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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. Danke für deine verspätete Antwort. 😂


    Hat mich sehr gefreut das zu hören. Möchte nicht, dass du dich mal über einen geklauten Code ärgerst😄


    Ich sage nur... Daybreak und assets.


  2. https://wiki.renegade-x.com/wiki/RCON#RCON

    #freedom for my Jacky!

    stop banning people for no reason <3

  3. http://prntscr.com/oqlolz well, I could bypass this. but there is no reason to
  5. Guess who's back
  6. this is exactly what sneakers need to distract the enemy team... just trigger the anouncement before throwing the EMP or before starting to shoot the MCT. for me it's a tactical element of the game. and like you said - there is a TAB overview for any player edit: there could be an announcement for own building armour breaks though
  7. these moments when Cabal announces "Hand of Nod ...." and you think it's all over, you'll start to sweat, heart beat going up, and then: "... repaired."
  8. and still - you can't really push a GDI APC around. unless you're a Mammoth using shift start buff while an APC can push things away, depends on the enemy driver and impact angle...
  9. probably depends on the financial success of C&C Rivals. they'll find people willing to play it since it's "free-2-play" on first glance
  10. based on the current physics RenX is using... there is no common sense to be found in this request:
  11. imo APC dmg vs vehicles is fine. especially if we're talking about GDI as they have meds & mammoth who can take down any Nod vehicle solo (exluding the Apache, given the pilot is not stupid). spread / RoF and cliff size buff ???????? the later two would be a heavy buff against anything. esp. vs GDI vehicles the GDI APC comes 2nd to the mammoth in regard of "nothing is able to push the vehicle out of the way*" if the push-ability would be added you'd cause the most silly physics problems, as the pushed away vehicles had to go somewhere, probably ending up in cliping together (resulting in unmovable vehicles for a time) or clipping / stucking in meshes... have to say that it might be funny though *if the GDI APC driver doesn't want it! ripped from @boxes Discord bot wiki
  12. nope. he passed the files to Sarah a while back.
  13. http://prntscr.com/jt9k0b @Xtractor
  14. Since 5.353 there's an issue with mutators (for me). Whenever I join a server running mutators I get an error "Unable to open the packages. Exiting." Wiping ....\Renegade X\UDKGame\Cache fixes it.
  15. whats this then: looks like negativity to me..... what was your intention with this thread if not asking for feedback (help) ?
  16. What's up schrott? Yeah, the last patch caused some troubles (again)... But I'm pretty sure that the devs are working on a fix for the (known) problems! ##### Look @dr.schrott, I love to rant too. Given I'm in the mood for that. But pure negativity doesn't help at all. You're throwing some buzz phrases around like nothing, but you're not mentioning any specific problems nor do you propose solutions here. Assuming [feel free to correct me, if my assumption is bullshit] you're upset due to the latest patch, let's take a look at the patch notes provided by @yosh56. Hmmmm, couldn't find anything that might be worth to be upset about in the patch notes. Sorry for your trouble. ##### Assuming [see above] you're upset due to the above mentioned problems, there is a feedback topic. If that doesn't help you, there is Steam / Origin / Uplay / Humblebundle / GOG - I'm sure you'll find a decent game for a little amount of cash. Your gaming hardware is probably able to run any of the latest hyped games anyway....
  17. happens whenever there is an update.... yh, the whole movement display / animation is totally fucked up while you're running / shooting / moving sidewards... really annoying new (LCG) taunts were added some patches ago PS: the map is called CNC-Sunrise, not Sunset
  18. Welcome back, commander @Enigmas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, what they basically did was: - implementing the old commander mutator into the core game - added some extra stuff as cruise missiles, EMP / Smoke airstrike / Off- & Def-Buff / ability to start / stop harvy / set waypoints for harvy, and more stuff. especially: commander-Q-spotting, which is super cool Anyway, cool too see you back dude!!!!!!! PS: uhm... the "Pillboxes" are just a Q-spotting area on certain maps (afaik). or they added some of Tonys meds to the game. not sure
  19. unless the Nod base entrance got narrowed (as on GDIs side) Field X will stay a map in favour of GDI. as Nod tanks just get wrecked by sieging GDI tanks before they can even leave their base (or reach the "safety" of the outer route rocks - which isn't a safe zone at all, compared with the same spot on GDI side -.- ). missing: "-Fixed the bad collision which pushes you away while running up to the central rock from GDI side of the tib field" GT positions remain unchanged? ###### the comming changes to Commander Powers are looking neat
  20. e.g. Islands - GDI has field control for... a long time. 75% of GDI is Elite, some Heroics. GDI base get's constantly solo or squad nuked by SBH. then a solo SBH nuker got lucky n hits the GDI barracks. all it takes is one player to change a map ....but it's not just that single SBH who changed the map, but the whole whole enemy team who didn't care (enough) about a solo nuke. PS: same story possible with sneakers
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