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Everything posted by ErroR

  1. I'm part of an active community on steam and have quite a bunch of friends. Told pretty much everyone who I think would be interested.
  2. ErroR

    We did it!

    Been waiting for years. This final month of anticipation is killing me. Can't wait
  3. Not sure if any of these has been answered but I've got a few questions. -Will maps have basic weapon spawns (auto rifles, shotguns, etc.)? I remember under had weapon spawns on either side by the bunkers, not sure if it was a server feature or global feature. -Will you be able to harv-walk? Pretty self explanatory. -What kind of crates will the open beta have, and what crates are you planning to add in the future? It's been mentioned before that there are character crates, vehicle crates, death crates, money crates and spy crates but I'm wondering if you have any more planned as the server I used to play on had a few extra ones like stealth (that would add the sbh effect to your character), butter fingers (that would lock your weapons and only let you use your pistol) and a nuke crate (that would kill you but also create an explosion around you). -What is the possibility of someone remaking a classic map to look just like in renegade and it making into the final game? For example have an extra map in the game called c&c_under2k that would be just as blocky and use the same old textures from the original game alongside the remade, modern version. Would be a great blast from the past to play the same old map with new buildings, characters and vehicles. -Also, will "V" or the free-aim return? (locks your camera in place but lets you aim around in third person)
  4. Hey guys, c&c renegade veteran here. And by that I mean I played it quite often a few years ago. Anyway, been following this for a while and I'm really excited about the release. But at the same time I am a bit concerned about a bunch of things that may make this really underwhelming like Black Dawn was (no offence, but it was bad). Mainly I noticed that you took the more realistic approach to color schemes, camo and general unit visibility. It's understandable that back in the days of Renegade there wasn't much detail in the environment because of hardware limitations and you could easily distinguish units and vehicles. Renegade X instead has lots of different environmental props such as trees, rocks etc. Also the colors seem to be much less saturated on units. So my question is - is it harder to spot enemies on the field than in the original? Another concern I have is animations. By god, I really hope you got decent character animations because the default unreal ones were unbearable. Same goes for weapon animations, the black dawn pistol fire animation was awful. Also from the latest trailer it seems that weapons bobble around when you move (as they should) but don't display any sort of recoil animation while moving which looks a bit off. ( )I guess the question is - will those be addressed or changed in any way? Those are just minor concerns regarding an amazing looking game that I'm eagerly waiting forward to.
  5. you could make a script for that, altho i'm not really sure you can use a custom sound.
  6. If he means he wants it like in normal ren, then it should be coming, but if he means something like half life 2, then that's a nice idea! See the bars near the reticle, one is health one is ammo
  7. Really awesome!
  8. ErroR


    QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Oct 3 2009, 06:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> exactly
  9. ErroR

    Splash Image

    but it looks better what's the difference
  10. make it possible to chose between the huds :? also the color of the current hud
  11. yep, installing in ut3/Renegade works, i installed without /renegade at the end
  12. QUOTE (momauser @ Oct 1 2009, 01:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> did that, but it still launches UT3
  13. i don't seem to be able to launch threw steam :angry:
  14. ErroR


    oh, sorry i didn't browse the forums for this :unsure:
  15. Sand was fun most of the times, bugged harvy sometimes though, but you might want to try a different style for it. [attachment=449]
  16. ErroR


    Most latest valve games have achievements, also a few games on steam. It's a nice thing to have, and doesn't alter game play in any way can it be (considered) made?
  17. why does sakura look so old :angry:
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