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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Tytonium

  1. I like the idea of holding down the Q button to bring up an expanded list of options. If you go down that route be sure to include some for enemies and enemy structures. For example have one for "Please God don't fire at the airstrip because I am currently waiting for my C4 to blow up and if you start shooting at it you will compromise me and doom all of us you fools!"
  2. On a serious note I would love to see people vaporize/disintegrate and turn into a pile of ash if killed by Laser weaponry. Something like EVE for Fallout games if you have ever seen that. Or burning corpses after being killed by weapons that inflict burn damage. Disintegrating into a pile of goo or leaving just the skeleton after being killed by a tiberium weapon. Give us blood as well. And head shots should result in a total decapitation when shot by the ramjet rifle. I know so edgy, but cmon that stuff is cool. This is a game literally based on warfare and I wanna have the option to glorify my violence.
  3. I like the idea behind the mod. To give a fair chance to every player when you are right next to your enemy. I feel as if this can balance things out between god-tier players and noobs such as myself, as a hit up close can spell doom for either side. One of the most important distinctions between this game and others is the fact that the time to kill is much higher in RenX. Having the ability to decimate health is a welcome change for myself as it really does give a chance to kill some of the super good players. With that being said, there are certainly some balance changes that need to be changed with certain infantry classes, but give it time for the mod to adjust and I am sure it will be a permanent good change for the game.
  4. Nice! Glad to see the game is finally living up to its potential with these much needed changes! BuT WhEn ArE We geTTiNG a MoBiLE CoNStRuCtiON YArD PurCHasAble VeHicLE?
  5. Get some Youtubers to review and play the game. Start with the C&C Youtubers and then branch out. One that comes to mind is Generals Gentleman. But seriously, this community desperately needs the support of Youtubers. Ask around or maybe even offer some economic incentive for them to play.
  6. Oh yea sorry about that. I really thought surrendering and holding out for 5 minutes would cause the surrendering team to win, so I had the team do... whatever the Hell you would call that video. I count it as a win personally.
  7. What about if he who caps gets a tiberium flechette. Although that could quickly get out of hand in the early game with some of the super good players.
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