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Everything posted by Boomer

  1. Refer to https://www.ea.com/games/command-and-conquer/command-and-conquer-remastered#teaser-1 for multiple types of official gore in HD and think about implementation in Ren-X
  2. Return to Armory to revive dead squad members?
  3. pp: 2nd floor is raised ref: much cooler than current ren(x) model in my opinion bar: no front sandbag area, flagpole moved to side silo: pretty much the same helipad: does not exist in ren(x) wf: right part is smaller, plus other tweaks gt: made of concrete instead of wood
  4. It would be great if Ren-X can match models with RTS version.
  5. That's why I always ask @yosh56 to implement high resolution support. 20 years later people will play Ren-X in 32K so it would be great to make Ren-X future proof.
  6. Thanks! I was super busy for a while. When my gaming computer is fully assembled I will definitely come back!
  7. i9-9900K is not attractive to me. I am waiting to see how well 7nm or 10nm CPU does.
  8. I stopped using 4K and upgraded to 5K (5120 * 2880) in 2015. GTX 980 Ti can do 40-60 FPS in 5K @ Ultra preset. However GTX 1080 Ti can only do around 20 FPS in 8K @ Ultra preset.
  9. Click on my screenshots repeatedly to see the full 8K version. Last time when I tested, GTX 1080 Ti and 32-bit Renegade-X can barely do 20 FPS, which was totally not acceptable. 40-50 FPS is already good enough for me. Most of the UI elements are scaled to 8K properly in the current version. Console, unit status bar and text, scoreboard are not scaled yet. (Try to read these from my screenshots without 10x zooming. Can you see the enemy HP bar in the second one?) I heard that scoreboard is being reworked. Hopefully unit status bar and text will be the next priority.
  10. Can't wait for the new patch. Happy new year 2018!
  11. I don't know what happened but the price of Dell UP3218K went straight downhill, so I already bought one. GTX 980 Ti cannot handle 8K UHD at all due to lack of DP 1.4 ports. I have no choice but to change to GTX 1080 Ti. By the way, GT 1030 can output 8K according to nVidia official website, but no manufacturer produced any GT 1030 card with two DP 1.4 ports. The framerate is acceptable (way from smooth, but still playable) with 8K resolution + ultra preset in Ren-X. Starting with Beta 4, Ren-X stopped supporting multi GPUs. I guess a single GTX 1180 Ti (2080 Ti?) can run Ren-X in 8K + ultra with nearly 60 FPS. @yosh56 The reticle of Mammoth Tank main gun is not scaling with resolution in 5.292, please check my screenshots. Other reticles work well. *Please download screenshot to local computer and open with some image viewer that can zoom to 100%. The screenshots are 16 times the size of a 1080P monitor.
  12. When I see @yosh56 I'll always stick to him, otherwise I can't play without team stacking.
  13. You mean Tiberium Control Node?
  14. can't even disarm solo ion... FU LOSER TEAM
  15. I've been playing Ren-X at 5120 * 2880 for over a year. Since I'm a casual gamer, I find that resolution is much more important than frame rate. If you play in a competitive manner, then you may want to make sure that you can run at 165 Hz instead of 8k resolution.
  16. From my experience, GTX 980 Ti is capable of handling Ren-X at 5k ultra preset at ~30 FPS or slightly worse. So I'm really concerned whether GTX 1080 Ti can handle Ren-X at 8k ultra preset at ~30 FPS to make it playable. Also, current Ren-X client is offered in 32-bit. Due to rapidly increasing VRAM usage, I strongly suggest future Ren-X clients to be offered with x64 binaries. I always want Ren-X to be future proof. Tiberium Wars just passed 10th anniversary, and I believe that 10 years late people would still be playing Ren-X. At that time 8k should be very common.
  17. Recently I'm super busy with things at school and didn't play Ren-X much. A couple days ago Dell UP3218K (7680 * 4320 @ 60 Hz) went on sale. Since 8K has 2.25x pixels of 5K, which I run currently, I don't think GTX 1080 Ti can make Ren-X playable at 8K resolution with ultra preset. If next generation graphics card can provide at least 1.5x performance of GTX 1080 Ti, then I can give it a try. The problem is that I don't know whether the next generation is coming in 2018. Hopefully by 2019 the top gaming card can do Ren-X at 8K 60Hz with ultra preset.
