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Everything posted by Havoc89

  1. We don't want to rush it without proper testing first, but at the same time we don't want to take too long to fix critical issues. We will be letting you guys know when the patch is due in the near future.
  2. We respect the critiques from everyone, both new and old, and a lot of the times the vets can let the nostalgia factor keep them from seeing certain issues, but at the same time we know what to respect about what makes the game fluid. Everyone is welcome to express themselves, and legitimate/constructive criticism is always appreciated. If we tailor the game to just the vets, then we cant expect it to grow.
  3. You are still able to host 64 player servers, they just wont be listed in the browser for the time being. You can manually connect it using the "Enter IP" button.
  4. you have to use the scroll bar to scroll down so you can see the other resolution.
  5. How can I explain free aim? Play a shooter on the Wii
  6. Looks cool, good work. Planning on texturing it?
  7. Current version of UDK that we use (July 2013 Build) does have Mac support, so it should work.
  8. Yup, we thought of that, like I said in the podcast, I don't want to give away too many details because its still in an early phase, but we have kept the core intact. Your concern is very valid, and was one of our major concerns as well when we were planning it out.
  9. Believe it or not, but we did create a story for a "Renegade 2". It was not so much a prequel RA2 story but more of a sequel post Renegade pre-TibSun story. However it was more wishful thinking and not so much a plan. Black Dawn took our small team a while to make and it was quite smaller then our original plan for BD, so a full on story would have taken us ages to make.
  10. You cannot adjust them in black dawn, they menu was not fully functional. This has already been fixed for the upcoming multiplayer version.
  11. No there are no servers up for 0.55, and no Black Dawn is not online. We will be making an update sometime next month, as the multiplayer standalone release will be coming this year.
  12. Send me a PM, I think I may have something that you could try your hand at texturing on. This way I can better gauge where your skill lies for current gen.
  13. @Renardin, Hey, I am still not really convinced that you will be able to produce work that is up to current gen par. The other thing is that we do not have any un-textured models simply because we only take on artist that can handle creating something from start to finish. All of our artist are fully capable of modeling, unwrapping and texturing their own assets so we've never really needed anyone who just textures or just makes models. So even if you were the best guy in the world at texturing, and as much as I would like to have more artists on the team, unfortunately I don't think there would be anything for you to do. The only thing I can think of is re-texturing older assets that are not really up to par, but that is something we're intentionally staying away from because it can unnecessarily extend development time. @NowhereNews, If you want to make a track for renegade x then that is up to you. We don't have a remake of that particular track, but again, we have no idea where your skill set lies so its hard for me to give you a solid answer.
  14. EvoDube, do you have any thing that you can show that can ensure us that you are indeed able to help out?
  15. You have a portfolio site or anything like that Renardin? I know you've worked on Reborn for ever, but that's not exactly current gen graphics.
  16. Worry not, the public sphere has been pretty quiet, but that is because most of our updates were pretty traditional in the sense that we make a new model or something of that sorts, and that is the update. We're pretty much done that phase and are knee deep in beta testing and refinement state. So though the public sphere is dead quiet for the moment, internally we are just as productive as ever if not more so then before just because of how much feedback we're able to get on our progress from the phase 2 testers. We have been meaning to make an update, but we honestly don't really know what it could have at the moment. It is hard to make a news update when most of our work has been focused on performance / network enhancements, and gameplay balancing. We're focusing more on making the game fun and not frustrating in any way. Hopefully when release time comes it will show how much work we are putting into it on a daily basis. As per the website, we currently do not have anyone who is able to bring it back up or is willing to make a new one. If there is anyone out there willing to help us out with that we would appreciate it very much so.
  17. Well I am just asking for any sample pieces so that we can figure if you are suited for the job.
  18. Do you have a portfolio of sorts? any example work that we can listen to?
  19. Havoc89

    New forums!

    Finally the new forums are online Good work Jam and CoffeeBuritto!
  20. We only have a small hand full of environment artist, and maps can take a while to get done (properly with optimization, AI paths and what not). Usually with every beta test we find more bugs/issues with the maps and the artist who worked on them has to fix them up. So that does not leave much time for new maps to be made. Right now we have a very good number of maps that are close to completion, and we want to make sure that they are all polished before we bother with more maps.
  21. Nuke/Ion took 45 seconds in ren, and we are keeping the 45 seconds for you to disarm, but after the 45 seconds are up, there is a roughly 5 second time that you have to get the heck out of there because after the 5 seconds it will impact. So its not as "different" as you think it is, it is more or less the same, we only added 5 seconds at the end to make it look less ridiculous to disarm a nuke/ion when its right above your head.
  22. We had that in UT3 mod version as well. If you targeted an enemy they would show up in the radar, and we plan to keep that because it makes the radar a lot more effective. The idea for BFBC2/BF3 style spotting is just a thought at the moment, we are huge fans of battlefield and we do see just how effective spotting can be in a team oriented game, so we may give it a try when we get to beta testing phase with testers, because it is still up for discussion.
  23. Hey thanks, we very much appreciate support from fans. We are making this for you guys, and we are doing our best to get this out to you guys as soon as possible.
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