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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Akbaro

  1. Does anyone else think that the chemical grenades need a nerf? If not for the absolutely ridiculous range then the fact that these little stink bombs can hit you through thick walls? I think they need some sort of rework.
  2. Red Alert 3? Get a load a this guy!
  3. Being a Command and Conquer game, surely you all have a laundry list of favorite RTS games? I was born in 2001, so I sorta missed that RTS golden age in the 90s. That being said, I enjoy playing Dungeon Keeper and Age of Empires which are two 90s cult classics. Also stuff like Total War, my favorite being Medieval 2 which is such a badass game, if you like history and slug-it-out RTS gameplay then you have to try Total War. Also Anno and Stronghold, I dont know why but I really like these RTS games that balance city management with combat. Civilization im sure alot of people are familiar with. Theres stuff Mount and Blade, which is much like an action-hybrid-RTS-fusion like Renegade, - just as goofy but just as addictive. Ive managed to accumulate over 1000 hours for this and Medieval 2, thats single player alone. Just a week ago I found out about this battlezone thing, a huge scale renegade-type game that I had totally missed. What RTS games do you like? And are there any in there with a sprinkle of FP(S) action like Renegade?
  4. Was Renegade westwoods last game? Or am I mixing dates? Edit: I think it is, Generals came out a month after westwood died. F.
  5. I dont use 4chan I dont understand
  6. Why isnt MOM YOU OVERCOOKED MY CHICKEN TENDIES funny like I laughed on the spot like crazy when I thought of that and no one else laughed
  7. We live in a society
  8. Akbaro

    AT Mine Re-Design

    I think that they should have more health and only be destroyed by explosive stuff.
  9. Would give the game an influx it needs.
  10. .
  11. .
  12. Why here? I have PM'd you about this multiple times and asked politely for some indication of anything. -Why does it take an open forum rant to get a response? How are you or anyone supposed to see how my behavior is improving if I cant even speak in chat? I feel guilty doing this shit but I feel like I have been unfairly picked on, and that about a dozen other players deserve this infinite mute just as much as me.
  13. I cant tell anyone what they need to do. I cant tell anyone that there is a rush coming. I cant tell anyone that theres a bunch of c4 on the MCT until im there. I can only indicate the importance of something by spamming Q spot, which of course tight idiots interpret as impatience on my part. My only means of accurate communication is by changing my name, which people will glance over as an expression of myself instead of a vital message to help the team. Along with this, the inability to vote for anything or become commander. One of the fundamental components of this game, teamwork, is not possible anymore for me; without this, the game is just a shooter. I cant play the game anymore. The game has been completely blocked off for me. I have been virtually excommunicated from my favorite game for what I think are petty 'toxic' remarks such as FU LOSER TEAM - an abusive totally unironic attack against the core identity of my team. Perhaps saying that I really do deserve to be banned from every single existent facet of Renegade X. Ive tried not to rant because inevitably it will only dig a deeper hole, but im so damn frustrated by it and everything else that I really want someone to read this whether they like it or not. Sorry.
  14. Honestly just watch 10m of Linus youll be a master with PC hardware in seconds.
  15. Oh! A low player turnout?!
  16. Just watch pc tutorials on yt
  17. Saw a bot take out 2 buildings earlier today. Could be a player Larping as a bot tho.
  18. I voted for it.
  19. They have unpredictable jerky movement like meth addicts and on level 7 they have aimbot but the more you play you realize how often they work against the team and the flow of the game as a whole.
  20. They gangbang guard towers. Buildings dont do anything for them so they dont bother. Pretty certain Bots used to rep buildings before they had shields.
  21. Bots dont replace players. They dont repair buildings, they vehicle spam and just basically give them away to the enemy. They also pull inf characters out of thin air even when the barracks is dead and dont have a credit pool like everyone else. Bots need a rework imo.
  22. The music in this game is brilliant but there is something about the old music thats eerie and sets the tone you know.
  23. Thanks whoever neutralized my rep
  24. Am I the only one who thinks the economy is fine as it is? Base camping seems to be pretty 50-50.
  25. Thanks.
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