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Everything posted by HIHIHI

  1. Cazzone (to keep the base mined/general fighting) Nexus (to control the infantry paths) Lea (to provide sniper cover where needed) Roweboat (general fighting/leading the team to victory) Kaunas (AT/commanding if rowe doesn't want to) ef- (general fighting/Anti-inf with Nexus) Killertomate (Tanking, I think) Snips (MRLS/anti-inf with Nexus and ef-) Penny (general fighting/team player) Saintbred (for some reason I feel that he is also a tanker... Apologies if not)
  2. Great group for old black gospel. : ) !rec Swan Silvertones !rec Black Gospel !rec Jazz
  3. 64 players is already on the edge for performance and really more people than many maps are designed for (even if they can be fun for some people with too many players). 100 players would be way more; performance would be much worse, and even the largest maps would probably be overpopulated (except for CNC-Mount_Harbour, which would still be mostly empty : ) ). HIHIHI

    Small Matches?

    Of course, Eyes would be available at any player count... : ) But yeah... I think that could be a helpful feature overall. It just depends... Some people like their 64-player Field games (and I enjoy one every once in a while too), and some don't. So many different opinions, none wrong, but conflicting nonetheless...
  5. Man... First player voice and now some nice jazz... !rec isupreme, provider of forum goodness
  6. Spy Hotwires and Technicians are simply too OP. Not only can they walk past any defenses unharmed, they can also very quickly demine and destroy a building with their Advanced Repair Guns and 4 C4 charges. And if the opposing team doesn't notice or can't find the missing mines, they have no chance to save a building once the fireworks start. No other spy can take a building from full health to destroyed in that amount of time. MOST will give the enemy a chance to react. A heroic Mendoza or Mobius will get close, and be almost impossible to stop, but then, they don't have an Advanced Repair Gun (just a Repair Tool at most). And a spy Hotwire or Technician can do this at any rank. As to choosing your spy class (even from the array of units you can see), it takes away from the randomness that crates are supposed to have, and also makes spy crates closer to being OP (since you could potentially choose any unit the enemy had at that point - who would choose a spy Shotgunner when a spy Mendoza or Raveshaw was available?). I like SBHs too, but then I'm just a generally anti-change kind of guy. You just have to get me used to an idea. : )
  7. "Have they never seen an SBH?" Genius. : ) !rec isupreme I look forward to more of this guy's diary. : )
  8. Let us take a moment to remember all those veterans who suffered, fought, and died, both in the Great War of 1914-1918 that ended 101 years ago today, and in all other wars. Whether they fought for the right reasons, the wrong reasons, or perhaps some of each, they were all humans, and thus all had an intrinsic worth. Let us learn from the circumstances surrounding their actions and those wars, and apply those lessons to the events of our lives and our nations. Lest We Forget, HIHIHI
  9. MLRS forever! Too bad ours isn't named after the real one... : ) They really seem like pretty awesome stuff from what I just read. : ) https://fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/m270.htm
  10. It seems to me that that's just a regular feature of just about any multiplayer FPS/TPS game, other than stuff like Fortnite. I don't know that it really needs any explanation. I suppose where the lack of logic comes in is having identical copies of named characters running in groups... But that topic has been discussed enough. It's part of our legacy, and a part we must stay true to. : )
  11. I'm sure Handepsilon will be able to make your dreams come true, Sarah. : )
  12. Thank you, DaKuja, for all your hard work in bringing us Eyes! And thanks, as you have said, to the testers who have helped refine it into what it is today! The hard work of every one of you has paid off in creating what I view as one of the greatest maps Renegade X will probably ever have (it is my personal favorite). A thank you to all community mappers who have helped shape Renegade X into what it is in their own ways. HIHIHI
