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Everything posted by swaffelen

  1. I think the prices are fair for the info right now. Sbh is like paper against Mobius and Sydney and the LCG is super slow. I think the med could be made 750 credits with 750 health to compensate perhaps?
  2. swaffelen


    Quoted for truth lol
  3. swaffelen


  4. That goes completely against the feel of the original. I come here to play a modern version of renegade, not because I'm too cheap to buy BF4 of COD or whatever game you are trying to turn renegade x into. Are you implying you don't know how to bounce around while attacking? Did you never play OG renegade?
  5. I want to talk about last night's islands game. GDI looked like it was going to win with meds, mlrs and mammoths sieging the Nod refinery and airstrip. Nod lost the ref but we succeeded in nuking the bar (RIP stank that squished the disarmers). Because Nod was broke from having no ref, I could only afford a stank but no technician. I tried to sneak and kill the GDI ref (100 armor, 19hp) with my engie inside stank but accidentally suicided with my own mines... Leaving my stank in the GDI base. I got an Sbh in the hope of saving my stank. It was exactly where I had left it. I couldn't believe it. I tried to go back to Nod base to refill and heal but got in a fight with some meds and mlrs on the way back. At this point I had only 600 creds left so I did what any desperate person on Nod does: I got an SBH and repair gun. I happened to meet up with Maverick at the GDI base and we disarmed the ref mines together and c4'ed the MCT. When GDI ref died, Nod became Elite and we steamrolled the Weapons factory with tanks. It was nice to be part of a Come-Back play for once.
  6. Algol just relax. It's just a game.
  7. Thanks man!
  8. Sorry but I don't know how to screenshot. Print screen seems to do nothing when I try to paste into MSPaint. I can recreate it in skirmish easily if you tell me how to screenshot.
  9. Today I drove a stank behind one of the tunnel entrances on islands and got wedged in there so that I couldn't get out. I also got the "return to battlefield" message. Can better blockers be put in so that tanks cannot get behind there, or can you shift the battlefield boundary so that we are able to hide back there properly?
  10. My game just crashed and now i don't see any servers... edit: just needed to restart my pc i guess
  11. I'll tell Poi or JPJ to fuck off, but that is because I'd vastly prefer them to kill my teammates instead of me. However, I understand that it is not always possible to show me mercy so I guess I'll just let them murder me. The only time it really makes me RQ is when the ref is down or we aren't getting any credits otherwise.
  12. Wait... what?!? that doesn't seem right. what is the point of sandbags then?
  13. Personally I like to place fewer mines at entrances that have good visibility such as the front door of the HON and WF on walls. I also like to put 1 mine in between the sand bags of the BAR on non-flying maps such as Reservoir. That way, you can see from far away whether or not you need to check the mines for the bar. On Reservoir, it is especially handy since the buildings are far apart and every second counts when someone has infiltrated with a techie or a nuke. EDIT: apparently you can jump on/over the sandbags now... that logic makes not sense to me but whatever.
  14. Can we get mining tips as part of the loading screen? Too many new players overmine and throw off the balance of the game. It's really hard to mining ban them too. Is it possible to get temporary (5 minute) mining bans implemented that only require, say 2-3 votes?
  15. You hit the nail on the head. Sometimes I get so pissed off at Renegade-X and it ruins my whole day.
  16. Quoted for truth. I must say that last week or weekend there was a strong Bioz, Denuvian, and Pirate stack and it was very noticeable. Big unbalances develop because of differences in experience. It doesn't matter how good you are at other FPS games or sniping if you don't know the mechanics and strategies, mine locations, common beacon locations, tank use, etc. RenegadeX is a tough game to learn. It's complicated.
  17. Yes. Saturdays are busiest. We also have organized (PUG) games on Saturday. The server is password protected and you need to get the password from someone on TeamSpeak PUG channel. Sundays are pretty active too. Weekdays is only active up to 7pm Eastern Time (US/CAN) or midnight England time.
  18. I'm glad other people had similar problems and solved them, but updating drivers definitely did not help. I wish I knew how to roll back to 17.2.___
  19. I have an HD 7850 graphics card with an i7-3770 (non-K) on an H77 motherboard, and 32 gb ram. I am getting this error after updating my drivers. I uninstalled the drivers and it worked again for a week, but today I had the same error when trying to launch the game. I first had the problem after the game updated to 5.29. Unfortunately I also updated the drivers just before then, so I don't know which caused the problem. Error shown here:
  20. I would compare with other laptops before dropping $4000 on a MBP. You might be able to save $1000-$2000 by getting something similar with Windows installed.
  21. There is also a stuck spot at the sniper perch overlooking the field at the top of Nod's stairs. If you go up there but jump beside the stairs, you can get stuck in the tree closest to the sniper perch. Sorry I don't have a screenshot.
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