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Everything posted by goztow

  1. You really should defend your refinery and pp. If you loose both you deserve to die. Te contrary is like saying you loose the dtrip but you should still be able to buy one vehicle per 5r minutes.
  2. Good stuff. Thanks to the developpers.
  3. It was confirmed that there will be an option to change the sound in a future release.
  4. I do not mean to feed drama. But the creators currently use tools. They could open up these toolz to someone who signs a Dna and only works on new.maps. let us be honnest, there are more urgent fixes to do than to create public mod tools. But imo new maps are a priority.
  5. The developpers have stated they would take map developpers in the team. That way they can get access to the tools before they are released. Publically. You should apply. I do not like your usual attitude but I am aware that is blatant trolling. Your maps is good so they should take you in.
  6. All maps have infantryo only paths. Sneaking in with infantry is a very common way to destroy buildings. You may enjoy servers with smaller numbers more if you think the game is too dependant on vehicles.
  7. Maybe we had a non public release.on Tk2 then. We had a partnership wih BI back then. EWD can confirm it. anyway does not matter anyway.
  8. Wrong. Rof was detected. As it was not 100 pct certainty it only spit a log warning though. A cumulation of rof warnings was a good indication of a cheat. But lag could sometimes trigger it.
  9. BIATCH doesn't catch Rate of Fire/rapid fire hacks and I never heard of it catching Nod players accessing GDI PT (don't think there is such a cheat in Renegade). RGH just has PT everywhere. It might actually have support for Nod player accessing GDI PT, but I'm not sure, it doesn't have a console message for it according to their docs and I've never heard about it. http://www.blackintel.org/renegade/proj ... lemessages ---- From the other thread... My examples obviously refered to a likewise use in RenX, not to biatch itself.
  10. -1 no please. It's already hard enough for attackers. Defenders should at leats have to go through some effort to defend their base.
  11. Well, what BIATCH used to do was server side validation of client sent information. For example: the client sends 10 Havoc rifle shots in 1 second. the server knows it should only be able to send 2 per second at the very most. User gets banned for rapid fire. Nod player accesses GDI PT. Server knows this is not possible and bans the player. Same with damage. It is not calculating the damage server side, but validating that it is possible or not. If it doesn't auto ban, it could spam messagesi n the logs about a possible cheater and let the server owners handle it. I don't say it is easy to implement but it sure as hell is possible.
  12. I'm an admin of TK2 and can confirm Darkgunkx has been playing legit for over 10 years on Ren. So I'll agree it was a name changer.
  13. We did two gunner rushes on Field already. one of them took the strip down.
  14. ME too. Only happens when I am in a vehicle. Strated a few weeks ago and only on big games so far.
  15. * that's where the fight for the silo on some maps comes in! * you always have your pistol
  16. We have been fighting SBH's in renegade for 12 years without a problem. The sprinting is much more an advantage for the defending team who can get to the nukes much quicker, than it is for the attacking team. The real nerf for the defending team is that it cannot use the PT from the outside of the building anymore. But TBH, strangely enough I have not missed that a lot in RenegadeX, thanks to the sprint. About mining: in Ren as well, the mine limit was 30. You need to make choices as to which doors you mine and how many mines at which door. At major advantage to the defending team in RenX is the mine counter that's displayed constantly! Put 1 or 2 mine at each door and 4 at the doors you cannot see. Keep track of the mine counter while defending. If you cannot counter SBH's in Ren / RenX, then I'm afraid it's more due to the GDI gameplay than due to the SBH being "OP".
  17. goztow


    I hope noone actually expected to keep the player base of the first week. If we can keep around 100 players online at any time in weekdays and around 250 in wekends, this is a great success already!
  18. And for what part of the game were you just standing there waiting?
  19. The problem is not the tick but it is the amount of points yoi get and the credits related to them.
  20. goztow

    Damage Chart

    Mybe you got it wrong. I find it disturbing that a pistol however heavy it may be can rip throuh heavy armour the same way it rips through light armour.
  21. goztow


    Jelly and rencorner made it more.expensive for sure.
  22. goztow

    Damage Chart

    I am puzzled as to why the heavy pistol deals the same dps to heavy armor as it doed to light armour.
  23. goztow

    Damage Chart

    This is great work, thanks to the OP! If I'm correct, the stank has light armour. Look at the DPS a heavy pistol does to light armour. Heavy pistols can tear through stanks like there's no tomorrow, right? It even does the same DPS on heavy armour...
  24. When refreshing it does not keep the order. That's a pity. Could you also show then umber of bots in the server? The join button does not work here.
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