  13. Very good point about map sizes, Euan. I suppose that when I think of vehicle balance, for some reason, Field is almost always the map I think of it on. But as you have said, on larger, more open maps, Nod's hit-and-run tactics really can shine much more easily, since they have a place to run. I still have some doubts about the overall effectiveness of the tactic, since GDI (in my mind) will usually have enough time to make repairs if they have proper support (and if they don't, anything that's not anti-inf will probably destroy them), but it's still a good reminder. We must consider both the Fields and the Daybreaks in balance discussions. One point I would like to make is that (according to my memory of stat api data), Nod already has an advantage over GDI in most of the large maps (Eyes, possibly Daybreak, definitely Outposts), due in part to stealth being so powerful in a large map. As to differing vehicle rosters... I am still hesitant, since with the change comes more to learn. I believe that some of the devs also have this mindset: more complexity and more to learn will drive away more people from a game that already has quite a bit to learn. I shall be interested to see your response - I'm sure there are many things I haven't thought of. I just say what I think and take what comes. : ) HIHIHI
  14. Again, this thread IS about actual recon bikes - the new crate unit from TD - NOT the Tiberian Sun Attack Bike that is present on Toxicity and in the TS vehicle crate. I believe that the recon bike is more balanced than the TS attack bike. It is slower, and I believe it does less DPM/DPS as well. So you really need to try the recon bike if you haven't - it is much different from the TS attack bike, and knowledge of the one does not really apply to the other in this particular discussion, since their stats are so very different. There have been NO maps yet that have incorporated recon bikes, outside of crate appearances. So this is untrod ground. EDIT: I have been informed that recon bikes are actually present on Desolation, which has been in development by a community member for several months - my mistake.
  15. Euan "gEt HumVeE" Missile makes some good points here - those who worry about the recon bike being OP must remember that it's a whole new unit, not the TS attack bike, and it was designed with balance in mind. I don't think that it would be OP, but at the same time, I don't see a need for it in Nod's vehicle roster. Where Nod really suffers, vehicle-wise, is late-game, when GDI can roll out high-vet mammies. Nod doesn't really need any stronger of an early game, in my opinion. They can already roll out arty+tech combos 50 credits sooner than GDI can roll out meds with no more support than engies, and an arty+tech is very effective. The recon bike, since it would need to be a fairly cheap unit, would just enhance Nod's early game, if anything, while being of little to no help in the late game, where mammies and meds will be EASILY able to take them out very quickly, unless the recon driver is of exceptional skill. And that's if they're not trying to attack - if they go on the offensive, they will be even easier to destroy. The recon bike is a cool unit, and I think that it's perfectly fine if it is kept as a crate vehicle, to make it even more of a rewarding and special experience to have one, like a Bradley. Specifically addressing this point: I'm not in favor of having such a difference in vehicle rosters on a per-map basis. Obviously there will be a difference between flying and non-flying maps, but other than that, I think that vehicle and infantry rosters should stay essentially the same in every map (think of Gobi...) - and I would definitely not like to see the buggy leave on any map - they are situationally useful. Now so could the recon bike be, but I think that the buggy is a little more useful, since it's an early game unit, and in the early game, you need anti-inf. I don't think the recon bike is exceptionally strong as an anti-inf unit (except against me... In euan's hands... even when I'm cheating with Creative Mode... : ) ). I'm sure part of my resistance to adding the recon bike is just resistance to change... I can be like that. But I will still say that I see no need for it on the main vehicle roster (Nod already has more vehicles than GDI, and Nod already wins more than GDI). DISCLAIMER: I will be one of the first to admit that I am NOT an authority on balance. It is by no means one of my strong points. But I have given my opinion anyway. I hope my ramblings are of some use. : ) HIHI "Get Buggies" HI
  16. Ok, rowe, that is one of the FUNNIEST things I have seen on these forums. : ) EDIT: !rec rowe !rec euan
  17. Topic locked - the poll is still open.
  18. Ah, thank you for the clarification. For some reason I thought that system was not properly functional.
  19. It would be quite difficult to grant the recon bike access to infantry areas - it would have to bypass vehicle blocking volumes, and those are not set up to block only certain vehicles. They block all vehicles, and it is not trivial to make them selective.
  20. HIHIHI


    Man... I remember one of those... Can't remember if it was an older friend that had it, or if I might have had one (or maybe both), but that's a nice memory. : ) !rec Mystic
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