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Everything posted by swaffelen

  1. The best part is that the player base is growing despite COD/Warzone. I'll admit that I took almost a year-long break from Renegade-X because of Fortnite in 2018 and lately I've been really into Warzone, but Renegade-X still scratches a different kind of itch.
  2. Renegade X has been going strong since late 2014. The player base has fluctuated a lot though. I think more people join every time a new beta is released. I completely missed Beta 4 and Beta 2, but I played 1, 3, and 5 if I remember correctly. I'm not active right now, but I probably will be next summer when school is out and Fortnite is probably dying down.
  3. Is there even a point to developing Renegade-X if it isn't even a Renegade remake anymore? Might as well just develop something non-C&C so you can release on Steam.
  4. You need integrated voice chat. Eliminate the need for prox mines using automated internal building defenses (ceiling turrets?) like in the oldren campaign. Destroying a ceiling turret should trigger an alarm, and the turret should be a purchasable re-build item. More tech levels so that the available units after building destruction can change.
  5. I haven't played in almost 3 months because: No in-game voice talk. Fortnite has in-game voice talk. 75% of my friends and family play fortnite.... I don't mean 75% of my gamer friends and gamer family. I literally mean 75% of my friends and family play at least at a casual level. It's at the point where I just talk to people in-game to catch up rather than calling them.
  6. My CPU is a i7-4720hq (2.6 GHz quad with 3.5ghz boost clocks). I'm quite sure I'm not using the integrated graphics because those are even more terrible. Thay being said, I'm never getting another laptop with a low end dedicated GPU; it's a complete waste. My 940m has a 64 bit memory bus and ddr3 memory. Somehow it was sold as a gaming laptop. Ridiculous! I wish I stepped up to the 950m for $100 more at the time.
  7. Thanks for the feedback. I'll try to do more testing but 960x540 results in a 4:3 aspect ratio window being rendered. I don't understand it at all why this is happening. Does the ultra-low settings UDKsystem ini file method work for increasing FPS?
  8. Can anyone help me run the game in 960x540? I have a 1080p laptop with a 940M gpu and it gets ~30 fps on lowest settings on 720p. On 800x600 I get a solid 62 fps constantly but I don't like to have black bars on my screen. I'd like to run at 960x540 since it is exactly 1/4 of my screen resolution.
  9. What about this: Sort based on points from previous round. All even numbers swap teams. All odd numbers stay on their old team. Alternatively, go by KDR or total kills instead of points. Snipers and successful tankers usually have many kills.
  10. Not from the pug but happened shortly after the pug: ...and then there was this: That hotfix needs to come pretty quick.
  11. @Sarah! @ShrewdTactician I apologize in advance for the grave dig but I'm having the same problem tonight. No servers are showing up in the launcher and I can't see any servers in game either if I just click "launch game".
  12. There we go. All better now!
  13. #FuLoserTeam lol
  14. What if the building buybacks for the hon, bar, wf, strip, and PP only make prices go back to normal for the units that remain available for purchase? Rocket rushes would be cheaper and probably easier to organize so games would end a bit sooner than normal in stalemates of both teams having only 1 or 2 buildings left. I don't think there is a good way to buy back the refinery. Destruction of the refinery cripples cash flow- end of story. If you still need to get money, capture the silo or rush with free infantry as much as possible or crate whore. Edit: maybe the refinery can be bought back to improve the credit rate to 75% of a normal refinery- but the harvester never comes back again. One way to implement this is with a special repair tool with only a little bit of ammo and special MCT that you need to repair to get the price reduction- the special MCT must only be active after the main MCT is dead. When a building dies, can the main MCT be blown up similar to a vehicle? Just place a smaller MCT model inside the regular MCT and use the small MCT for restoring cheap prices for units. What if the enemy can infiltrate and disarm the special MCT too? That would be an interesting strategy since a destroyed building usually gets de-mined so it will be easier to sneak inside. Edit2: one more idea- what if you just put a silo MCT inside the regular MCT and people can just capture it with any repair gun- the consolation prize for losing a building is a higher cash flow rate. The silo MCT should only be visible after the building is dead.
  15. I wish harvester VP whoring was reduced. Harvester should be worth 1vp by default and add 1vp every time it dumps. That way the listing team can catch up in VP just by killing the harvester after 10 dumps There is still advantage to killing the harvester constantly since you want to stop enemy credits. Is the extra cash at the start of the game already not a big enough advantage? It sucks when you join walls or field and you have no money and are recruit when the enemy has veteran or elite and 2000 credits each.
  16. Crouch speed upgrade kit? Changes crouch speed to sprinting speed.
  17. At player counts over 40, GDI becomes overpowered because Nod's stealth abilities become almost useless. Lakeside, X-mountain, and Reservoir basically have 2-3 patch/mobius/officer running around hunting for stanks and SBH constantly at high player counts.
  18. Today there was a player who, in my opinion, was trolling and team hampering. He overmined a lot and when I called him out on it, his response was "it was swafflen". I made a !modrequest and when Sarah shows up, he becomes more apologetic and says it's only his second time playing. According to the leaderboards, he's pretty new but has 36 games under his belt so I don't buy that "I'm new" argument for one second. To me it is mind boggling that a player will blatantly lie about overmining when everyone on the team can see "player is overmining by the power plant". We told him we'd kick him if he didn't stop hampering but he said he'd come right back and ruin the game for us. How do you even respond to this? It seems like this game attracts some really young and/or immature players. I've also seen players just like this TH guy calling people f@gs or n!ggers. Wish there was some sort of "etiquette reminder" private message that gets sent to every player that joins the server.
  19. swaffelen


    Oh no. Please no. This is a terrible idea and too OP in my opinion.
  20. It is X because that is the fire mode switch button for Patch. I don't think it is fully implemented to change back from grenades for other characters.
  21. I don't know how to say this so I'll just say it... You sounded kind of like Cartman there.
  22. Comrade Maxim is entertaining. All he does is complain.
  23. I think light tank should be made 650 credits with 650 HP, faster projectile speed, and wider splash damage to be more effective against infantry. Helps counter repairs on sieging meds and mammoths a bit better. Currently the light tank can be taken down by gunners or Sydney quite easily compared to medium tank vs rave or lcg. The cost of 650 also reduces the likelihood of an early light tank rush on under or on field. As for the mammoth, I know it's against the spirit of what the mammoth was supposed to be, but I think a 1200 credit mammoth with only 1000 HP and great reduced splash damage radius turns the mammy into more of an anti-tank, anti-apache, and anti-building vehicle but makes it easier to counter with lcgs and raveshaws. Make the tusk missiles stronger against aircraft to reduce vulnerability against Apaches on lakeside perhaps. For flame tank, maybe increase the range by a bit but reduce turret turning speed to compensate and allow infantry and tanks to come close and c4 it? Flame tanks should scare the crap out of meds and mammoths- I know they scared me in the original renegade. Stealth tank and medium tank are fine as-is. Maybe make the APCs, arts, and mlrs all 475 credits to make APC rushes less risky for cash and make losing art or mlr more painful. Buggy and Humvee are okay as-is, but mostly useless unless a skilled player buys one.
  24. Mechanical Engineer in Waterloo, Canada. My company makes car parts.
  25. Stuck spot behind GDI barracks. See attached screenshot. ScreenShot00007.bmp
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