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Everything posted by HIHIHI

  1. Cruise missiles caused crashes? Great to hear it's fixed! Has the issue of the WF randomly stopping in Eyes been fixed? (I'm the last person to rush fixing that, though. Call me crazy, but I actually enjoy when the WF breaks on me. Gives us an extra challenge. : ) ) HIHIHI
  2. I hope its exaggerated! Quite a few very foolish decisions there. I enjoy setting off fireworks, but not quite so close. : ) The aerial view near the start was quite impressive, if a little dangerous. Very interesting. HIHIHI
  3. So I was looking at old forum posts and found the one on Operation White Sun. https://renegade-x.com/forums/topic/65207-white-sun/ I started reading and thought: "I need to find this." I read farther and saw it was going to be on Origin and Steam for $10, and thought, "okay, I'll go find it and buy it. I wonder why I haven't heard of it before." I only suspected April fools at the last paragraph or so (Maybe even when I saw the next post decrying it as a joke, I'm not sure.). So as you can tell, I can be April fooled quite easily, and I love a good April fools joke. : ) Just thought I'd share this with those who may not have seen it. It's pretty funny. I believed almost every word of it, especially because I wasn't paying extremely close attention. HIHIHI

    CNC jokes

    I've got another one here. Q: How can you tell that Kane is bad at using fountain pens and other inky things? A: Happy New Year! HIHIHI
  5. Sub-commanders would be neat. Like you said, one commander can be limited in potential in large games, and multiple can be overkill in small games. Maybe make it scale with player count or something, maybe one commander until twenty players, then one for every ten? Anyway, it sounds neat. HIHIHI

    CNC jokes

    Okay, here's a better one. Q: Why are Gunner, Sydney, Raveshaw, LCGs and commanders so polite to the enemy? A:

    CNC jokes

    HaHa. I looked at the trailer, and that's for sure. Here's another one. Q: What happened when GDI made a contract with an auto manufacturer for GTs? A:
  8. Okay, thanks for the confirmation on fbx. I have Paint 3D as well; it is a standard Microsoft program. Thanks for letting me know, maybe it will be useful. I must confess I haven't really watched Havoc's tutorials, because they are in Max, and as a beginner, I needed to learn Blender as I learned everything else, so a tutorial in Max wasn't much help. Maybe I can gain more from them now that I have a bit of a basic foundation. Thanks, HIHIHI
  9. If there's no way to import except ActorX, and ActorX is only for Max and Maya, I'm shot. However, I have seen people who have exported fbx into UDK, though they say it is a finicky process. I'll just keep working at it. Thanks, all. HIHIHI
  10. Okay, thanks a lot, Veyron. If you thought that fbx was complicated, you should have seen some of my earlier versions. I'll try to make a simpler setup like you did, too, as I think my main version won't even have the digger arm. I was rigging it more as a first exercise. Probably I should focus on getting a simple skeletal mesh (Like with just a root bone) imported so that I can get a process established. As I understand, Kenz, there is no ActorX plugin for Blender, exactly, but there is a *.psk/*.psa exporter. I might try that after I make a simplified digger. Also, thanks very much for your mapping tutorials, Kenz. They have been extremely useful in making my map (Although the digger has been taking my time when I work RenX stuff.). Gratefully, HIHIHI
  11. So, after quite a few tries of exporting the skeletal mesh of my digger, including tries with both *.fbx and *.psk, several different settings on import/export, etc, I have made little progress. I can export an fbx file from Blender, run it through a converter from Autodesk to make it fbx 2013, and import it as a static mesh into the SDK, but trying to import it as a skeletal mesh crashes the SDK. I also tried exporting it as a psk file, but that also crashes the SDK. Does anyone have any suggestions? Attached are my blend file, an fbx, and a psk. Really, this is quite frustrating. If anyone can help me get this into the SDK as a skeletal mesh, they will have my extreme gratitude. Digger16.blend Digger16.3.fbx Digger16.psk HIHIHI
  12. HIHIHI

    CNC jokes

    HAHA! Not the standard kind of bar, eh? I like it!
  13. OH, nobody said anything about that. Maybe do that after the base is mined? : )
  14. Well, honorable mention, at least! Nice!
  15. HIHIHI

    CNC jokes

    Post your C&C jokes here! Q: What did all the Nod soldiers get for Christmas? A: Keep it clean, please. HIHIHI
  16. Cool sub on your banner image.

    1. [B]Veyron


      Russian.  I wanted to design navy vessels for naval warfare....

    2. HIHIHI


      Interesting. A naval map could be interesting, but I bet it would be big and hard to make.

  17. Wow... and this was in a public game? Simply amazing. I'll be there if one of these is called in a match I'm in.
  18. So, when is the Bradley going to get upgraded to this TOW missile? I bet it'll one-shot a med, and at the very least, two- or three-shot a mammy. : ) Okay, so we would also need to make tank shells have realistic damage, too, but this is really cool. HIHIHI Edit: (Just to make it clear, I don't really want this in-game. I just thought it was neat.)
  19. HOPEFULLY I will be free for this event. If not, have fun!
  20. It's fun to see the connections between languages. But you gotta be careful too. When I was just starting to learn some Dutch, I was doing animal names. Kat = cat, hond = dog (hound), koe = cow, so when I got to dier, I thought, "I don't have to look at the answer. It's deer!" Wrong. Dier means animal. : ) Hert = deer. Another fun thing I discovered while learning Dutch: in English, a mural is a painting on a wall. Dutch for wall is muur. I think learning a second language helps you learn more about your own language too, because you have to focus on grammar and such, when you never had to do so learning your first language. HIHIHI
  21. Yeah, I know. Hoge Berg is 15 m. When I think "high mountain," I think more in the thousands of meters. : ) I read that in at least one province, the highest point is a highway overpass. But then while we were in Florida (the flattest state in the U.S.), a tour guide told us that in Florida, overpasses are called mountains. : ) (It's funny, some Dutch people were on that tour too, although I wasn't into Dutch things yet then.) If you have more facts about the Netherlands you want to share, go ahead! I always enjoy learning about it.
  22. Yeah, that makes sense. That sounds really good! You can have good food and a fun time cooking it all at once! It seems like the Dutch enjoy having good times with their families. Thanks, HIHIHI What am I doing here? I don't drink coffee. : )
  23. Great! It's like we get a Christmas present from the devs with BOTH patches! : ) Thanks, HIHIHI
  24. So Moat, what is a typical Dutch Christmas meal like? You are Dutch, correct? My family likes to make fried turkey dipped in egg and breadcrumbs. Heel lekker. : )
  25. Interesting. Of course, if I played it, I would have to play at least once with making him do as horribly as possible as my main objective. Just to see if I can kill him. : ) Ouch. I've never been burned badly over a very large area, but I did once get a piece of coal from my forge into my glove and burned a spot on my wrist. Although that doesn't compare with the kid my blacksmithing instructor told me about. He, for some unfathomable reason, stuck his hand into the fire (Probably 2000 degrees Farenheit, about 1100 degrees Celsius)! I cannot imagine what that felt like. I hope the potatoes were good, at least. HIHIHI
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