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Everything posted by An4x1mandr0s

  1. An4x1mandr0s


    Guys let this thread die plz........it's starting to get ugly..........
  2. My first beta suggestion will be to nerf the Ramjet Though i seriously await news............ *loads handgun and points it sideways at fobby* were i in your shoes , i would start making a news update.........
  3. Any 'new' news you can give us Fobby?
  4. Dune = Awesomeness.......... go read ze books and play ALL the games NAO! After all .........The Spice............is the father of Tiberium
  5. well Jelly has posted a look out for ren x so they might post a server too.... And it's not about the servers............it's about THE PING If you could fix that we would be VERY grateful since we will know the REAL ping to the server (this is a problem that UT3 has [and was never fixed <_< that i hope Ren X team can ])
  6. Hmm.... don't want to sound like a critic but the Act on Instinct Remix ........i don't like it doesn't have that "spark" the original has... :\ Hmm......guess that could be solved by adding a customizable playlist?! :D
  7. As long as it is not TOO much i can live with it , they are trying to fix exploits and such u know QUESTION : What is the level of gore you guys are going for? , if i kill someone with a Med , will i see them blown in half ? like c&c gold/95/TD ? Btw , you guys should not limit your GFX level to that of a 2 years old game , just saying look at Angels fall first planetstorm's ship , they have crazy detail and the engine can take em fine http://www.moddb.com/mods/angels-fall-firs...ginn-battleship http://www.moddb.com/mods/angels-fall-firs...r-mk11#imagebox http://www.moddb.com/mods/angels-fall-firs...leship#imagebox
  8. I knew about Westwood since i was 4 (C&C 95) *cough* *Remembers seeing people explode in half as a kid* .......I even played the Lion King .......and also know from one of the CnC 3 (Westwood version) devs that the name for the game was INCURSION , Twilight was just fan assumption........
  9. talking about Full servers , do you guys plan to fix the UT3 ping bug? (pings way higher than it should be on the server list)
  10. It should sound like in this video IMO and to not interrupt in gameplay you can make it onlt hearable by the player that is using the Ezekiel's (insert unit here) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyf5Dljewtw
  11. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Aug 24 2009, 11:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myrYMAYJOnU Muahahahah! *preps to sneak into the Operations Group Echo: Black Ops 9 base and steal an X-66 behind their backs using an Ezekiel's Cape !*
  12. Yes the mod will be released soon.......... When the mod is completed.....no longer will the world be dominated ........ by the legacy..... of these fools!...... no longer will we hear people saying Renegade sucks..........brothers and sisters.................are we ready ?! h34r: h34r: (I got UT3 a few weeks after it came out so ill be safe from Kane's Wrath ) [if you don't get what i wrote... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40H0KVLcWIQ...feature=related ]
  13. QUOTE (Dehumanization @ Aug 24 2009, 04:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :unsure: hmm.......weird......did you patch the game to the latest version? also did you by any means overwrite scripts2.dll?
  14. To register on Xwis (Westwood Online) ALL you have to do is (on the login screen) put a name and a password (thats EIGHT chars long! [no more , no less]) and voila! Auto-Register and you can go to Jelly ,etc form there (Jelly are the most populars i found)
  15. YOU CANT FAIL AT RENEGADE , you just can't Ill try to meet ya at Marathon Dehumanization will show ya how to look behind your back
  16. Didnt understand either ..... :mellow:
  17. Hey if you go to Marathon be careful , i tend to sneak behind GDI lines and steal their vehicles using a SBH ;P
  18. ...I care *ahem* if i wanted giant walkers that build units , then i would just go play Universe at War with the Hierarchy *Goes play UaW as the Massari* and while the walker ' buildings ' were indeed an awesome idea for the Scrin , they don't fit with the others ...
  19. NO! dont change mah gunz! :angry: No really please dont change how the gun WORKS , change the animation if you like , but make it work the same way! and since when was renegade realistic? (nukes vanishing 1 feet away from the ground *ahem*)
  20. Multiplayer practice do you have core patch 2 ? http://www.renegadeforums.com/index.php?t=...art=0&rid=0 also scripts 3.4.4 will let ya do some neat things http://sourceforge.net/projects/rentools/ And here u can find some neat skins http://www.renegadeforums.com/index.php?t=...id=53&rid=0
  21. Tiberian lasers............*ahem*
  22. http://www.filefront.com/4888993/APathBeyond9935FDS.exe/ Dl there and yes they have a tendency to be less laggy , at lest the ones i play (80 to 90 ping )
  23. ....When you steal a mammoth tank being repaired behind 2 mammoth tanks using a SBH and make it back to base ( liek meh ;P) ....When you had to re-install windows and the first thing you do after that is play CnC Renegade ....When you have times C4s.............INSIDE your head ! (this happened to me today...........very.......humiliating.....)
  24. Download the APB server files and install them on your Renegade folder , you will find some servers then
  25. ...When you kill n00bjets using basic minigunners ( Auto rifle) , like i did
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