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Everything posted by HIHIHI

  1. I'm pretty sure I've experienced this a few times. I don't need to restart, though; I'm pretty sure an alt+tab usually fixes it (it's also usually causes it in the first place). I don't have any screenshots, but it's pretty similar to the first stages of what you've described.
  2. HiDodgeLR.mp4 They already know how to use a pistol! Kind of... : )
  3. There actually is some work going on (not as an official Totem Arts project, as far as I know, but by a dev) to support a Co-op mode and objective-based gameplay. So perhaps at least part of your wish will be someday realized. : )
  4. Ok, I'll take that. I haven't played APB a whole lot, but it is pretty fun. Now that you mention that, it probably could work with Renegade X too (although the issue would be magnified somewhat with the generally larger player numbers RenX has, in the case of the one-per-team Commando units, it would probably still work all right). However - What would be the reason to do so? As I said ealier, I don't think the game needs such a balance and gameplay change at this phase in its development. There are a lot of things that could work fine, but there is just not a good enough reason (in my opinion) to change them from a current system that also works fine. You have stated that it looks weird to have a bunch of the same character running around - that's fine, and it is indeed totally unrealistic. But if (as I believe) the majority of the playerbase and developer team has no problem with it, why change it? It's just another thing that will have to be worked out over time, and will push v1.0 farther out.
  5. It is definitely not realistic to have multiple characters of the same type at once, but I have no problem with it (nor, as far as I know, does the majority of the playerbase). It's one of those things that is just a part of Renegade and Renegade X, and I think that Renegade X should stay mostly true to Renegade in that respect. There are some changes (such as the replacement of cheap Sydney with Mcfarland), but they are minimal. As to Commando units, there are a few issues I can think of. The first is that it simply would be a large change to game balance and overall strategy, at a rather late phase in the development of Renegade X, and at a time when such changes really are not necessary (in my opinion, at the very least). Secondly, the limit of one per team - it works well in an RTS, with one person controlling a whole team, but in an FPS, it is very exclusionary, and players may be frustrated to find that the slot for the Commando unit they want to play is always full when they go to buy it. In short, the current system is part of the Renegade heritage that I believe we should uphold, and I do not see such major game balance and strategy changes as being necessary at this point of the game's development. HIHIHI
  6. That was actually implemented - hence isupreme's smiley face. : )
  7. It happened once this morning to me - a little while later, I reopened the launcher, and it hasn't happened since. EDIT: And I am not in Russia, either. Nor do I use a VPN.
  8. I think lasers are warning enough by themselves... Why would you ever walk into a laser fence in the first place? : )
  9. Little tiny fleas... When your tankers need a morale boost... A good day's work...
  10. Why do you think we are coming?! It's like the Battle of Trenton. Attack while your enemy does not expect it. : )
  11. What Nexus didn't show you was what was 1 km away:
  12. /r is like /c, except that it makes it last longer (I think twice as long).
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This is just a simple and fun mutator that makes it seem as if a player says "what an aim" when he dies. It is all done in fun. : ) This will not affect bots, and a player will still appear to say it even if he dies by suicide or falls off a cliff. : ) To install, simply extract WAA.zip into your main Renegade X install folder. WAAServer.bat should end up in the base folder, and WAA.u should end up in UDKGame\CookedPC. Running WAAServer.bat will start a server on your machine that you can join by joining from the launcher with join IP or from ingame with F5 open Have fun!
  14. what an aim View File This is just a simple and fun mutator that makes it seem as if a player says "what an aim" when he dies. It is all done in fun. : ) This will not affect bots, and a player will still appear to say it even if he dies by suicide or falls off a cliff. : ) To install, simply extract WAA.zip into your main Renegade X install folder. WAAServer.bat should end up in the base folder, and WAA.u should end up in UDKGame\CookedPC. Running WAAServer.bat will start a server on your machine that you can join by joining from the launcher with join IP or from ingame with F5 open Have fun! Submitter HIHIHI Submitted 08/29/2019 Category Modifications
  15. Best wishes to all who are starting school soon or have recently started*, and may God bless you! Learn useful stuff! *Everyone else, too. : )
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