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Everything posted by ErroR

  1. Agreed. Perhaps you could take the NS2 approach, showing tiny 'how to' in game video snippets each time player is waiting to respawn. That wouldn't work as respawn is pretty much instant. Instead you could have a tutorial section in the game menu.
  2. Leave the progression to other generic shooters.
  3. Oh, right. Yeah, that's how it should work.
  4. But if you get rid of the refill button you have 5 buttons at the top and 4 at the bottom. It breaks the symmetrical layout. I don't like having that exitting the pt automatically refills you. Not sure why but I just don't like when things happen without requesting them. R would be fine. You'd press E then R to refil quickly.
  5. I've been wondering too. Thanks for clearing that up!
  6. It should probably be on the vehicle purchase screen instead the main screen.
  7. Buttons aren't on my image but that doesn't mean they don't have to be there ingame, just add them at the bottom or something. If you want a vehicle queue it could be put somewhere at the bottom as the big red weapon area could be shortened. There is plenty of space there anyway. I didn't mean having both of them in the same sub menu, I meant having the buttons be near one another on the main pt screen.
  8. Well, I think important menus being centered is a better option and because we have 5 icons now I put refill in the center. Why is it a better option to have important menus in the center? Actually, now that I think of it grouping characters and vehicles, weapons and super weapons together would make more sense.
  9. Well, I think important menus being centered is a better option and because we have 5 icons now I put refill in the center.
  10. That's way too cluttered. Here's a basic layout I've put together As you might have noticed it's very similar to the alpha layout which I think was a step in the right direction. If you like this layout I could go ahead and make a mock of the actual design in photoshop.
  11. I really see no reason. It's been done to easily bring it to attention when you killed someone. TF2 and CSgo do it by highlighting your kill in the killfeed, renegade does it by bonking.
  12. I think either R should refill and E should quit the purchase terminal no matter what menu you are in while Esc should go back if you're in a sub menu and quit if you're in the main menu. Alternatively E should be refill and Esc back and quit. So you'd effectively have to double tap E at a terminal to refill. I personally like the first idea more. This is far from complaining, we're giving feedback and suggestions, trying to figure out how to improve something that works but could be better.
  13. ErroR

    Ingame Hud

    It's not really a dynamic crosshair, it's a completely different hud element in terms of half life 2 at least. All it does is display the same health and ammo just in another place and using a bar, it shouldn't be at all hard to program since you'd have to pretty much copy-paste the code and edit it a bit. It can be easily done in source. Thats only true if they decide to have just one crosshair, which from videos is probably not going to be the case. If they had different crosshairs for each gun, they would need to render it dynamically based on the dimensions of the crosshair. Or just have different positions per weapon. Ideally I think there needs to be a standard for crosshairs. Some are just absurdly and unnecessarily big (arty, mrls) while others are small. But yeah, whatever the solution something has to be done.
  14. ErroR

    Ingame Hud

    I personally never really liked the blood-vision thing. When you're low on health making it harder to see is the last thing you want. Killing floor takes that to a whole new level making sure you can't see ANYTHING.
  15. I think even a pistol can deal quite a lot of headshot damage to someone who isn't aware you're there, especially because it's silenced and doesn't attract much attention. Regarding sbh nukes, I'm not sure. The server I used to frequent had gunner and sbh disabled on maps with no base defenses.
  16. We'll have to wait and see.
  17. Well to be fair the laser rifle is very loud and the laser itself is really easy to spot from a distance so you're giving yourself away to everyone once you start firing. That should even it out. Only thing that's worrying is seeing how it seems to be pretty effective against vehicles too which, in my opinion makes the sbh too good. But I can't really say anything until I got a chance to play it. I'm sure if something is OP or UP it will be addressed. After all, it's a beta.
  18. The beta is close to release not the final game. I'm sure there will be plenty of time to iron out bugs and change things after release as that's the point of betas.
  19. I agree. I do like the vehicle purchasing bit though. It indeed needs an overlay to make it look like it's on a screen though.
  20. ErroR

    Ingame Hud

    It's not really a dynamic crosshair, it's a completely different hud element in terms of half life 2 at least. All it does is display the same health and ammo just in another place and using a bar, it shouldn't be at all hard to program since you'd have to pretty much copy-paste the code and edit it a bit. It can be easily done in source.
  21. It's reasonable but I think it could be better. There's lots of wasted space on the sides of the screen that could be put to use, at least making the icons bigger and more distinct.
  22. We were discussing the 180 in the same thread we discussed free aim: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=71752 Personally I wouldn't want to see it. It's pointless because you can turn around yourself and only takes away from the advantage of the enemy ambushing you.
  23. "Getting used to" isn't a valid excuse for a poorly designed interface. I agree, I will get used to it. In fact I usually didn't even have to use my mouse in renegade, I just used numbers. But that doesn't really mean it has to be left counter intuitive because "it'll pass".
  24. Yet another point where I disagree with the game's GUI. I know I should try playing the game before giving rant-ish feedback but I've been following this game really closely lately and from watching videos there's one thing I really dislike. I'm of course talking about the purchase terminal's ui. Back in renegade the pt was cleverly divided for ease of use, it had all the important features at the top and sides for faster and easier access. The free characters are at the top so it's brought to attention immediately which can be beneficial during intense situations like having to run up to a pt and change character or refill while under fire or something like a rush happened. The refill is at the center on left as if you have the mouse on the right it's naturally easier to move to the left. The extra characters and vehicles are in the center, grouped together, also really easy to find and reach. The beacon didn't need to be bought quickly that often so it might as well have been an items menu or something, wouldn't matter. The credits are in the center and have a are clearly readable big bold white font. Either way notice how little wasted space there is on the sides of the screen (gray markers). Moving on to the renx alpha, the design itself is kind of boring due to the bland colors but it doesn't matter, it was the alpha. Even though a big character preview was added everything was still grouped in an intuitive way, with little wasted space, with the layout similar to renegade. In renegade x however the whole interface is a, inconsistent, counter intuitive mess The credit display is hidden at the bottom and isn't at all obvious at first. Not to mention that the darkness of the PT interface doesn't contrast very well with nod's red. I think the info from inside the frames of each character or "weapon" since it isn't very obvious you're buying characters anymore, should be moved somewhere else. Instead of always telling you what is what and cluttering the screen it should be displayed on demand. I didn't come up with another design for the PT UI just yet but I'm thinking of what I can come up with. Meanwhile we could get a discussion going.
  25. If you put it in this light of course it would look like a major advantage. All you do is flick shot. But free aim has a ton of other important uses that has nothing to do with snipers. Mostly keeping an eye into a direction while repairing. For example you're looking at the wf door while repairing it's mtc. It also greatly helps with aiming automatic weapons.
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