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Everything posted by HIHIHI

  1. I remember I always used to get this, long, long ago, when I tried to start a LAN server from the launcher and join it... Never could get it working. Then along came a patch, and boom! Worked. : ) GDI vs. GDI... You left the cool guys out. : ( Even if Noddies are terrorists and lunatics and such (sorry Sarah, but it's the truth), they still have such cool tech... More than we do at GDI. Thanks for letting us in on the meaning of this though, rowe. This is really top-secret - they still hadn't told me about it.
  2. I'm sorry, Keeper, I meant that I doubted Madkyll was serious when he called you a hacker. I do not think you are a hacker.
  3. I doubt he is serious... The connection timeout length on the Anti-DDOS server was shortened, and some people were not able to load maps fast enough to join before the connection timed out and they were kicked. I believe the timeout has been lengthened a bit since then so people have more time to load maps.
  4. This is probably an issue that is quite common - what usually happens is as you describe - it will almost finish, but freeze. And then when you restart it, it will be at 0%, BUT it is 0% of the REMAINING download. So you should already have 99% or so already downloaded, and it is starting over on JUST THE REST. So it should finish up rather quickly. If that's not the case, let us know. : )
  5. Could be biased. Just made it for fun. :)
  6. That's awesome, isupreme. And yeah, it does look like one of the old Winchester lever-actions. !rec Winchester
  7. That is very cool, isupreme. Early semi-automatics are always neat. Are the markings still legible? Do you know what model it is?


    I will happily burn if the flamer coming at me has a dev flag. : )
  9. Recoil from that thing is stronger than the twin jet engines on an A-10... Crazy. I got to hold an inert round for one once... They are a little bigger than a .22. Nice rifle, Husker! Big guns, eh? Our little howitzer is a little baby next to the 3" ordinance rifle a fellow battery owns. : ) Same size bore (12 pdr. is technically over 3 inches, but ours has a 3" I.D. steel sleeve for safety), but wheels, carriage, barrel length, etc are all bigger on that thing. : )
  10. Not necessarily top three, or in any particular order... But... Quite partial to the 1841 12 pdr. Mountain Howitzer on a Prairie carriage... Maybe because I'm on a crew that shoots a reproduction at historical events... : ) (Not ours) Of course, who can dislike the mighty GAU-8 Avenger? You had BETTER like the American 180! !noob anybody who doesn't. Nice Marlin, rowe! I got me a Mossberk 151K... Fun little rifle. : ) And a Ruger MKII Target model - fun little pistol. : )
  11. Last picture: Tianenmen Square? Scene I made in Lego Digital Designer years ago... It is with me yet. : )
  12. Ooh, that last picture is VERY nice.
  13. The Aftermath? Does that mean I get another chance to kill Kane?! So excited!!!
  14. He means if your current character does not have AT mines, but you still would like to know how many are still out there from when you DID place them.
  15. That is actually coming out this next patch. : )
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