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Everything posted by Havoc89

  1. Are you serious? you cant edit your post?
  2. Edit button is on the bottom of your post, the furthest left on the set of options on the bottom right of the post.
  3. I'm up for a game saturday or sunday.
  4. Ding! We have a winner! I dont think so. I think if its not allowed, and some one else tries to make/sell merchandise with our logo, we'd probably end up getting the blame.
  5. Not sure, like I said it was a while ago so details are a bit fuzzy. It was quite some time ago that we were thinking of having some prizes for possible contests I think and I think it was fobby or jeep who sent an e-mail to EA asking if thats alright. I cant remember exactly, one of them will have to clear it up. I would love to have a RenX shirt though.
  6. We actually asked EA about RenX gifts such as t-shirts, mouse pads etc... They told us not to do so. So I'm not entirely sure if this is a good idea. I cant remember but I think it might be okay if no profits were made. You'll have to ask EA because we're not entirely certain.
  7. I think it might be a good idea to have weekly play sessions on some day at some time so that everybody can get a chance to play. If anyone is up for that then make a post about what time and what day is good.
  8. Had some good games today, hopefully tomorrow will have more players. Okay guys if you experiance any trouble updating the frontend launcher to 0.555, you need to open up your task manager, go to the processes tab, and end process on all renegade-x.exe because a bug with the older version didnt actually close the program properly. So once you've end processed all the Renegade-X.exe applications, then re-launch the frontend, and it will update properly. Sorry for the mishap, we'll see you all tomorrow for Day 2 of Dev Night.
  9. Dx9 actually. We havnt done any real implimentation of Dx11 yet. Will we? I have no idea to be honest.
  10. Sure, I'm game!
  11. Well the reason why there are no updates is because there is no real information that we want to disclose about BD. Think about it, we've already said that black dawn is a short single player demo with one really long mission which takes place on an island where gdi is going in to rescue mobius. If we say anymore, we'd end up ruining the entire experiance, and thats the last thing we want to do because that "experiance" of playing the short campaign is what we've worked so hard on. We COULD talk about the multiplayer but we dont want to have people then expect to see a MP element in BD because we made a news post about multiplayer. So we're taking it one step at a time. We're not rushing UDK versions like we did with the Unreal Tournament 3 versions. We're taking our time to get everything working nicely and polished, even if that means it takes a few extra months of elbow greese.
  12. Yes, obj format is a universal geometery format which almost every software can export/import. Which includes Max and Maya
  13. You can use various formats, but the two I would recommend are obj and fbx. obj is a universal geometery format, and fbx is an autodesk animation format that can not only hold geometery, but also skin weights and animations as well.
  14. No, vehicles will not change colours. We dont want to punish people who steal vehicles, we want to reward them. What better way then to have em sucker punch enemies without them knowing? Part of stealing vehicles is fooling the enemy to thinking you're friendly and thats always been an very useful tactic in ren. The pic you're posting is not from Ren2, it is the Soviet Apocalypse tank from Red Alert 2. One thing about C&C Renegade is that its more of an FPS then an RTS because if it was more towards the RTS then it would not be as much fun.
  15. One program I use to compress videos is called Virtual Dub. Its a free software, and is great for compressing videos.
  16. Renegade game play is usually most action packed on small to medium sized maps, and most of our maps in the stand alone MP will be of that size. Usually any large maps that are the scale of scorpion hunter tend to be very slow as it takes a very long time to get to the other base, and tends to ruin the fast paced action packed experiance. Ofcourse this is also in relation to the the number of players present in the server. We will probably still have some large maps, but that remains to be seen. Yes, this is because we are using the standard UT3 character animations which are for big hulking guys with giant arms. We've already created our own animations and animation system for the stand alone version, so that problem is fixed. The reason it comes down at an angle is because of the surface it lands on which rotates the deployed beacon to orient to the surface. We will be fixing this issue in the stand alone version, and a new animation is already in the works. We didnt remove it intentionally, it just never got finished, it will be added back in. way ahead of you: http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/3972/rxbdss20.jpg Yes they will, we didnt have time to get the animations setup cuz its not very important. The harvesters will have animations in the stand alone version. I would disagree. The GDI AGT takes much longer to destroy an APC vs the Nod Obelisk which only requires 2 hits. AGT is better at taking down infantry, where as obby is better at taking down armour. Yep, Engineers can repair nearly destroyed vehicles and watch them rebuff all the dents, scratches and molds back into place. Kinda cool to look at Dont really know as of yet. Havnt really decided if we're going to add them or not.
  17. Covert Ops was awesome. The pincle of true RTS missions that will give your brain a real work out and a half.
  18. No it wont, that was a bug.
  19. Hang on, what position are you applying for exactly?
  20. With all do respect, thats a load of crap. UT3 uses a collision cylinder for all players against weapons, and NOT the actual model cuz that would be insanly processor intensive, there fore the animations have nothing to do with hitting the character. THUS is the reason why its a lot easier to kill people in renx then it is in ren. So you could shoot beside the head and still get a headshot, or shoot through the legs, and still hit.
  21. I dont think you're really criticizing anything in particular sence you're just saying how its slightly different, and yet you were expecting to see a fresh take on it but not change anything, which contradicts itself. You're saying that things feel different, well I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that, only thing I can think of are vehicles that feel different. Yes they feel different because they have better physics which allows every vehicle to feel different and appropriate for the kind of vehicle being driven. Where as in the original, they all felt the same and floaty. So why should we make the vehicles drive worse? So you dont like the UT3 version of RenX, I dont blame you, it is quite buggy and lacking a player base since our attentions shifted else where. All I can say is that with the stand alone version, you're in for a big suprised. What kind exactly is more dependant on what your opinion of moving forward is when it comes to C&C mode and Renegade.
  22. Saturday always tends to have something going on where I tend to be unavaliable, however sunday is the more calm day for me. So Sunday Afternoon is a good time for me.
  23. I didnt have any issues updating, strange.
  24. lol, yeah PM seems to be not working properly. TTFP!
  25. If someone else could do it, then that'd be great. I'm sorta occupied with plenty of tasks.
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