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Everything posted by ErroR

  1. I've seen many debates on this and there's always lots of bias on either side. Steam's drm is nowhere near bad compared to some others (i'm looking at you assassin's creed 2, single player only game that required you to be online all the time to play it and would close itself if internet died) the only thing it needs is you to log in to play online, if you've logged in before successfully once you can then start steam in offline mode. Basically if renx would get onto steam it would only really benefit from the community bit since it's non monetizable. A lot of people on steam are people without credit cards. It also makes it much easier to keep track with updates too because you can push updates to steam easily (as I've heard) and have everyone who has it installed be auto updated. So you can push hot fixes for problems without having to have a full on patch. You can also have beta branch updates that you can sign up for and basically be able to publicly beta test changes that aren't ready to go to all players yet and collect feedback. Steam's DRM is not required, it's an optional feature the developer can use, which most do. Plus you'll reserve yourself a spot here http://store.steampowered.com/genre/Free%20to%20Play/ even though the game isn't really free to play. I'm pretty sure renx will work with steam anyway. Black dawn did it in a way that if steam was on it would show that you are playing the unreal development kit to your friends and have the ingame overlay function. If it was off it would just start the game normally without steam. So the only real advantage here is easy updates, community integration and more players. Origin is the same as steam except nobody uses it and it has nowhere near as many features as steam.
  2. Good, wouldn't really like to see the game deviate too much from the original art style. There's already planet side 2 with lasers and what not. People have been comparing renegade x to it for a while now.
  3. ErroR

    Ingame Hud

    Yeah, if they did it that way, I would be super happy about it. Aside from a game like Metro: Last Light that used minimal HUD effects (like designing the guns to be obvious how many bullets there currently are loaded without an indicator), the ammo and health indicators cant get any better than what HL2 did. The problem though is that some crosshairs seem huge and inconsistent in renx
  4. More gunners yes but also more engis on the opposite team. Unless the vehicle limit is increased dramatically, most players in a 32v32 will be in base defending. And it's unlikely a gunner rush can do undetected with so many players. Building health should not scale with players, you'll have to change your strategies when you're in a large game. That's true but unless detected (which does seem like a really big possibility) the attackers would have an advantage before the enemy team mobilizes engineers. Either way, let's just see what happens. I personally plan on sticking to lower player count servers for the start.
  5. Origin isn't that bad. Sure you need to install an extra client you have no use for but it's not intrusive or anything and has an ingame overlay like steam. That said I only used origin for bf3 and it didn't seem as bad, but that maybe only because battlelog was getting all the negative attention instead. I'd love a steam release over anything else. Also steam has the early access section for alphas and betas: http://store.steampowered.com/earlyaccessfaq/
  6. Yeah, pretty sure it will be obvious what needs to be tweaked after a week or so of public beta testing. I always found the idea of a 64 player server a joke. 15 gunners and any building's done for. Unless perhaps building health could scale somehow. Either a server option or based on player count. But that would cause confusion and wouldn't be too practical.
  7. Sounds reasonable. Currently it seems you can just call an airstrike on a beacon and give no chance to the enemy team to disarm it.
  8. ErroR

    Ingame Hud

    I agree. I made a write up and a few pictures comparing the pt screens from previous builds and such but it's stuck in my drafts because I couldn't find a way to suggest improvements.
  9. Pretty sure If you mean at the same time then I don't know. Although a few seconds wouldn't make a big difference anyway.
  10. It should be totally up to the server staff to decide. Considering how some admins ban for personal reasons on their servers, (which they totally can, it's their server after all) I doubt it would be a good idea to have global bans. Plus considering the game is free nothing will stop a person to play under another alias/ip/account/whatever to circumvent the global ban. That's what people do in tf2 to bypass VAC, since VAC bans on all secure servers.
  11. ErroR

    Ingame Hud

    The ammo notifier should be there just to keep things symmetrical, at least when you're very low on ammo. I noticed that people ignore refills as well part might be that you can't see your health properly and another might be that the actual interface of the pt looks sort of intimidating, I've noticed people (been mostly watching kenz) spend quite a while looking for the refill in some cases. As nice as it is the fact that it's stuck in the corner I'd still want a low ammo indicator close to the center. A half life 2 episode 1 ish solution might serve as inspiration as well. For those who haven't played it the bars around the crosshair show health and ammo
  12. I'm interested in that too. Right now it seems like you can just call in an airstrike to kill a group of unaware enemies. I like the smoke grenade idea. Super weapons never caused friendly fire damage in renegade and I don't see why they should here. Unless of course friendly fire was turned on but then anything would deal damage. It was a server option that I've never seen be used. Making super weapons and nothing else deal friendly fire damage would be confusing and would open lots of griefing opportunities. I think we just need a friendly fire server option.
  13. That right there is a pretty bad design decission.
  14. ErroR

