing :unsure: anyway , my bes rush was on islands , Nod was owning GDI back to the stone age , and then , we rush both through the tunnels and land at the same time...........biggest fail rush i had seen! h34r: .........tunnel side that is , we then bombed the Nod Base into submission using mrls , meds and the Cannon
  4. ...i was joking.... :mellow: but just a little hint for the RenX team...
  5. Nod and GDI have a navy..................they just barley use it :lol: Navy was planned for Tiberian Dawn on both sides but it was cut for (insert reason here)
  6. !pkick (passenger)
  7. Renegade 2 had to story's , one as the prequel to Tiberian dawn but was scrapped in favor of one set on the red alert 2 universe And Red Alert 2 was yhe result of time travel that was gonna happen on tiberian twilight / incursion so.... And to all those EA bashers , ill have to say on their defence that there was a time (A long time ago on a country far far away...) in which EA made their own games..................and they were good..... and then they fell to the darkside.....that was about the 1980s 90s tho
  8. EALA was given CNC and they chose to **** it up , we dont know if other teams would have done the same u know.... still , no one can ever replace the founder ;0
  9. You are a CnC Renegade player when : -You destroy a structure using the pistol (did this ) -You plant a beacon with a SBH and actually manage to defend it long enough for the nuke to hit and live..........on a FULL server (did this!) -When you manage to sneak into the Nod base and plant a beacon on the pedestal unnoticed on Islands......On the 100 players day at Jelly Marathon (Did this once........but i was spotted planting the Ion ) -When you KILL Kane -When you play as a 'Visceroid'
  10. C&C Continuum was gonna be a Command & Conquer MMO set in the Tiberian Universe after Tiberian Sun
  11. IF you are up for some 'Realistic' gameplay , i recommend that you try Angels Fall First Planetstorm mod..................for UT3 No really , i have been playing the Beta and it's awesome... and there is a new release coming on September 1st (afaik) All i have to say is that you can do battles.................................IN SPACE! Edit: but if you impress them with the beta they might just put your name on a ship......*walks away whistling*
  12. I Picked Twilight , just by looking at some UI concepts i could predict it was gonna be 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times more Epic that all the CnC games EALA can do combined.....and i was right based on what was said on petroglyph forums by Ex westwood members <_< *sigh* i feel bad now remembering firestorm's ending......i think ill try my own story for what happened.....
  13. An4x1mandr0s

    Free aim

    It should be like renegade , locked froward and V for free and the option to swap it on (take a guess ) menu.
  14. Extracts from the command and conquer 95 strategy guide : Tiberium allows for the creation of new items practically instantaneously (compared to previous fabrication methodology) at new beachheads. The process uses sophisticated Tiberium-inspired engineering combined with the latest computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technology. In this new kind of warfare, the focus is quality, not quantity, and quality here largely means the ability to deploy small numbers of excellent forces. Battles are fought in terms of hours, not weeks or years. This follows directly from the ability to deposit a very small amount of physically relocated items (primarily the MCY, with minimal fire support) that quickly become a larger force via the new Tiberium-inspired micromanufacturing techniques. This small, crack force can then focus on a seed of enemy aggression before it grows into a large, country-spanning tree, as used to happen back when nations took weeks or months to field a decent counter response. Tiberium has touched many aspects of human life (for better or worse); one of the spinoffs is this lightweight launch platform with a virtually inexhaustible supply of micromanufacted warheads.' 'the sophisticated apparatus necessary for Tiberium-based warhead replenishment makes the bazooka soldier an easy kill. In this new military age, every building has a core computer net that controls much of the operation of the facility. This computer net is required due to the intense combination of Tiberium-inspired construction and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). Together, these two technologies are sometimes called micro- or nano-assembly. The considerable computer capability needed for the nearly instantaneous construction of a building then becomes integrated as the core nerve centre of the facility. So yes , Nano - Assembly and to keep on topic : I once randomly got a sniper walking around as a SBH and was like "hey why not snipe a bit ? :P" once i came to a secluded location i started aiming and a millisecond before i fired , someone blew my brains off with a ramjet half a map away....never bothered sniping again since then <_< Oh and a Ban no no is to glitch the obelisk on hourglass (like half the team did yesterday by accident [but someone kept doing it and got Permabanned ]
  15. It should work like in Renegade , that is all... Also i had an awesome idea for the ion cannon animation... when it fires the clouds 'open' and you can see the Ion Cannon firing from space! That would be Epic Win multiplied Googolplex times (and that is a real number by the way....) Something like this http://jbsc.deviantart.com/art/Ion-Cannon-...set=10#comments
  16. ...thus why i asked free ones to practice on ... want to have some experience before getting 'pro' tools...
  17. Ok so i have been thinking about starting to model some things to 'get practice' at making custom content for games, as such i was wondering of any one knows any good programs that are FREE that i could use for such things , any suggestions?
  18. yes , but maybe the survivor of vehicle kill could be a random chance ? 50/50 but i prefer Default any way so...
  19. They said no
  20. Don't worry , i have been observing EA's plan for a long time , it's easy to predict them after a while
  21. it is allowed , they can u know , not buy a vehicle when they find it there Oh , and it's not a Garage <_< it's a Nano-assembly!
  22. http://xhp.xwis.net/utilities/ Download XCC utilities , use XCC Mixer to open Always.dat and click (or shift click top and bottom of a list) on what you want to extract and right click and select extract (it only extracts 1 file on the directory u pick [did it for me ] but you can find all the others on the program's install directory )
  23. The reason why the always beeped on renegade was because of balance reasons and to encourage teamwork , since the things were always beeping you would have to defend it , without the permanent beeping a lone wolf SBH will be able to play alone all he wants and others will eventually do the same , thus fracturing the heart of Nod as they will not care for the code of the Brotherhood "Brotherhood , Unity , Peace..."
  24. That is a TERRIBLE idea for beacons <_< , just get em on a sneaky enough place and the other team is screwed
  25. Well we have most (if not ALL) seen the new trailer , and i thought i should say this as soon as possible , I don't like the new HUD all that much to be honest Default Renegade's was much better because it added more of a tiberian dawn feeling (unit boxes , squares as health bars , nuff said ) , i don't mean to bash on the artists that have put their sweat on blood making this new HUD for the mod and there might be some that prefer this one to the old one... so i though...why not have both? you did make those images about the old Hud (moddb) so instead of letting those go to waste , let us pick which HUD we want on the options menu , this way you can appeal to a larger group of people . I made this thread because I KNOW it's a pain to use Unreal Editor (i have experience on that ) and this could irritate a lot of players...by letting us chose you can save yourselves from 'flamers' on the long road , don't you agree? Would you guys consider adding air strikes as an alternative the Ion Cannon/Nuke ? (as in just a different animation to do the same thing [Nod had A-10s on the Covert ops mission , Twist of Fate , so no excuses abut Nod not having air strike capability ]) Also to help new players , maybe you can use the (literally) hundreds of unused EVA files that voice stuff like , low health , structures about to die , structures infiltrated (ONLY for the team that infiltrates the others building otherwise it would be too easy for the defenders to find the 'spy' , etc? {unrelated : anyone notice the lots of unused sounds that would indicate that base buliding was gonna be on Renegade? } to please the 'pros' you could add an option to reduce the Eva announcements on the options menu. And again , it doesn't have to be for first release
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