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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by HuskerDoggo

  1. thats not how you use twitter also thats pretty gay. my main only follows people i know and bots but i dont look at that tl, alt is private so thats only like 10 people will see it
  2. i dont have the followers to promote renx. but i have nothing to pin to my account so i might as well make a tweet and pin it. ugh have to come up with a text that sound sound super sellout or cringy and also find a good image for it
  3. in launcher settings (top right) click "reset game" this was a problem with updating from 2 or 3 patches ago
  4. in-game on the purchase icon of the unit/vehicle you should see a bit of the things it has and what its good for. And on the CT discord there are bot commands to get info about unit/vehicles, only i dont know all commands
  5. can you open the launcher and cancel the update, then going to settings in top right and clicking 'reset game'? I'm not sure what would happen exactly. As for the object reference error: from what I have seen is that most people get it once from updating the game, updating again after that should not give the error anymore.
  6. yeah i hate someone requesting a ride and i have no idea where they are. Especially walls sometimes when im in an apache. we could add an radial indicator like how damage indicator is (although damage indicator isnt that accurate)
  7. I know a game that has a lobby chat. Its super cancer. Just feels like reading youtube comments the whole time
  8. Currenty "i need repairs" displays a rep icon over your tank/character
  9. It might be a good feature to add your current location to some radio commands like "I need repairs" and "fall back" (only commands i remember). This can be good to let other repairs know what area need a rep or to tell friends in the area know they need to fall back in case of an enemy airstrike. However can also create problems. For example: someone ask for repairs and reps from another tank area leave to go to that person while there was already a rep over there who's just not paying attention, those tanks end up having no repairs anymore.
  11. dont we have a torrent that has the full game?
  12. I was just thinking of twitch clips like, with free camera movement to show highlights. They dont have to be anything fancy
  13. would be neat to have little clips of the highlights of PUGs. like how @LavaDr4gon makes his vids. (with the demos and all) for example the apache rush with wf infiltration or with @Quincy's hon kill you only get to see the full picture of that if those who infiltrated recorded.
  14. I have heard of a few stories where seniors were playing cod and battlefield
  15. So with the location survey let's find out how old the playerbase of Renegade X is too. You can probably get a more accurate and faster result from site analytics or something else but whatever
  16. That one match yesterday night, gdi was terrible at dealing with at inf on the top sides. Mrls' there werent even bothering to shoot us
  17. PUG's
  18. oh yeah i kinda forgot about just normal trailers as ads on like youtube
  19. I've never seen anyone actually clicking on a video gsme ad or even spending the time to look it up. Imo web/mobile ads only makes people want to play it less. There's also the big majority of people who know almost all ads are some kind of virus/scam ad. (I havent really read this thread much)
  20. I took the test but stopped at page 2 cause the questions were either stupid or i didn't understand. Also i totally don't give a shit about politics at all.
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