    Ingame Hud

    I really like what you guys have done with the hud but I see one feature missing that I think was essential in renegade. I'm of course talking about the mini center health and ammo display. Maybe it's been a bit gimmicky in renegade because at the time people played in low enough resolutions to see both health and ammo properly without it but now when everyone's playing on a high resolution I think this feature would be essential in bringing your health and ammo to attention at least when you're critical. I found them so useful in fact that I just had to incorporate them into tf2 (link) and they've proven to be really helpful. Are they going to make a return? Having an option for that would be wonderful and would satisfy both people who liked and disliked them. On the topic of the ingame hud, I really don't like the fact that the health is on top and the armor is at the bottom. Pretty much any other game I can imagine puts armor on top of health. Is it possible to have an option to flip that if you're not planning on changing it?
  15. You do have the ability to look around for a few seconds after you die.
  16. Plus I'm pretty sure the devs are all very familiar with Renegade and know what they're doing. They wouldn't let it slide too far off into generic shooter territory. Beside the ironsights.
  17. Didn't unreal games have voice chat already? I know even killing floor has voice chat with multiple channels (with a terrible codec).
  18. ErroR

    Sudden death

    I think sudden death is a good idea as a server option but it shouldn't be too radical in any way. I support the non repairable buildings idea because it would make rushes and defense much more intense and viable, with results being irreversible and meaningful. However I don't think there should be damage multipliers as buildings go down pretty fast anyway if unrepaired. For example a gunner can take out like 10% (or was it 20%?) of a building's health in one clip so multiple gunners would deal a ton of damage to them before someone even notices and fights back. Damage multiplier to infantry would just be confusing and would encourage more camping, running back to base and hiding instead of trying to push into the enemy's base. I'm not sure about base power going down though, it would kind of make going for the powerplant and base defences kind of pointless. At the same time it would make infantry more viable however it would also give nod the upper hand because of sbh nukes. Maybe keep the base defenses up but instead halve the price of beacons and/or the time it takes for them to go off? No respawn is a terrible idea and shouldn't even be considered because it's not in the game's style. It would also cause hiding somewhere and nod would get the upper hand again because of sbh. Take a cloak and dagger spy hiding in arena with caps disabled in tf2 for example. It should focus on base destruction instead. I also don't like the idea of not having any mines as it would make it to easy to waltz into an enemy's building and take it down. To compensate instead someone would need to patrol the base a lot instead of being on the offensive, which should be the point of sudden death.
  19. Since free aim is not making it in why would 180 do? I don't exactly see the point. These 2 features seemed similar to me because other games at that time didn't have either. With that said I used free aim a lot in Renegade with automatic weapons and only used 180 to fuck around by spamming it and running in place. Shame it's not coming back but I guess I won't really miss it though, I got used to other third person shooters without it. Doesn't 180 take the advantage of ambushing someone from behind?
  20. I'd like free aim. It used to make tracking people so much easier. Never had problems with wall hugging or used it myself.
  21. This is why I don't want gun drops, does this happen in RenX? Not yet, but it will be a server option later on. And yes there's so much abuse with weapon drops, like SBH with sniper/remote C4. I think simply making weapons drop only when killed by enemies would fix the problem. Plus since it's a server option it shouldn't be a problem. Extra server options are always a plus since if there's something you don't like you can just disable it. On topic, I noticed the chem warrior looks a lot different in RenX, he doesn't have his bulky chem suit. Is that final or is it just a placeholder for now?
  22. UK here. European servers all the way!
  23. Of course. Priorities. I though since they already used some things from the original game (such a sounds) it wouldn't be a problem it would be a cool easter egg type map for the veterans. The reason I asked/suggested this is because I've seen some games do that and it's a great blast of nostalgia. Only one that comes to might now is a bit from the Stanley Parable game that came out not so long ago where *SPOILER* you get thrown into a section of the half life 2 mod with the same name and it's just great, but hey, it was just an idea that came to mind when I was writing this. I agree, there isn't much point in playing third person without it.
  24. ErroR

    Live streams?

    I'd like to know too. It's much nicer to watch streams live rather than recordings.
  25. I started playing Renegade like 5-6 years ago I think. I was still playing it when this was announced. Been waiting since the start, registered on the forums a bit later though. Since then I've been popping in at times to see what's happening. Played black dawn a bit but was heavily disappointed by all the generic modern fps elements added in and by how dark everything was. And other elements like terrible AI, but that's understandable, it wasn't the multiplayer I was waiting for so It's all good. Decided to forget about this to avoid unnecessary hype until it actually comes out. Had a friend remind me a month or so ago that this is still in development and it's coming out soon. The current beta looks amazing and I can't wait for it to go public. There are a few things I don't particularly seem to like (mostly about the hud) from what I've seen from the videos but I'll wait until I get to play before posting feedback.
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