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Everything posted by ErroR

  1. Player killzones are a no go. Landing on building tops should be possible. Instead there should be areas that don't let you deploy the beacon.
  2. "You can mine the bridge to stop nod from going in" Yeah, no. One person will take the hit from the mines and they're gone. One tech can disarm mines and they're gone. You can flip the barracks so it's facing the other way or remove the rocks that are between the agt and the bar too. Please stop trying to justify terrible map design with bandaid "fixes" like mining the place. In the short time window before you remine a sbh can easily sneak by. It's a terrible position to be in when a sakura is camping the bridge as there's only one exit. Base defences should cover the whole base for both teams. "A havoc can survive an obelisk hit" meanwhile nod doesn't even need to encounter the agt. "You don't have to mine all the buildings" What about spies? What about apc rushes? I haven't played much of this map as I find it horrible so I might be wrong on some of these points.
  3. Here's more: You can parachute into a lot of places on walls. Good luck disarming. Access to the whole roof might be necessary. Spot the beacon Beacons fall through turrets. Impossible to disarm, can easily destroy hon on field. And as a bonus: Don't forget to nuke the mtc. Maybe this shouldn't be public but really it's not hard to figure out the possibilities. Placing beacons at your feet might fix many of these but not all, it's still possible to do a lot anyway, especially on flying maps.
  4. In renegade the beacon would be placed at your feet. In renx the beacon drops infront of you. That's what causing all the problems however I wouldn't want beacons to appear at your feet as dropping them off roofs wouldn't be possible. Maybe not very useful to anyway but who knows, might prove in some situations like say drop a beacon off the big wall on walls if there's tons of vehicles at your gate. You know, the fun stuff.
  5. I've played around alone and found a few beacon placements spots that probably shouldn't be possible. Here's a few on lakeside: While you can disarm it there if you jump down there you get stuck and can't get out. Pretty self explanatory. Pretty self explanatory. Pretty sure if I moved a bit it would be even less visible. The bit on the refiner isn't physical so you can just place a beacon inside of it. Not a big deal but it looks weird. These 2 aren't that exploitable but still pretty sneaky:
  6. Mines are limited, if you mine the bridge you don't have mines in all the buildings. Not to mention mines are disarmable. Base defenses are supposed to cover the whole base IMO.
  7. Is jelly even european?
  8. I agree. Terrible map design in my opinion.
  9. Yeah but there's no real indication that it's not a normal crate.
  10. I'm talking about those small yellow crates that spawned by default. Can a server get those if they have the normal crate disabled? I understand why servers disable it but I see no reason not to have a ammo refill crate instead of them. Currently it's too much of a gamble picking up the big crate hoping for a refill.
  11. The nod announcer is great.
  12. Meanwhile GDI dominates every map with base defences.
  13. I see infantry repair each other quite often. There's usually a few havocs on the silo side on mesa being repaired by a hotwire. She disarmed the c4 I placed on one of havocs ;_;
  14. I agree that grenades should cost money. They're incredibly overpowered in situations that c4 is completely useless. A single unit spamming grenades from the airstrip into the tunnel on field can stop a gunner rush in it's tracks. It's incredibly frustrating and unfair for a free weapon to be this powerful.
  15. I disagree with healing inf being bad in ren. Hotwires often repaired each other on the battlefield when they were low on health on their tank repair post. It's just that in renegade the repair gun didn't have a straight beam so it's hitbox seemed bigger. I see a lot of people agree that enlarging the infantry hitbox is a bad idea however I don't see anyone suggesting that the repairgun "bullets" have a bigger one. (I didn't go through all the thread, way too much)
  16. It would be much easier to keep the beam on people if we had free aim.
  17. Would you stop throwing the "it's crap because it's free" excuse so much. The AR is a primary weapon, it's supposed to be better than the secondary, even if it costs a few credits. It's outclassed by pretty much every other primary. The carbine costs money BUT it replaces the pistol and not the main weapon. You can effectively have both AR and carbine and the carbine would still be better despite being a secondary imo. The AR needs a change to be less terrible. It was much more reliable in renegade, part maybe being because it was easier to aim with using freeaim but still.
  18. Good idea. It should get to a point where it's so loud it would make you considering to suicide.
  19. I think if you managed to defend it for 30 seconds you deserve the kills. Unlike say, pointing a laser at an area from a safe spot and getting 20 kills in a few seconds. So that point is completely invalid. Simply make the countdown reach 0 when it's not disarmable anymore.
  20. The ion cannon satellite charging up perhaps creates radiation that causes thunderstorms and rain. Not sure about the nuke.
  21. What about a button to lock the actual turret so it doesn't rotate?
  22. This is only a problem on maps without base defenses. Add guard towers and turrets and problem solved.
  23. Might as well disable global chat by default, right? If anything it should be a client side option enabled by default. Disabling something by default guarantees most people won't know about it and you yelling "NUKE ON THE TOP OF THE WF" when nobody's disarming will go unnoticed.
  24. Good luck telling all the random people to get and join a teamspeak server. Servers can have less than the max player count you know. 64 players is a total joke. I'm sure if the devs look into this they'll figure out a way of it working fine for everyone. Multiple voice channels? Squads? You name it.
  25. This isn't the first game to get voice chat, people can manage to not talk at the same time. I agree that voice chat is crucial.
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