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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. so alot of you guys have been asking for the old maps like under, volcano and complex. well as under and complex are being made by other members of the dev team i thought ill give volcano a crack but i would like to share with people what exactly we go thought to make these maps maybe even get people making maps them selves in the future (if an editor is released there is no guarantee this will happen im sorry) so i am in the process of making volcano and recording some things im doing "not everything" as its boring to watch and takes hrs or fiddling to get it right well any way here are the vids playlist >> Fly thought of the finish map >> i dont care if you sub to my youtube channel or not ... the channel is not monetized so subbing has no impact on it or me but it is a good way to find out if i uploaded a new vid, and if your are interested in anything i put on it Thanks, hope you enjoy my mutterings and the making of CNC_Volcano
  2. yer looks like your card is dying try a new driver or you may have to get a new card (make sure you have enough power for the card "PSU")
  3. http://www.ren-x.com
  4. shhhh its just a name its descriptive of what the map is ... sort of lol it means nothing to you coz you havent played or even seen the map except 2 vague images
  5. whats the matter with the name Xmountain ? what should it be called autumn ? fall ? all the leaves are brown and the sky is gray ? its a remake of a custom map in the old ut3 renegade-x mod
  6. awesome i like ranks and i dislike steam win win look there i am
  7. renegade-x is a non profit game i.e. the game can not make / take money in any way shape or form so the only way you will get this on cd / dvd is by burning it off you self.
  8. http://www.indiedb.com/games/renegade-x/downloads part one and two
  9. ive already give you the fix ... lower your graphics settings ether by the ingame settings menu or the UDKSystemSettings.ini found in : 64 bit C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\Config 32 bit C:\Program Files\Renegade X\UDKGame\Config turn off things like dynamic shadows, AA, AO, AF, LensFlares, lower your screen res the fact that it says that you ran out of video menory means your GFX card is a bit out dated for this game ... but lowering alot of setting will get you in game imo
  10. very odd this is what i run moo: os: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate - Service Pack 1 cpu: AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor (x64) at 4000MHz - 4200MHz gfx: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 768MB res: 1440x900 ram: 3421/16284.3MB (21.01%) [||--------] (16 GB @1866) i can run the game on ultra @ 50 - 60 fps noprobs (wile recording i have very hight settings and turn the res down to 720p) so its either you drivers / directx out of date, you have alot of crap running in the background or you have somthing very wrong with one of your parts but its most proboly your pc dont like to run the game @ 1080p so lower your res and or settings
  11. and you have time to get out the way now so there are less massive kill streaks
  12. well by all accounts in any game if you up the res the FPS will go down as there are more pixels to render ether lower the res or lower your settings to the lowest setting Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT only just meets the minimum specs and dose not come close to the rec specs
  13. well it seems you are reopening the installer and not the game
  14. revert back to the old driver ? (make sure you use the custom installation and tick clean install) most of the time when you use "express install" it messes up your system so always do custom and tick that box a full spec list would help aswell
  15. lower your settings thats all you can do
  16. kenz3001

    Server Logs

    Renegade X\UDKGame\Logs
  17. kenz3001


    use the voting system Ctrl+V or use the admin commands adminlogin admin admin killbots admin addbots <# number>
  18. the renx cynic has caved welcome man
  19. its hard to snipe @ 30fps i usaly play @ 60+ fps popping peoples heads off like bubble wrap
  20. added fotage of the new beta if any one cares to have a look >>>
  21. your welcome ... last of the footage i have just when up today ... wont be any more until the next time i play ... may be Saturday / Sunday
  22. saterday, sunday around 8 pm ish (GMT)
  23. so how many peeps would be interested in watching a stream of the next play test ?
  24. well i can upload @ 1 to 2mb/s (actual upload speed) think i will stick to youtube for now ... atleast i can add music and stuff if lots of people want me to stream ill give it a go
  25. dont know never tryed lol
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