  18. I suck at discovering map features but what does the dam MCT provide if captured?
  19. I mean the 4000 credits 1-time upgrade that only applies to one player for the rest of the match, not per vehicle upgrade which costs less (that would break balance I think). There is no way that you can get 4000 credits within 5 mins. The only possible way is you destroy 1 building completely by yourself within 5 mins by spending only 350 for 1 hotwire/tech. Meanwhile, your teammates got 0 so they still need 4000 per player to upgrade. Also, Nod has laser capacitor upgrade for light tanks which costs far less (2500 credits). Non-railgun meds can still fight laser LTs with proper repairs, and by the time GDI rolls out railgun meds, Nod should have Tiberium core missiles which hits GDI vehicles harder. Generally speaking, there is a reason why most and major unit prices are exactly the same between RTS and FPS version (except MLRS 1200 -> 450 due to balance with arty (but arty remains at 450), orca/apache 1200 -> 900, chinook 1500 -> 700). It turns out that the pricing system runs just fine. If a team is completely locked down in base since the beginning, it means that this team just suck and they deserve a lose. Because the upgrades are 1-time, it in fact allows comebacks if a team only makes small mistakes, not suck all the way from the beginning to the end. In APB, the only one per side AI harv is always free. Player-controlled harv is an addition. APB has high economy maps too but I don't see the balance becomes broken since the player-controlled harv has nearly the price of a mammoth but kind of easy to destroy.
  20. No changes for 5.282... Waiting for next patch
  21. I think there is still a good chance for comebacks if you watch some Kane's Wrath video commentary at GameReplays. For example, you need to take down 2 buildings all by yourself in order to afford the Railgun upgrade. Meanwhile, your teammates need to earn credits by other means. However, railgun meds and mammoths are definitely not invincible. By the way, what about player-driven harvester (1400 credits) that works in the same way as APB?
  22. Please check out the post below - people contributed lots of ideas I know that railgun meds are more practical but railgun mammoths are just awesome.
  23. Thanks @yosh56 for making crosshairs scale properly with resolution! However, there are a few new scaling glitches introduced with 5.281 patch. As seen in the screenshot, the Vote Menu, Player Name, HP Bar, Leaderboard, (and Console) are getting smaller than before. These UI elements used to be of acceptable size prior to 5.281. Would you please make adjustments to these UI elements? Thank you very much! By the way, the new pop-up votes scales properly with resolution.
  24. Jan 1 2017 Sunday PUG Team @Schmitzenbergh 2 - 1 Team @Madkill40 1. Mesa: Team @Schmitzenbergh (GDI) lost PP quickly due to Confuser sneaking. I shouted out defend PP but the response time was not enough. Lesson learned: have a fixed defender in PP while another defender move around base for Refinery and other buildings. After a long battle (~50 minutes) Team @Madkill40 (Nod) won by flamer + stank combined multi-target rush. 2. Xmountain: Team @Schmitzenbergh (Nod) destroyed Team @Madkill40 (GDI)'s PP early since @BlackMamba swapped stank + tech with @TONY-STARK's SBH. Nod tanks locked GDI vehicles in base while all but one GDI sneaker (Confuser) got denied. Nod destroyed GDI Refinery by @CampinJeff and @TONY-STARK multi nuked while vehicles focusing fire on Refinery. At the same time Confuser destroyed Nod Airstrip but it was already too late. Team @Schmitzenbergh had so big advantage in economy, forcing Team @Madkill40 to surrender. 3. Gobi: Team @Schmitzenbergh (GDI) destroyed the 1st enemy Harvester and saved theirs. I personally think it was already GG at this point. Then GDI kept rolling out tanks and locked down Nod in base. Nod buildings got destroyed one by one while GDI base had 0 damage for 99% of the time.
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