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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Gex_str

  1. Most people will say no to SBH snipers because snipers, I say no because SBH is already too good for his value. Teleport crate - very high chance of being stuck/going out of bounds. Its effects do exist on a single map, albeit it teleports to specific locations. Disabling base defences - existed, removed probably because too good and too random. Was nice to see more players and 2(!) full servers when C&C Remasters came out. Took a month before numbers dwindled back to usual ones. You can guess why it's likely to be a waste of money. AOW exists, but people hate it. I personally like it. There's no visible bar, but yes, your oxygen is limited. Be careful when diving. UDK jank. Reminder that this is nearly same engine Mass Effect 1 was made on. Intended. There's this problem of RenX playerbase mentality - they won't join empty servers but will furiously spam refresh to take that free slot on near full server. I myself am all in for 40 player cap like it was originally, but due to thing above this would just reduce max player count at play time to 40. Times have changed and it seems that no one cares that this feature doesn't exist. Also last clan wars(that happened like 6 or so year ago?) were horribly unbalanced. Can lead to people using it to buff themselves and more or less turn into one man army(not that it's impossible to be one anyway). With chokeness of quite a number of maps can lead to them making vehicle paths more narrow than they already are. It doesn't exist for a really really good reason. They're also a great indicator that commander is nearby so you could jump on him and kill him! Movement cancels them, if I remember correctly you can rotate it by holding RMB and moving mouse. Generally feels like a useless feature with most night maps being quite bright + brightness setting existing. No one on dev team has enough sanity to touch code related to bots. One of them tried to fix them, fixing one thing would break another. Mines and beacons are similar coding-wise, so you can heal both. Unimportant buildings(buildings that are not required for victory/defeat) are not shown. Dunno if there was anything in plans for making them more noticeable. Client/server desync. You get couple extra VP for killing beacon holder.
  2. Generally this problem is fixed by deleting Binaries folder in game's folder and then verifying the game.
  3. Gex_str


    SDK doesn't come with maps, you have to extract them out of actual game. Path to maps: Renegade X\UDKGame\CookedPC\Maps\RenX
  4. UDK version of FS is still in development(hopefully will be done this year). UE5 version will enter its development after release of UDK one. Generally it's easier to get notified on current situation on Discord.
  5. Note: Purchase Terminal will be unusable unless one connects the mouse or simulates it(no, left and right sticks do nothing there, as PT wasn't programmed to support controllers). Also heavily recommend to rebind controls, since some stuff like Ability button aren't binded by default.
  6. Try to find someone who would dedicate their time to making all those cosmetic changes while they're already busy with another project entirely(getting UDK FS out). Also map is from like 2020, so one had more than enough time to complain about it when there was workforce available.
  7. In Renegade X/UDKGame/Logs there are log files which contain info about entire session. When crash allows game to close properly it will also have error at the end. Note: this kind of stuff is better to be posted at "Technical Support" thread.
  8. We've been there already(C&C Remasters wave), it sticked for a month and returned back to how it is these days. With lack of cohesive tutorial("How to Play" screen is nice beginning, but it can only do so much) and/or unique map for testing various things, new players will continue to join a match, get confused at what the hell is happening and then either stick slightly longer, ask people what to do/how everything works or just leave. Also something something they see that most matches turn into meatgrinders that they may have seen in other games and already know how boring it will be.
  9. https://wiki.totemarts.games/wiki/Console includes RenX-specific commands as well as most commonly used ones from base UDK. https://docs.unrealengine.com/udk/Three/ConsoleCommands.html includes all UDK commands, but majority of them are for debugging purposes.
  10. No. Truth hurts.
  11. You would need to make a mutator(read: mod), which will have to run on a server, so it's either everyone will have to listen to these sounds or no one.
  12. There's a reality somewhere, where we are all happy. A perfect one... ...perfection isn't always a possibilty. Maybe.
  13. Gex_str

    Ingame voices

    SDK has all files, including sounds. There you can extract sounds as WAV files(raw sound file). After that you can convert them into any other sound type with anything you want.
  14. I have few thoughts on how it may be resolved, but first I would need log files, they can be found at Renegade X\UDKGame\Logs. If it's possible, we can move whole fixing to RenX Discord server(#support channel) since it's much easier than talking on forums.
  15. Don't forget that there's still no way besides asking people or looking into ini files directly to know which button combination open vote menu. Here's yet another reminder that "Vote" button in pause menu still doesn't do anything.
  16. Burning summer needs some hot music and a new game in my collection has one!
  17. No one got the thing that guy said as I'm seeing. Basically, there's a game called Dreams on PS4 in which you can make games. I don't know how powerful the engine of the game in order for guy's request to be fullfilled though.
  18. Only defensive. Locking turret was removed for quite some time now due to heavy backlash(breaking too many maps). PIC(Personal Ion Cannon) and Railgun have innate penetration of 5, 4 is needed to shoot through tank, so they can hit through 1 tank and hit another one behind. Due to how it was coded it ignores Headshot multiplier, so you can't make it heal more.
  19. It will disable placing proxy mines for that person for whole match, also people will be able to remove his mines. As for PM chat, tbh I barely even look at chat because of my playstyle(lone player), it doesn't help that PM sound is so frigging quiet that you need to stand in empty room to hear it. As for color - we have lime, yellow and red as usual colors there, so blue doesn't stick out for me.
  20. As far as I remember it would lock you out of Vehicle Purchase menu when vehicle limit was full, where did that go?
  21. People still care about leaderboards that can be cheesed anyway?
  22. First delete Binaries folder(that's where exe files for the game are located) and then verify the game in launcher(Options - Verify Game Integrity). Should help.
  23. This track will be my farewell to you: Let the wind carry tales of your journey...
  24. Since everyone has already said almost everything I could possibly think of, I'll just do one thing I'm good at: putting fitting music to strengthen the mood: Let the wind carry tales of your journey...
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