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Everything posted by goztow

  1. This was one of my favorite custom maps in Ren. IMO the original had a good, fast gameplay which was very straight forward. However, I'm not sure it would work with much more than 24 players. I think the best way to add an extra dimension in this map is to add flying vehicles and allow them to go over the wall. That way there are three potential attack ways: through the wall (infantry), underground (vehicles) and in the air.
  2. Well, some of us are still hanging around... But yes, real life got most of our time nowadays.
  3. Bottom line the side arms should not be accessible for techs and hotties. Shows again how hard it is to add new stuff that wasn't in old Ren.
  4. Offense should be encouraged, not defense, IMO.
  5. I am quite shocked to see the introduction of an anti refil measure. This is something I most definitely would not have done. I wonder how much frustration this will bring. Though I believe one should give all chances to offensive gameplay, this does not seem to me a good way to achieve this.
  6. Do not feed the troll plz.
  7. I do not have the courage to read it all throuh again. check here renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=71752
  8. Has been discussed. will not happen.
  9. Is it just me or is the airstrike already nearly useless at this moment?
  10. If you had actually played (there have been 2 releases, not hundreds), then u'd see how players actually start adapting to the new units. In my opinion, the game is fairly balanced at this moment, except for SBH's been too invisible (they should flicker when being shot at the very least).
  11. It will take you nowhere. There is a huge difference between investing nothing at all and investing a tiny bit. I enjoyed the game with the 'little' investment but you need a little bit of discipline.
  12. I do not think we need a low graphics version with high definition graphics. I think we need a high graphics version with low definition graphics. /troll
  13. I have played TA quite intensively for a while, with my clan mates. It was good fun but gets expensive after a while. I played two worlds, in the first world we were the number 2 alliance, in the second the number 1 alliance IIRC. I choose to "only" invest 5 € per month, but friends of mine invested much, much more. It's quite decent, but the fact it is so exponential, has as a consequence that it's nearly impossible to actually gain up on someone else. Strong gets stronger.
  14. So what Nod does is they do not use sbh and win because they have 4 players more than Gdi...
  15. More I play more I have the impression that the only real balnce issue for the moment lies with the sbh.
  16. Hmmm very strange, this should indeed not have happened. But the vote system completely depends on the users. You can simply rejoin though. And don't forget: the Internet is serious business!
  17. Everyone is having these issues. I'm afarid they will not be solved before a next release.
  18. Your idea of fun is not mine, obviously. I like a game tht is competitive and where good teamwork and gameplay can make a difference. Not a game where something as hazardious like a crate spawn can change the game completely. Crates should give small advantages imo. I do not like the idea and I do not like the way you call me an idiot. Does this surprise you?
  19. Insulting people who disagree with you does not help your case. I have problems with letting luck decide on something as important. If you really want a possibility to recreate buildings then let people capture a tech building that counts down for 15 minutes and then revives one building. if you loose it then the counter resets. No luck is involved then. I do not like the idea of reviving buildings altogether though as it is completely against the command and conquer mode idea.
  20. Yea let the whole game be decided by chance. While you are at it also make crates that destroy buildings. /sarcasm
  21. Funny. When the came was first released everyone was saying the MRLS was OP. A few months later everyone is saying art is OP. IMO they are more or less both OK for the moment. But the art could maybe have a slightly lower Rof. Do not lower the art's shell speed. We had that before and tbh it sucked. I fully agree on the sbh flickering.
  22. I say we limit the player count to 32 to prevent this!
  23. Why would you make bigger maps? If I read correctly then the huge chaotic clusterfuck is what some people want here. I have a different proposal. Just make a very small map for these people and have a 40p server with this map. Preferably just a little circle where everyone spawns right in front of each other. Oh and make it so this map is marathon and there is no way to end it. The more chaos the better, right? Or maybe not and these people should go find a different game...
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