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Everything posted by ErroR

  1. This. And this. Add a minimum delay to building damaged announcements of 10 seconds for the same building and it does make a difference.
  2. I noticed that too, it needs to come back. Plus without free aim it's really hard to disarm a beacon while moving around because remaining stationary is pretty much an invitation to get shot in the back.
  3. Building health on hud is a terrible idea I think, same for mine count. You can see the immediate change that renders surprise infantry anti building rushes pointless. I know there is an "under attack" message broadcasted but people often ignore it at first because you can trigger it with a single pistol shot. I've noticed a lot of "someone is disarming our mines, go check" in older videos. Not a fan of that at all. And the building health bars are just the same "building bar hud" drama from renegade just everyone has the advantage. Personally I'd like building bars to be kept on the tab scoreboard and to have mines moved there as well.
  4. ErroR

    Ingame Hud

    Now that I've played the game I can say this is a big problem. There isn't much indication on when you're being shot but a faint hit marker and bullet impact sounds, especially from silenced weapons. The health and ammo bars should be made bigger at least as a temporary solution because I keep not noticing i'm on low health unless I look down.
  5. I noticed it's missing as well. Kind of sad because it looked spectacular.
  6. Thank you Any other tipps for dealing with agt/obelisk? And another Question. How do i link my steam account to the game so i can track my stats? Just have steam running when you're playing the game. I think
  7. The damage it does is fine, at least considering the damage it did in the original was fine and this should be similar but the recoil makes it hard to land consecutive shots rendering it a terrible weapon. I disagree with just saying "it sucks because it's free, deal with it". It isn't the right approach. Every unit should be viable. The free units are viable when you want to go on a suicide mission but not waste any credits and the soldier is useless. The grenadier is much better on gdi and the marksman would be better on nod.
  8. Yeah, I've noticed auto lock can be really annoying especially when you want to fire at an enemy after aiming at another.
  9. That's not really what he wanted to know. It's standalone so you don't need unreal tournament to play it.
  10. I've spent pretty much all day running around as a hotwire through the base doing maintanance, placing mines and disarming beacons as nobody else would. Ended up to scoring almost every game without getting out of base too much. I tried infiltrating the enemy base on walls as well but the bots who stand there in one spot like sentries don't let you pass. Also, I've seen someone repairing a purchase terminal today. A fun experience overall if you disregard the terrible performance the game has even on low on my laptop.
  11. Good idea. While on the topic of forum changes could link colors be changed from white to a different color to stand out?
  12. I think it should say nuclear strike imminent when it's actually too late to disarm and not when it's 15 left.
  13. The game isn't on steam however because it uses the UDK steam recognizes it and shows that you're playing a default UDK game if steam is running. There's a crate that spawns in the map with random effects, it either gives you credits, a vehicle, a different character, a refill or turns you into a spy. As a spy you look like the enemy and have an enemy character. That's what you ran into, if I understand correctly. If vehicles spawn camp you then the map is nearing it's end as your team is probably screwed if they let enemies spawn camp the base. It's pretty hard to kill infantry with vehicles as explosions don't have "realistic" splash damage like say, battlefield does. Tanks are best against buildings and other vehicles. Some maps have base defenses that don't let anyone waltz in. If you've had a bad experience it's because you didn't play on the right server. Stay off the 64 player clusterfuck servers and go into a 20 player server, play from the beginning of the map and see how it works out. Also You obviously don't know how steam works. VAC bans are automatic and are per game engine. Nobody can ban you off steam manually.
  14. I agree, I've been joining the low player servers and they were pretty enjoyable. I imagine 64 is a clusterfuck.
  15. I had an airstrike hit me in the face while repairing a mammy with barracks down as a hotwire, doesn't feel very nice considering it's a one hit kill. Not sure about silos still but it seems that the team that's dominating the field gets a even bigger boost because of them because you can't slip in and capture it (mainly on c&c field)
  16. I've seen a guy do that for a few seconds as well. As he ran off screen I couldn't figure it whether it was lag or he was speed hacking.
  17. Oh, you're right. Just timed both. Ren nuke takes 47.72 Renx nuke takes 57.72 That's no way near 20, I didn't realize that. Guess times passes at a different rate in an intense ingame, but the countdown did in fact cause some confusion. Well, sorry about that then.
  18. Really? Does the countdown not count actual seconds then?
  19. Care to elaborate?
  20. Edit: I was wrong Excuse the emotional discharge but this is a big change that was absolutely unnecessary. There are a few things I really dislike about this game and this is one of them, I'll post some general feedback once I play some more.
  21. How about smoke grenades for calling airstrikes? Someone suggested that before and I really liked it. Smoke grenade means a distinct visual cue with team colored smoke. It means the enemy team sees it and gets time to retreat, if say there's a 7 second delay before the airstrike hits. It still serves the same purpose even if it is avoidable due to area denial. It's deployment range is limited and it's riskier to deploy because you need to get closer. While it can't be countered maybe make it so you can't call it in over beacons somehow, maybe make the smoke grenade disarmable for a few seconds.
  22. I see you spent some time into putting this post together. Sadly though your ideas are terrible unfitting and not something I'd want to ever see in renegade.
  23. Progression unlocks are mostly just an excuse to patch in microtransactions. They're only fine if they don't provide an advantage, which is usually cosmetic unlocks.
  24. We need a big countdown
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