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Everything posted by ErroR

  1. ErroR

    Spy Crate

    On the server I played on the spy crate always turned you into a enemy soldier. Only. The targeting box always gave you away but depending on the map you could sneak in and nuke a building. It wasn't easy, you needed your team to assist you somehow, either by rushing in or covering the beacon by shooting at it from outside of the base. It was way more teamplay oriented. In renx if you get lucky and get turned into a tech then you can get a building depending on the map but I think the notification kind makes the enemy expect it so it's kind of pointless altogether. There was also a stealth crate that would give your character the ability to cloak like the sbh, it did not protect you from base defenses though.
  2. Great news. Looking forward to playing
  3. Right
  4. It's "Bonk" not "Boink" and it sounds a bit too generic to be related.
  5. I heard remote c4 don't count towards the mine limit.
  6. Uh it's not really about being a diehard fan it's more about them being more distinguishable as unique characters rather than just being a reskinned soldier guy.
  7. Pretty sure this goes into the "Everything else" section. I don't know very much about titan fall except that it's on the source engine (which is easily moddable, so that means easily ripped models etc) and that's it's a fps with mechs. I'm not exactly sure if it's fair to compare every first person shooter to cod if it's generic, it's trying to do at least something different.
  8. Holding down the spot key already has a function. You can hold Q and hover over multiple enemies, then release to spot them all at the same time. But yeah, good to hear there's going to be a different menu eventually.
  9. As a guide at first maybe but once you get used to the projectile's arc it only serves as an annoyance. Perhaps be able to turn off "helper" crosshairs? I too would love customizable crosshairs. I couldn't care less about sniper crosshairs, make those unable to be changed if you must.
  10. How about reducing the repairing effectiveness of each individual the more of them are repairing at the same time. That way a single engie trying to repair when nobody else cares wouldn't be punished by that while 5 engineers repairing one building wouldn't be as effective as they are now.
  11. Firstly I'd like to be able to rebind the buttons for voice commands. I like having crouch on ctrl and I don't like having to crouch or walk to bring up the voice commands. Secondly some commands are hard to reach. I have to stop what i'm doing to reach ctrl+7 to say affirmative (as thanks in many cases). My suggestion here would be to move the commands to z x and c just like (and it's brought up again) in tf2. Instead of it being push and hold they should be a toggleable menu that disappears when you select a command, press the button again or after a few seconds of not doing anything.
  12. Mesa 2 and Field. Mesa looks great and is quite fun. Field because it's an old map that I remember. Both maps have base defenses which makes them more interesting to play imo. While field is often a stalemate because one team camps the base entrance of the enemy all the time it's because people don't push in.
  13. I agree however it's ridiculously huge crosshair makes it really hard to see where the shell lands at a distance. Get rid of that and it's perfect.
  14. ErroR

    New content?

    I agree. I think the silos should stay out of the field in general, where they can't get covered by the team who dominates the field with vehicles and gives both teams equal chance to capture them at any time. In general I think RenX needs more maps with base defenses. For me that's the real C&C and it feels like there are more maps without defenses at the moment. Not sure if that's the case though. I'd rather play mesa or field 24/7 instead of walls or lakeside. Islands I do enjoy however since there's an independent infantry route.
  15. Yeah, those "Im going to sneak up and knife you just to humiliate you" kills can really make a game. "BigBob killed with knife by Imaghost" Whelp, thats a n00b. A few shots with a silenced pistol to the back of the head can count as melee here.
  16. You get the warning but you never know where it's called to if you miss the laser. But this is probably going a bit off topic.
  17. I don't think airstrikes should get a price increase only. I think they should be a tool for temporary area denial rather than completely wiping it. Once it's called in you get the choice to stay in the area and take the hit, risking death from repeated strikes or retreat and remain unharmed. Aistrikes should probably be less instant kill and more "oh shit, time to get out of here, quick". That's what I usually do when I see an explosion caused by an airstrike nearby but it's usually done it's damage. So what about a longer duration but less direct damage? Think spitter acid in left 4 dead, molotovs in counterstrike go etc.
  18. What about mesa? Airstrikes don't work in the cave. Do they?
  19. As did I. And BTW everyone, there is no IP ban yet (that Im aware of). Implementing a "Require Steam" feature or an IP ban will mostly fix this issue, both of which are planned in the future. People can create infinite alt accounts on steam. That won't fix the problem. Try sticking to servers that are moderated.
  20. That makes sense however with the current vehicle physics you'd think you could end up there without wanting to.
  21. I'd rather have you slide off the top of buildings like the wf pipes, a simple insibile /\ shaped wall will ensure you fall off. The refinery has a bunch of places you slide off and can't place becons on. Top building death zones are a bad idea. The powerplant does that but it makes sense because you're falling into a huge fan at least.
  22. I don't think killzones are the right way to go. You could create a completely new entity of no-beacon-zones instead. You shouldn't be punished for ending up in a place you're not supposed to be in because chances are it's a very very rare occurrence and those break the monotony of gameplay. There are a lot of killzones on islands at water level and while they're doing their job it's a bit unfortunate if you somehow end up in one in a real game. You can only find out where one is by dying to it. Let's say you can get up here: It's a place you're not supposed to be in. A deathzone in this place would be confusing and just wrong. Instead you should just make sure you can't climb up the wall that lets you get up there.
  23. Doubt the can just release the models because they're still technically EA's property. Unless I'm wrong.
  24. Pretty sure you'd have to rip them yourself if you'd ever want to get them.
  25. But people disarmed them in renegade and it worked well didn't it? Or did you just turn around when you saw mines. I never "complained" about anything being op and this isn't a very good analogy. But whatever, good point. They usually carry nukes. Get a Marksman and shoot her then? I smell free points. Good luck throwing rocks at a tank. You're doing next to no damage while they can one shot you. There is no written rule but that's what happened in all the vanilla maps and isn't that kind of the point? I'm sorry that I'm not patrolling the base 24/7
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